The Stallion, the test begins, the second test

From: Mark

Subject: The Stallion

The party waits in the clearing. The other centaurs move off to the edge, keeping a large open space around flint and the others. As they wait the party gets a better look at the camp. The buildings all look well built and well kept, even if they are fairly simple. A way to one side there is a large stone structure that looks a bit like an outside hearth. There is a wisp of smoke coming from it, so they figure it is a communal kitchen of some sort, since none of the other buildings have chimneys of any sort. Just beyond the kitchen area the ground slopes gently to a nice sized stream. There are a few small gardens spread around the border of the clearing but no other wildlife. Salix whispers "Centaurs are hunters. It is likely that their meat roams the woods and that they hunt daily.

Then, from the other side of the clearing, comes a thundering noise. The party turns as one and watches as 4 centaurs charge out of the woods. The one in front is easily the largest they have seen so far. Most of the males they have seen stand close to 7 feet tall, but this one is almost 7-1/2. He is larger than any of the others in the herd. The 4 centaurs gallop towards the party and just as they reach them, break off and gallop around the party in a circle. At first they are a good 10 feet from the party, but as they circle around they start constricting the distance. Soon they are 8 feet, then 5. Then they seem to be so close that the party members can almost feel the horse hair on their flanks. The dust and noise is blinding and deafening.

With out a verbal command the centaurs pull up to a stop and wheel to face the party with the largest one stopped in front of Flint. In a voice loud enough for everyone to hear the centaur bellows "Who dares to come to the Valley of the Herd of the Tree?" The challenge is obvious. Flint is up for the challenge "I Flint, MountainFather of the Great North Woods, dares come to the Valley of the Herd of the Tree. As has been the custom since the Tree was first founded, the Druids claim stewardship for the Tree. Who are you to naysay?" Flint's voice is clear, loud and defiant. The centaur responds "I am the Stallion of the Herd. My voice is law in the valley. I would crush you beneath my hooves like the crawling bug you are, but out of respect for those that have come before you; I instead challenge you to the four tests of leadership. Do you accept?"

Flint turns back to the party, so that only they can see his face, and gives them a wink. He turns back to the Stallion and replies "I accept, four legged son of a donkey. What is the first test?" The Stallion does not seem upset at the insult; however one of the three with him pushes forward, as if to accost Flint. The Stallion's response is swift and sure. He slaps the other centaur across the face with a stinging blow, rocking the younger creature back. "L'ton, the worm has accepted the challenge. Do not interfere." L'ton backs away, a look of anger on his face.

"Come, bug, and let us do the first challenge, the Test of Speed." The Stallion motions for Flint to step away from the party and the druid does. "Do you see that tree over there? The one with the two large branches close to the ground?" Flint nods. The tree is almost a mile away. "The first one to touch it" the Stallion continues "and back is the winner. Go." The Stallion takes off leaving a stunned Flint in his dust.

Flint is only caught off guard for a few seconds but the party starts to despair. The centaur moves faster than almost anything they have ever seen on foot. Salix, who has seen the cheetah run, realizes that the Stallion is easily that fast. How is Flint ever going to beat him? Flint stands motionless for a few seconds more and then his form shimmers. In the noon sun the form of an eagle now sits where Flint once stood. With a downbeat of his wings that raises dust clouds, Flint takes to the air. In seconds he has caught the Stallion and passed him. Powerful wings drive the MountainFather towards the tree. When he gets there, still well ahead of the Stallion, he shifts back to human form, quite clearly touches the tree, and shifts back to eagle form. The rest is anticlimactic. Flint beats the Stallion back to the starting point with ease.

When the Stallion returns there is a strange look on his face that quickly disappears. L'ton moves forward again "Stallion, the human cheated. Did you not see? He turned into a bird and flew." The Stallion turns to L'ton, signaling him to silence "There was no rule on how the person was to get there, so silence. Do not speak again, unless spoken to." The rebuff is harshly given. The Stallion turns back to Flint "Human, you have bested me in the Test of Speed. Well done. The next test is the test of Strength. Do you wish for time to rest and prepare?" Flint's answer is quick "I am not tired. Bring on the test."

OODM: I will write more later. If anyone wants to write up stuff for while the test is going on, you know discuss things amongst themselves that is fine. Ask Salix questions he might know the answer to, etc.

From: Mark

Subject: The test continues

"The Test of Strength" Salix hears Flint say under his breath. Salix looks at the other druid, seeing if there is concern there. There isn't. Flint has a small gleam in his eye. He's actually enjoying this, Salix thinks. "Come this way" the Stallion says as he moves to the other side of the clearing. A few feet beyond the edge of the clearing, just inside the tree line, is a large pile of logs and branches. The do not look like they were cut from trees, but more likely the remains of limbs that fell off during storms and such. There is one huge tree trunk in the pile that must be 4 feet across and 15 feet long. The Stallion points at it and says "The test is this. I will pick up this trunk and carry it to that spot over there." He points to a spot 10 feet away. "Time will be kept. Then you will have to carry it back, but in less time. Understand, two legged weakling?"

