Surin and Ragnar testify, Rangar and Mund's day off

From: Josh

Subject Allistair's testimony

After Allistar's testimony, Kal turns his head and nods, as if to say thank you.

From: Porter

Subject Allistair's testimony

OOC: Minor point of fact: That ogre didn't charge us until Mund had already shot it with an arrow. We ruthless killed it without trying to parlay.

From: Porter

Subject Mund's time off

A huge, foolish grin breaks out in the large man's face as he's given the axe. He looks around at his companions, hoping to find someone to share his joy with him, but everybody else is busy admiring their own shiny new toys.

As he sees Harp, he is silently glad that he didn't insist on keeping his sword. That orc really came through this time.

Well, it was mostly Lothnar, but still. Mund feels a tinge of regret that that prick got destroyed when they left.


After the ceremony, the party breaks up, with everybody checking out their new stuff. Mund figures that it will be like his everburning torch, which is kinda like fire, but gives off no heat. To his surprise, it's not just magic cold -- it's real cold!

None of his companions see much of him for the next few hours. They see him run to and from the kitchen several times, but other than that he spends his time closed off in his room. When he emerges, he has several bowls with goop in them and begins passing them out to everbody.

"This is what we call "iced cream". During the summer, we'd go up into the mountains and bring a load of ice packed in sawdust. With that ice, we'd make this treat. We'd have somebody on the lookout for the team of horses and wagon coming down the trail, so that all the ingredients would be ready as soon as they arrived. We'd hurry up and use the ice to make the iced cream, and then eat it immediately. Within half an hour of arriving, all the ice and iced cream would be gone. It took a tremendous amount of work for this little treat."

"But this here I made with with my new axe," Mund says with a grin. "It's suppos'ta hurt people with the cold, but I was able to make it cold without hurting nobody. Let me tell you -- this is going to change how I cook out in the wild."


After the iced cream is gone, Mund approaches Salix. "I reckon I'll probably be heading off soon. I'm just sticking around right now so I can testify against that dirty elf Kal. But before I go, I was wondering if we could wrassle again. I've thought about how easily you whupped me last time, and I think I can give you a run for your money this time. You game?"

From: Derek

Subject Allistair's testimony

OOC: I didn't read that far back in the archives. Sorry. Slight ret-con on Allistair's testimony.

RETCON: "Of course," Allistair replies, switching back to Common. "I generally agree with the facts as presented by my peers. However, there are a few details that I would like to add. Being a wizard I must have an exacting memory, and I beleive the judges should have the most accurate facts in their possesion. We had only been in Lothar's test for a few hours, and we had no idea what types of challenges were before us. We had just previously checked out the first door, where we determined that there was a very angry ogre in the room. At Harp's judgement and order, Mund baited the ogre with an arrow, at which point it charged into a trap where we quickly dispatched it. We knew not but that we would have to kill every creature in this place for us to be able to safely leave."

From: Porter

Subject Allistair's testimony

The reason why it stuck in my mind so much was because I remember Mund being quite the hypocrite by being holier-than-thou towards Kal about killing things that don't need to be killing when he had been perfectly willing to kill the ogre without giving it a chance.

From: Ashley

Subject Surin's testimony

This is Surin's trial testimony, which Mark didn't get so I'm sending it to him and the game email to make sure:

Surin concentrates on his fingernails as he sums up the events leading up to the battle with the grimlocks as best as he could remember -- examining and listening at the door, Salix's conversation with the grimlock, and Mund and Kal's arguments leading up to Mund pushing Kal on the other side of the doorway before the grimlocks shut the door behind them. Recounting the facts helps Surin recall the emotions associated with it as well, and he breathes deeply, ready to face those listening to the proceedings and give his own input.

"From what I saw, Kal endangered himself and another member of the party, belittled an at-the-time legitimate attempt to parlay and went against Harp's authority to command all in one fell swoop. Whether or not it was right to try and storm in like he did, it wasn't his choice to make. Harp was in command of the mission, not Kal, and Harp's orders were for everyone to wait for Salix to try and solve the situation without violence, and Kal seemed to think that wasn't good enough.

