Round 2, Round 3 actions

From: Kevin

Subject: Map

He must not have finished Bio-shock.

From: Mark

Subject: Map

I want to clear something up. The map directions are mainly just for this battle. North is to the top of the map only becuase it is easier to relate to. So the east is to the right and the west is to the left. This is on this map only. The party was actually heading south west, but I find trying to put actual heading on maps confusing. So for this battle the top of the map is north.

And the enemies gate is down.

From: Mark

Subject: Creature update

I did also mess up which side the creatures are on. There are two large figures on the east side and one on the west side. Maximus and Squad Secondus are heading up the east side door while Squad Primus is going to west side door. Most of you are far enough away that this does not matter yet. However, I will assume that most people who did any type of attack made it on the east side, where there are two foes.

From: Mark

Subject: Salix

Karl In your instructions for Salix actions you say you will sacrifice Dispell Magic for a SNA II to summon 1D4+1 griffs. SNA II only summons one level 2 monster. SNA IV summons 1d4+1 level 2 creatures. That makes sense since Dispell magic is a 4th level Druid spell. So mark off the 4th level Dispell magic and I will have Salix do the SNA IV.

From: Karl

Subject: Salix

Right. That's what I meant. He's casting the lvl IV spell and summoning lvl II monsters to he should get more of them.

From: Mark

Sujbect: Round 2

Init: Harp (25), Surin (20), Maximus (18), Lady De Blum (15), Kal (14), Ranthir (12), Ally (12), Salix (7), H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, Legionaries (7), Creatures (E1, E2, E3) (7), Mund (5), Ragnar (5).

Harp takes cover behind a large boulder. His new bow in his hands, he knocks an arrow to the string and pulls back. With a grunt of effort he remembers that this bow took a lot more strength to pull then his old one. He sights down the arrow at one of the two creatures on the right and releases. Before the first arrow has struck the ½ orc has another in place and released. Unfortunately Harp's practice at the range did not include shooting up. Both arrows fly well beyond their targets (AC22, 2+8=10, miss, 5+3=8, miss).

Surin keeps near the edge of the pass and moves his way carefully up the pass. (Move to M51)

From the distance it is hard to see what Maximus does, but the doors at the bottom of the pass suddenly open and the Bhyoian leader rushes into the opening on the east.

The Lady's shrill voice raises several octaves as she commands Giaus "Get down off that damn horse and protect me."

Kal's horse continues its gallop towards the doors. (Move to F18) Using his knees to control the beast, Kal chants the mage arrow spell and directs it at the creature (E3) on the west parapet. His rapier pointing like a miniature lance, 4 glowing bolts of force streak from the point and fly right for the creature's chest. A loud howl goes up (damage 16) as they burn through the armor and into the flesh beneath.

Ran starts to move forward and up. (Move to I50, 5 feet in the air) As he does he pulls his crossbow and let's fly at one (E2) of the two creatures on the right (AC22, 19+8=27, hit, critical threat, critical threat roll, AC22, 4+8=12, miss, damage 5). The bolt grazes one of the creatures and the ½ elf quickly reloads.

Ally, cursing at the pain, jumps from his horse and moves to the protection of the boulders. Yelling as he goes "Mund, get over here. I'll be ok in a second and then I change you into a dragon." (Move to M56)

Salix continues his chanting and feels the power of his new connection with nature. 5 hippogriffs appear almost 50 feet in front of him. He calls to them and three of them fly to the east and two fly to the west. The winged creatures turn and with a deafening screech, fly at full speed at the creatures on the fortifications. The druid continues galloping towards the doors. (Move to G20)

The griffs wing it towards the creatures on the battlements, three to the east side and two to the west. The first (H1) flies at the figure (E1) on the parapet and lashes out with a claw as it moves by (AC20, 15+8=23, hit, damage 5). The second (H2) flies at the other figure (E2) but it ducks (AC20, 3+8=11, miss) as the talons rake the air above it. The third griff (H3) on that side flies by the first figure (E1) and also slashes at the figure with its claws (AC20, 19+8=27, hit, damage 5)

On the other side the two griffs strike from opposite sides, confusing the creature (E3). The first griff (H4) claws at the things back (AC20, 14+10=24, hit, damage 6) while the second one (H5) claws at its face (AC20, 15+10=25, hit, damage 7). The thing howls and grabs a great club.

The Legionnaires follow their leader and swarm through the two doors.

The three creatures strike back. The one on the left (E3) swings his club with a casual grace and knocks one of the griffs (H4) from the sky like a child hitting a nut with a stick (AC14, 6+16=22, hit, damage 17 , AC14, 4+11=15, hit, damage 15). The second hit is so powerful the creature is able to swing around and bash the other griff attacking its back (AC14, 1+11=12, miss). The winged creature is able to dodge out of the way, the club ruffling its feathers as it passes.

On the other side the two large creatures move a bit apart and also pull out their clubs and strike out at the winged beasts attacking them. The first creature (E1) bats at a griff (H1) (AC14, 6+16=22, hit, damage 18, AC14, 12+11=23, hit, damage 23). The thing bursts into an explosion of feathers and blood. The creature continues his swing and lands a solid blow on the other griff (H3) (AC14, 20+11=31, hit, critical threat, critical threat roll, AC14, 6+11=17,hit, critical hit, damage 41) and slams the other creature to bloody bits.

The second creature (E2) on the walls swings his club at the remaining griff (H2) (AC14, 19+16=35, hit, damage 17) and crushes one of the griff's wings. The second blow (AC14, 19+11=30, hit, damage 19) crushes the griff's skull.

Mund jumps off his horse and rushes over to where Ally is "You ok? Can you magik me now?" Ally shakes his head "Give me a few seconds. Those rocks hurt."

Ragnar clamps his heels to his horse's side and they gallop forward. He clasps his holy symbol and chants the summoning prayer. In the distance he sees Salix's griffs get knocked from the sky like gnats.

OODM: End round 2. I will try and get a map out tonight.

From: Karl

Subject: Round 3 actions

Salix is thrilled to see the grace of Obad-Hai send *five* hippogriffs to their aid, but that elation is brief as the noble beasts are turned to bloody senseless pulp. He should have summoned something more powerful. Hopefully their lives weren't completely in vain and their distraction perhaps saved someone from being crushed by a boulder.

Salix chatters to Noctis sending him into the air. "Fly high, my friend and stay out of trouble. Keep an eye on us."

Salix will dismount and send his mount to the relative safety of the wall. He will wildshape into an eagle again, and fly up to get a better view of the situation from above. He will be careful to stay well out of bashing range from the creatures, but he will be looking for any other threats, additional creatures, etc. He will also try to see if there is somewhere he could land that would give him a good spot to attack from while avoiding being an easy target.

(OOC - is there anywhere on the fortification, like a rooftop or rampart that is outside of clubbing range yet would give a decent line of sight to the creatures?)

From: Kevin

Subject: Round 3 actions

Damn, he had miss judged the angles. He had better focus this time. He fires off a couple more arrows.

OOC: Mark, Harp will keep firing until he sees some Legionaries show up on the top of the towers, then he will run up to join them as much as possible. However, if the Lady gets hurt, he will go to help her.