Flint nods understanding. "Who will keep time? Surely you do not think I would trust one of your herd in this?" "We will have one from each group keep time together" is the Stallions reply. "Is that acceptable?" Flint nods and turns to Salix "Who do you suggest?" "Allistair" Salix responds with no hesitation. "Go ask him if he will participate." When Salix asks him, Ally is honored to help. All of this is so new to him, a chance to see it up close is something he can not turn down. The mage steps forward and is handed a branch with which to beat out the timing rhythm. L'ton is the centaur picked to keep time for the centaurs. The two practice keeping a steady beat and are soon on count.

When the two are ready the Stallion takes his place next to the tree trunk. Harp whispers to Salix "Are centaurs that strong? There is no way I could lift that, much less move it." Salix replies "They are stronger than they look. The muscles on their legs are stronger than a horse's, and the back muscles keep pace. Still, I would think the log would be too large, even for him. He's got something up his sleeve." Ally and L'ton start their beat and the Stallion makes his attempt.

Salix is surprised when the Stallion reaches down and actually picks up the log. The strain is obvious, his muscles forming chords in his neck and back. His flanks ripple with effort, the tail swishing in exertion. Slowly the log lifts off the ground. A halting step at a time, the Stallion moves towards the designated spot. Once he almost stumbles but keeps his hooves about him. It seems like an eternity, but soon the huge log is across the line. The Stallion drops the large piece of wood on the ground and a thud vibrates through the ground at the impact. "Now, weak, puny two legged human, move it back."

Ally and L'ton are consulted on how much time passed and there is a disagreement. L'ton says it was 30 beats while Ally says it was 35. "This thing is calling me a liar" L'ton yells, starting to look threateningly at the mage. Flint steps forward "I will accept the number as 30." L'ton does a double take, as if he is not sure of what he is hearing. "You will?" his voice is incredulous. It regains some of its bluster "Well of course you will. I am right." Flint just smiles and moves over to the log.

Flint looks at Ally and L'ton and says "Start." At the first beat of the sticks Flint's form changes again. He hunches over and gets onto all fours. Seconds later a huge bear takes his place. Salix does not recognize the type of bear. Its face and limbs are strange looking, almost primitive. A large ridge of bone crests the eyes, looking almost like horns. It looks like some type of prehistoric grizzly bear. It gives out an ear shattering roar, bends over and picks up the log in two clawed paws. In its hands the log looks like a twig. The bear then roars and with a non chalant toss, throws the tree trunk 20 feet through the air, right past the line it needed to be at. The bear shimmers and Flint is back in his place. He casually pulls a piece of wood out of his hand "Damn splinters." Ally and L'ton give the same answer when questioned about the time: 7 beats.

The Stallion does not seem bothered by this. "Well druid, you beat me on that test. The nest test is the Test of Agility. Do you wish to rest?" Flint shakes his head "No, I am ready."

OODM: I might be able to get the next test done this afternoon if it stays slow at work. I will not get anything out tonight, since it is RL game tonight.

From: Karl

Subject: The test continues

Nothing from Salix at this time. He's just keenly interested in the procedure.

From: Porter

Subject: The test continues

I've got a few responses, but I have to take care of something this morning.

Quick question, though -- did we all see Salix's recent ceremony?

From: Karl

Subject: The test continues

Salix whispers to Flint, "what kind of bear was that? Can you teach me before we part?"

From: Karl

Subject: The test continues

If I understood correctly, everyone in the party was present for Salix's recent ceremony.

From: Mark

Subject: The test continues

As far as I knew everyone saw Salix's ceremony.

From: Porter

Subject: The test continues

OOC: In game terms, does it make a difference which aspect of druidness Salix chose?

From: Mark

Subject: The test continues

Not really. As far as I am concerned it is color only. Not that I might not make it important at some time in the future, but no, not a big deal at the moment.

From: Porter

Subject: The test continues

When Alley goes out to help with the timekeeping, Mund whispers to him "You might wanna fudge a little on the numbers. Can't be to careful."

Mund thought he had been impressed with the centaur's strength, but his jaw nearly hits the ground as he sees Flint turn into the biggest bear Mund's ever seen. I wonder what it feels like to turn into a bear like that. He wonders, then remembers his nightmare from the night before, and tries to think of something else.

From: Derek

Subject: The test continues

Allistair is curious what the centaurs are burning in the hearth. He highly doubts they cut wood here, and any community that tried to rely only on fallen/dead wood would quickly run out. Perhaps they burn their own dung? He thinks with a hint of amusement.