"The altercation set a bad tone for the rest of the experiences at the training grounds that really didn't need to be there. It's hard enough to battle creatures every day for as long as we did when everyone gets along and tries to work together. But if there's dispute and one-upmanship and distrust, then it gets even worse, and doesn't serve any purpose but to provide a weakness for whoever wants to kill us. I'm not sayin' people in the party should never disagree, but sometimes you gotta compromise and put what's good for the group above any desire one might have to be right or do what they think is best. Kal's rash behavior stirred up a lot of bad blood that I still don't think has quite dissapated, and that sort of distraction is dangerous in places like the training grounds.

"If Kal were to admit his actions were wrong and tried to make it up to everyone involved, I'd consider justice well-enough'ed served. He's a great fighter and his skills would prove very useful in whatever we're up against in the future, and I know he's a decent sort of fellow. But if Kal can't find it in himself to do this, and to work on making sure it doesn't happen again..." Surin looks over at Kal, takes a deep breath, and continues, "well, I can't help thinking he'd be happier parting ways from us, regardless of what is decided here."

From: Josh

Subject Kal's trial

I know Kal has to speak for himself, but I expected Mark to let me know when I should get that going. I wasn't sure if the judges wanted to say something first. Did everyone else send in their testimonies?

From: Mark

Subject Kal's trial

I think all the major parties have made their comments except for Salix's, as far as I can tell. Once Salix has made his testimony, then Josh can do his defense. Then the council will make their decision.

From: Jason

Subject Ragnar's time off pt. 2

Half an hour later, Ragnar leaves the shop considerably richer than he'd gone in. He'd gotten a good price. Nearby he exchanges some of the gold for a good amount of silver, replacing the rest in the belt pouch under his robes. This time he knew where he was going, but it took some time anyways. Gorn was a big city, and the poorer parts were far removed from the resplendent temples of the gods. That had bothered him at first, until Brother Orlparl had explained to him that when the temple was first built, it had been in the poor section. Over the course of hundreds of years those with money had bought out the poorer types, and now the order simply maintained charity services in the poor sections.

During the next few days, the silver and gold disappear as he spends long hours among the poorest and most hopeless of the city. In Gorn, even those with no money were not allowed to starve of course, and serious efforts were made to protect their homes, such as they were, from criminals, but it was never enough. Over the course of 5 days, he fed hundreds of people, hired builders to renovate dilapidated buildings, healed many who were suffering from nameless diseases, restored the sight of a man who'd been blinded two years earlier in an accident, and saved the life of a man who was robbed, stabbed, and left for dead in an alleyway.

He'd spent one entire morning shaping the foundation of a small house for a widow with young children, she stone molding like clay under his hands. Late one evening as he was heading back to the temple, a young thief stumbled from a rooftop and came crashing down in a nearby alley, breaking a leg and several ribs. He'd healed that man too (after confiscating all the valuables he was carrying) and before returning home found the rightful owners and returned their property.

From: Jason

Subject Ragnar's time off pt. 3

The week passed, and the money was eventually exhausted, and the morning of Kal's trial had arrived. Ragnar awoke early, as was his custom. He didn't know that he could add anything to what his companions would say, but he was supposed to attend that afternoon and so he would go. He had several hours before that, however, and first he needed to decide how he himself felt about his elven comrade. To that end, he found a small, empty chapel and knelt before the altar. He paid his respects to Heironeous every day of course, multiple times, but it had been too long since he'd had the chance to pour out all his troubles before his god, placing them all on his altar with the faith that he would receive the help he needed. He laid out everything he knew of the elf, of his skill, of his rash personality, of the problems he had with other members of the party.

Finally his thoughts turn towards his own conduct during the mission. He was well aware that on several occasions he had allowed pride to overrule his better judgment. That had clearly been the case when battling the trolls; he *had* done well, but at the end he'd wanted to close with the last one himself, and only the fact that Ran had moved faster than him had kept him from getting in the way of the skilled warrior. That was not his calling, he realized. A memory swells to the surface of his thoughts; they were fighting the ghasts, an enemy against which his god gave him powerful blessings, and his faith had failed him. Why had it failed him? It was not that Heironeous had lacked the power, for moments later he had succeeded in calling down the divine wrath. It was because he had earlier confided in his own strength, and found that confidence shaken when his strength had not been great enough.

