The plan for the fourth day

From: Karl

Subject Water weight

Regarding weight and volume, a pint of water weighs a pound. 8 pints to a gallon is 8 pounds per gallon. So 500 pounds of water is 62.5 gallons of water. Remember, though, that you have to also subtract Surin's weight from the total.

From: Karl

Subject Plan

(OOC - sorry for the delay. I was at the hospital all day yesterday while my mom was in surgery.)

Salix listens to the reports with interest, but was clearly anxious to get things moving.

"I hate these delays," Salix says to the group. He was used to moving boldly with the forces of nature and the authority of Obad-Hai. This sneaking was taking its toll on his confidence. "But once we find my people, we will likely have to make a quick retreat. I don't see how we can take on this Mayor and his forces ourselves. Ally, you should see what your familiar can find out and let us know. Harp, can you see a way for us to be ready to enter the basement and effect an escape if Ally's friend finds my people captive there?"

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Ok I am going to write up a turn this evening about the party spending the night and then tomorrow I will write up what Allys familiar finds out.

From: Mark

Subject Rope tricks and bags of holding

I just checked this.

Under the spell description for Portable hole there is a note.

It is hazardous to create an extradimenional space with in an existing extradimentional space or to take an extradimentional space into an existing one.

I would take that to mean that there may be problems with bringing the bag into the rope trick. Or at least with opening the bag within the rope trick.

I guess what I am trying to say, you might be allowed to bring the bag in but you would not be able to open it.

From: Mark

Subject The plan for the fourth day

Dinner drags on for hours as the eight discuss their day, what they found out and what they want to do the following day. Salix is even more anxious to get into the basement to see if he can find the Stormfather but Harp is able to convince him to wait one more day. "Salix" the half orc says "we now have two, maybe three, people partly on the inside of the Mayor's house. Surin here could probably get in easily enough. The rest of us could make it in quickly enough, between your control of nature and what Ragnar can do. Ally's idea of having Sysyphys go around and investigate is genius. Who would look twice at a little snake? That could give us a real insight into what we should expect."

Salix knows he is right. Charging in would like get themselves and Acer killed. "Here is my decision. We wait one more day. Allistair, you have your familiar look around while you are at the house tomorrow. I know the type of snake you have and it is not a night time creature. The daytime is better for him. Harp, you and Ran report back and do what they tell you to do. The rest of us need to get on a night time schedule. I think that it would be best if we strike at night, so I want the rest of us to stay up tonight, see if we can find anything out down in the bar of this place. Stay up as late as you like and then sleep during the day tomorrow. We may be going in tomorrow night, but more likely the night after. That way Ranthir here can get us a better idea of how the guards run things at night."

The druid looks around at them, staring each one in the eye. "The most important thing we have to do is rescue the Stormfather. Remember that." He points to Ranthir, Kal, Harp and Ragnar. "He knows where the next gem for the Crown is, so no matter how much you want to clean up this cesspool of a town remember this: If he dies, your chance of getting the gem falls to almost nothing and the world falls to darkness." Those four look at each other, remembering what their actual mission is. Each nod at the druid confirming their mission. "Ok Ally you head off to bed and discuss with Sysyphys what you want him to do tomorrow. The rest of us are heading downstairs."

Ally is woken early the next morning by the ruckus of the others returning to the room. Soon the heavy snoring from Ragnar and Harp is almost rattling his bed so he rises and cleans up for the day. He has a quick breakfast and is out the door as light starts shinning over the eastern horizon. He arrives at the employees gate, mixing in the small crowd of other scribes that are heading in for a long day at the copying table. He hangs back a bit, trying to be the last one in line, and as he approaches the servants entrance he steps off the path a bit and feels Sysyphys slide off of his leg and into the grass. "Stay safe my friend" he whispers and he barely hears the hiss from the snake as the creature moves off on his mission.

OODM: I will write more about Sysyphys's mission tomorrow. I will also send messages to any one who found out anything new.