Council talk, the council concludes

From: Karl

Subject Coucil talk

(OOC - Mark, what is the racial makeup of the Druids of the Great North Woods. I believe you said the druids of the south are largely Elves, but I've been working under the assumption that most of the GNW druids are human, with a sprinkling of other races and few if any Elves, or perhaps that the Elves among them are (for various reasons) Elves only racially and not really culturally. Salix is half-Elf, but knows almost no Elvish and very little about Elvish culture. If there were many Elves among the GNW druids, that probably wouldn't be the case.)

From: Mark

Subject Council talk

It is mainly Humans and a few halflings. There are a scattering of 1/2 elves, mainly those abandoned by their human monther because of racial tensions.

From: Mark

Subject Turn

I was waiting to hear from Josh, but if nothing is in by lunch I will write something up then.

From: Josh

Subject Turn

OOC: I've been avidly reading everything that's been going on, I just haven't had anything for Kal to do in particular.

From: Mark

Subject The council concludes

The druids talk amongst themselves for a few minutes and then turn to the party. Bindle speaks again. "As loathe as we are to do so, we accept your conditions. We will tell Salix all that we know and then we will count on his discretion as to what information you will need. We thank you for your assitance." This last bit is said with a forced tone of voice but the druid is able to get it out. It is obvious that the druids are not used to asking for help when it comes to their forest.

Before the rest of the party leaves Bindle answers Surin's question. "We have not had any serious problems with Bodentown, any more than we do with a dozen such towns all around the Woods. They are a bit more agressive than most, probably because they are a free city, beholden to no lord or King. Any agreement we make with them only lasts until the next "Mayor" takes power." He takes a breath and continues. "What to expect? You have just come from Gorn, right?" Surin nods his head. "Well, take everything you know about Gorn and turn it upside down. Bodentown is much like the depths of the forest, the strong survive and grow, the weak do their best. The only differnce is that the forest does not enjoy what happens there, and the people of Bodentown seem to."

"Now we will hold private council with Salix and on the morrow your party will depart."

The meeting is over and Flint leads them back to a series of tents/huts where their gear has been stored. Several hours later Salix joins up with them for dinner.

OODM: I will be filling Karl in on the meeting and he can pass along what he likes.

From: Porter

Subject The council concludes

Mund had something he wanted to say before the council was over. How shall I write that up?

From: Kevin

Subject The council concludes

Harp, with Ragnar's consent, will ask Salix if the Druids might be able to part with any supplies they might think useful in the woods. (He is thinking along the lines of antidotes to any well know poisionous animals or plants or such. While the Druids will be familiar with these creatures, most of the rest of the group is not).

From: Porter

Subject The council concludes

As Salix is leaving to the "private council", Mund pulls him aside.

"Hey. I don't figger they'd wanna hear more from me, but when you're palavring with them, can you see if you can get any healing potions or somesuch from them? Without the scrolls and spells given to us the first time, we might not have made it out of that place alive. The same might be true here."