I will remember, he promises. Although my sword is a tool in my hand as I am a tool in thine, it is only a lesser tool as I am only one of the least of thy many servants. Thy true power is only displayed when I act only as a channel for thy will.

*That is right* says a small voice inside Ragnar's head.

Leaping to his feet, he looks around the room wildly, finding no one. He continues looking for several seconds, trembling, before kneeling carefully before the altar once again. "What is right?" he asks, a little timidly.

*The divine will cannot be displayed by you, but through you, Ragnar Stonehands. You have told what you have learned while journeying through the Wildlands. But what have you learned in this last week?*

Ragnar ponders that question for several minutes. Finally he answers, "I have learned that wherever I am, I can serve thy will. Helping the poor has been no less thy will than finding the gem from the crown of Valorshield was."

*That is right. At times it is given to you to serve in one way; at others, in another manner. There are those who will never be given the opportunity to do great and noble deeds, but they are no less instruments of the divine will then you. Though you and Harp are the only two among you sworn to the service of Heironeous, your companions also fulfill that will.*

"And what of Kal? Does he also do thy will?"

*You wish to know if the judges should allow Kal to continue to accompany you.*


*Do you wish for him to accompany you?*

Ragnar had not been sure, when he entered the room, but he had finally put his thoughts in order. "Yes, I do. He is rash, but have I not also acted foolishly? He is blind to the potential for good in even the evil races, yet when has he ever had the opportunity to find otherwise? Who has been his Trilug, to help him find that spark of goodness? Was I not myself able to overcome that hatred? I now travel with Allistair and Mund, two humans, and of the Wildlands no less! At one time, they would have been my hated enemies; I would have feared and despised them. Yet through thy grace, I have moved beyond that. Kal's heart is good. I hope, and believe, that he can continue to do thy will."

With a start, Ragnar realizes the voice has gone. Still trembling from head to toe, he makes his way back to his room. He had not been told, he suddenly realized, whether or not Kal should, or would, continue with them. But then, that was not what he had asked. He had wanted to know his own heart, and Heironeous had revealed that to him clearly.

Arriving in his room, he sprawls out on the bed, waiting for the trembling to subside, wondering if it ever will. He hears the voice in his mind over and over again, questioning, probing, testing. Would he be content to serve as a channel for Heironeous's will?

Suddenly he sits up. It made sense now! Grabbing his book from the top of his dresser, he pulls it open to the page he'd been reading so long ago. Of course, now it was clear. He had been reading the description of a battle long ago, Valorshield fighting side by side with one of his trusted advisors, a powerful cleric. His small bodyguard was being overrun on all sides, and they both seemed doomed to die, when suddenly the cleric said a few words and suddenly their foes were dropping all around them.

For 10 paces on all sides, his foes were on the ground, and those few that still lived were blinded, while Valorshield and his bodyguards were entirely unscathed. He had not understood how this could be; they were not undead, to be turned, and clerics did not call down fireballs or lightning, as he had seen Allistair do, and even if they could it would have engulfed them all. But this was not magic; the cleric had merely acted as a conduit for divine power, and Heironeous's horrible wrath had smitten the evil ones while leaving the good unharmed. Ragnar knew that his faith and understanding was now strong enough that he could imitate this feat, and several others that had never been clear to him before. Giving a brief prayer of thanks, he hurried from the room to attend Kal's trial.

Ragnar arrives just in time to hear the opening remarks, and waits easily through the testimonies of various witnesses. He worried for his friend somewhat, but had high hopes for the outcome of the trial. He had thought briefly how Kal would handle the accusations. He could imagine Kal leaping to his feet to shout defiance at those who accused him, but was unsurprised when he sat coolly listening throughout the testimonies. (ooc: I'm assuming he does so, since it hasn't been written up yet.) It was easy to picture Kal doing it, but he knew that Kal saved that sort of defiance for those he considered his enemies. The rashness that Ragnar had so long associated was not lack of discipline- far from it, in fact. It was simply that Kal didn't see the need to apply his impressive self-discipline in some situations his companions thought he should.

When it comes time for him to testify, Ragnar will lay out the facts that he knows (which is somewhat less than Salix, Surin or Mund would know, since he was somewhat distant from the skirmish at first.) After doing so, (if its at all appropriate in this trial setting, which it may not be,) Ragnar says "It is my hope that Kal will continue to assist us in our quest. Others have attested to his martial prowess, but all I will add is that his heart is good, and he wishes to oppose evil. I am confident that if the room had in fact been full of blind beggars, Kal would not have acted as he did. His conduct is honorable; his very presence at this trial confirms that he keeps his oaths. If he gives his word to follow the orders of our leader in the future, I for one would support giving him the chance to do so.

Kal's trial, Ally's, Surin's and Salix's days off

From: Karl

Subject Salix's testimony

Salix remains quiet throughout the trial. Despite being half-Elf himself, he feels more out of place in this setting than he did in the whole of the battleground. When his name is called, he takes the stand quietly and speaks:

"You have heard already the details of the circumstance that led to the charges. I won't dispute any of them. What I can add, though, is that I was given a charge from our appointed leader, Harp, which was foiled directly by the actions of the accused. Some in my group have intimated now or back in the battle ground that because of what types of creatures turned out to be the victims of Kal's random violence it is somehow less severe. In my training, all creatures who dwell in our world, whether under its Sun, it's oceans, or in Cities, or in the dark, dank places beneath us, all of these are creatures are of nature and have a place therein. I won't dispute that many have a nature that leads them (especially in groups) toward certain tendencies we may find beneficial or troublesome, but that should not allow any of us free reign to destroy on sight (or even less in this case). This is especially important when a creature has the ability to communicate in a common tongue.

"No one here," and Salix looks pointedly at the Judges and military leaders in the room, "No one can say for certain that these creatures would certainly have attacked us if we had been genuine in our appeal for peace, (indeed, if we had been able to actually offer it).

Perhaps these creatures are known for viciousness and lack of sympathy or mercy. There are other creatures who, as a group, have such a reputation," here he looks toward Harp. "But you have all seen that when given the proper chance and guidance, such natures can be shaped towards compatible ends. Harp showed leadership and wisdom far beyond anything even I would have expected from an Orc among the other races, but his Orcish strength, cunning, and steadfast pursuit of the goal was instrumental in the success of our mission.

I offer this, not as a digression, but to show that at least from one point of view what Kal did was *not* any more excusable because the victims were not 'blind beggars'. And as to Kal's state of mind, there were times during the rescue of Rochelle that I thought Kal would kill Harp if given half a chance to do so simply because of Harp's 'nature'. We can see how poor that judgment would have been. Is it too hard to imagine his rashness might not have caused a slaughter where one could have been avoided? The truth is, we'll never know what might have been.

"I know that your ways are not the way of the Druids. Were I to stand accused as Kal is, I would expect to be stripped of my status and probably shunned by my community if I showed as little remorse for willful disobedience ending in slaughter. However, I also realize that Kal has not taken the oaths I have taken and therefore should not be judged by them. Although I appear to be the only one who speaks for the true victims of his rashness and disobedience, I make no demands of this court. Do with Kal as you see fit. If necessary, I can work beside him in the coming troubles, but I would have a hard time trusting him to follow me, and I could never serve under him, at least not so long as his primary loyalty seems to be himself."

Salix turns and takes his seat.

(OOC - Mark, if it's OK, I'm going to assume that Salix has spent the last week in the garden and in the forests around the city. He's still awaiting word from The Order from the Great North Wood. I'll write up that scene and his leveling as taking place after the testimony, either while the court is adjourned or after the verdict, if one should come quickly. You can go ahead and send that turn. Hopefully I can get my leveling turn in tomorrow. Sorry for the delays. I'm a bit swamped at work and at home.)

From: Jason

Subject Ragnar

Incidentally, I'm looking forward to Ragnar's first time using Holy Smite. He's under the assumption that everyone in the party is basically a good person, and while no one is actually evil, there are a few neutrals amongst us :)

From: Porter

Subject Mund and Salix

Karl, did you get my post where Mund asks Salix to wrassle again?

From: Mark

Subject Mund and Salix

Yes, sorry. Trying to deal with too many things at once today.

Salix will accept Mund's challenge. (When does this take place? Before or after testimonies?)

Salix asks, "Would you like to 'wrassle' a bear? Or something else this time" ;-)

You can write up the match if you want.

From: Porter

Subject Mund and Salix

OOC: I dunno when this should take place. I'm fine either way.


"Well, you kicked my butt as a bear. Iff'n you've got something tougher than a bear, I think I'll wait until I can hold my own with your bear."

OOC: Anbody want to write this up, or shall I do it again? I probably won't be able to do it until tomorrow.

From: Mark

Subject Mund and Salix

If you want I will work on it tonight.

Make sure that all the relavant stats are updated on Sakeriver

From: Mark

Subject Kal's trial

As far as I can tell we have heard from all the witnesses.

Josh, you can write up Kal's defense and then I will write up the conclusion.

From: Karl

Subject Salix's days off

Write it up for just after testimonies. I'm working on Salix's leveling which I will make take place immediately after the wrassling and before Salix knows the verdict. He'll find out what happens with Kal when he gets back. (Mark you can go ahead and write that up if you want.)

From: Josh

Subject Kal's defense

After everyone else finishes, Kal rises to speak for his actions.

"The events were as everyone described. Allistar's recollection wasthe most accurate, and the story I would tell matches his, although heleft out some very important details.

I was uncomfortable negotiating through the door. Either we had to kill the creatures inside or we didn't. If they were evil, we would kill them. If they were benevolent, we wouldn't.

In either case, negotiating through the door did us no good, and had the potential to cause us harm.

If they were malicious in nature, our conversation was only serving to give them information they didn't have and give them time to prepare for the coming fight.

If they were good natured, then they wouldn't be enraged to combat at the sight of a human, a half-human, and an elf. Especially considering our armament. We would just be negotiating face to face, without any secrets or fears.

However, this was not enough for me to act unilaterally. I spoke my mind to Salix and Mund, and told them how I felt. I hoped for us three to make a descision together to open the door immediately, but I would have bended to the will of the majority.

That is, until Mund said something that deeply disturbed me, something that made me afraid that he would betray the mission for his own motives.

As others have testified, I said that these were likely creatures of evil intentions, orcs or goblins it seemed to me at the time, and that we needed to slaughter them without mercy if that was the case. My exact words were:

`Friend Salix, you're wasting your time with these creatures. They're pawns of chaos and evil. Treacherous to the core. Lets kill them quickly. If we return them to their homes they're probably be out pillaging and raping in a week.`

Munds response will forever be burned into my mind:

`Oh, that's rich, coming from an Elf. I've seen first-hand how kindly your people deal with others. I've seen the burned villages and dead bodies."

"Yes, orcs and goblins are known for their banditry. But what's not known is that it is carefully orchestrated by the elves."

"Orcs and goblins aren't even allowed in most cities. And when they group together to try to raise some crops, you dirty, cowardly, manipulative elves come and destroy their villages, including the women and children."

"The only way that an orcish or goblin community can hope to survive is by turning into what the Elves want them to be -- theives."

"Oh, yes. The elves want the orcs and goblins to be bandits, because that keeps everybody else afraid and more maleable for the sneaky elves to manipulate them."

"Maybe there are some people around here who deserve death because of their blood, but they aren't on the other side of the door. They are right here.`

Kal stops speaking for a moment, allowing Munds words to sink in, and then repeats, louder this time:

"Maybe there are some people around here who deserve death because of their blood, but they aren't on the other side of the door. They are right here."

Again, he lets these words echo throughout the chamber before he continues:

"Once I heard him speak those words I no longer trusted in his loyalty to the mission, and I doubted, and still do, Mund's loyalty to our cause. I felt he was even capable of taking up arms against us if it suited him."

And so I acted immediately to prevent any betrayal. I opened the door to reveal what was inside and to prevent any trechery on Mund's part. Mund, the fool, tackled me from behind, and left us both stranded in the room, in the dark, with an unknown amount of some unknown creatures.

Mund is the one who endangered our mission, not I. He is more deserving of a trial today than I am."

Kal continues:

"I am shamed that I even need to say these following words, but I will for the sake of clarity. There was never any danger of me killing an innocent creature. I would not attack until attacked or until I saw with mine own eyes that they were creatures of evil."

Kal pauses to gather his thoughts, and then continues:

"My fears about Mund's loyalty were confirmed when we reached the chamber of Lothanar. We were presented with a choice; we could take the Gem, or we could take a table full of treasures. Harp asserted that, as the leader of our group, he would speak for us all and take the Gem. Mund didn't seem to like the idea of that one bit. He responded:

`Not so fast, orc-boy. You ain't my leader. Hell -- you ain't a real leader of anybody -- you were appointed. A real leader takes leadership or is given it by those who follow. I sure ain't given you no leadership, and,` at this point he grabs his Axe, `you ain't orc enough to take it from me.`

My actions were always for the best of the mission, and through that for the best of the elven nations. I did no wrong, and I stand by every one of my actions in the testing grounds."

Kal sits after saying this, eyes forward, his thoughts seemingly far away. To anyone looking closely, his eyes reveal his sadness.

From: Ashley

Subject Surin's time off

Here is Surin's level-up turn, with slightly fewer grammatical errors than when I originally sent it. Enjoy!

Surin makes a line in the dirt with his heel, lining his toes up to it before letting loose towards the target. With a satisfying clunk his hatchet stuck out right in the middle of the unsuspecting tree trunk, just like he thought it would. Tentatively, he takes a few steps back from his line, pulling out his other standard hatchet. He grits his teeth, and throws it as hard as he can. Unsurprisingly, it goes wide and low, landing blade-down in the ground about a foot from where he wanted it.

Unable to resist any longer, he draws his new gift from Lothnar. The shiny new hatchet had a different heft than his old ones, and he swings it a little in front of him to get a feel for it before turning his attention back to the tree trunk. Then, taking a deep breath, he throws it as hard as the last one. It twirled through the air and hit just under the first hatchet in the tree trunk, right where he wanted it to go. With a whoop, Surin almost runs toward it, barely remembering to mark another line with his heel. He spends the rest of the morning testing out the limits of his fancy new toy, delighting in every step backward he could take. He keeps practicing until he can eyeball the hatchet's sweet spot, the farthest he could get before risking its accuracy.

Surin took the afternoon to unwind, walking around the merchant's quarter getting a few sundries and looking around for something to burn his earnings on. He found himself picking through mounds of crud that some lower-end merchant tried to pass off as heirloom valuables. Useless trinkets made to look rich with a spot of paint, and then sold to unsuspecting folks who didn't know better. A poor farmer's wife looked longingly at a 'priceless' string of pearls until Surin managed to point out an obtrusive scratch straight to the glass marble underneath the luster. The woman left in something of a huff, not even noticing the extra weight in her coin purse that wasn't there earlier. Everybody deserved something pretty for themselves, Surin figured, even if that something was the satisfaction of making ends meet with a few coins to spare. Maybe it would giver her enough surplus to treat herself to something authentic down the line.

The last booth in the row Surin might have missed completely, if it weren't for a chance glance towards the ropes of braided...was it hair?... hanging over the booth's frame in every color seen in nature, and several that weren't. Wigs, ready-made beards, eyepatches, scarves, even face paints...all number of things with the unassuming label of "Novelties", but Surin knew better--the man dealt in disguises.

Spotting Surin coming towards him, he started in on a demonstration of a curious wax he'd procured (with great effort and at much cost), warming it between his hands like clay and laying it to rest on the back of his hand, his business pitch acting as background noise. Within a few minutes an array of products left his hand covered in warts, scars, and liver spots. Surin was humorously reminded of the phoney jewelry salesman he'd just removed himself from--putting a false sheen on a simple surface to fool the onlooker seemed to be the norm for the vendors in this particular area. But he had to admit the man was some kind of artist--only upon close examination could Surin see where skin ended and the false surface began.

"Should I be wrapping anything up for you, Master Halfling? I just happen to have a special today on some skin-lightening powders--today only I might add..."

"--I'm just browsing, thanks," Surin said. "All that getup seems a lot of get away with it I'd almost have to belong to..."

"--the circus? But ain't you with that crowd running the bigtop outside town? Plenty of the performers been coming my way since last Tuesday..."

Surin stared hard at the man for a full minute as the merchant babbled on obliviously. He snaps out of it, then manages to get the man's attention with a hearty laugh and a slap on the table. "Well sir, I do believe you have me convinced. I'll buy a bit of everything, if you don't mind showing me how you made your hand look like that. Should make for a good trick for some family members of mine."


It took a while, but he caught on quickly, and before the sun had started to set the merchant insisted his own mother wouldn't be able to recognize him. Surin figured anybody who really knew him would recognize him instantly, but he kept his hood up and made his way to the edge of the town towards the familiar-looking tent, giving the tired-looking doorboy the silver piece for admission and quietly falling in with a crowd of drunken dwarves before realizing that his disguise was actually working. He settled himself in the back row and, still keeping his face hidden, and watched the show as a spectator for the first time.

The Bitteroot family circus was, amazingly enough, almost exactly the same as when Surin had left it all those months ago. Lily's hair had all grown back from that mistake during her fire-twirling act, and most of the young ones had developed flashier moves or better jokes. All were sporting goods from Surin's "Novelties" vendor. But the acts, and the people, never changed.

Not even the pickpocket trying to separate his from his hard-earned gold. With one lightning-fast whip from Surin's hand, the would-be thief got a knock to the head sharp enough to shake the moneybag from his grip, catching it and testing its weight in his other. "You don't try to play a player, son" he said, trying to keep his voice gruff, but he knew the jig was up. He moved his hands to hush the mouth just as it was about to exclaim, "Uncle Surin!"

"Kinnit, hush!" he whispered, smiling, reciprocating the embrace the young halfling was happily dispensing. They moved out of earshot through a convenient flap in the tent. "Would've thought you learned your lesson the last time I caught you trying to do that, eh?"

"Pshaw, nobody's caught me since the last time you knocked me upside the head..." He smiled, and Surin remembered why he liked the kid. "What ever happened to you, Surin? Mama said you ran off with some tree hugger and went and got yourself killed. What are you doing back here?"

"Your mama was almost right more than once," Surin said darkly. "I've been...doing a favor for a friend, and some other business. I'm in town, thought I'd stop by and check up on you. You're a lot taller since last time I've seen you. How's things?"

"Ain't too different--when you left I came and took up the slack. Speaking of which, I gotta get back to work..."

"This should handle it, for tonight," Surin said, slipping a few gold coins into his hand, then, as an afterthought, added more, a solid handfull. "Wait till you move out, then say it's from Surin with love, huh?"

"You ain't coming back?" Kinnit's face fell. "Not even for a little while?"

"We both know my leaving wasn't exactly well-received." Surin said. The boy said nothing to object to the statement. "Give 'em the gold and it might soften 'em up a bit, but I'm through theivin' for them--you'll note that gold was earned honestly, by my own sweat. I'll probably be leaving myself before the week's out, but I don't know where to just yet. It was good to see you again, at least. Take care of things for me, would you?"

Kinnit nodded in agreement, gave one last hug, and disappeared back into the tent. Surin took his leave, making his way back to his room at the chapter house. His hatchet was waiting for him, practically begging for another round. Surin would oblige in the morning, but in the meantime he lay awake in his bed, thinking about the rag-tag family he'd run away from to save ladies and find priceless artifacts. The circus might not have changed, but he sure had. With that last thought, he falls asleep, spent from the day's events.

From: Mark

Subject Surin's time off


That was great.

From: Karl

Subject Salix's time off

Salix returns to the Garden outside the Chapterhouse after delivering his testimony. Though he didn't say it, he was glad to have the opportunity to burn off some of his renewed frustration at Kal by wrassling with Mund, but now he was in sore need of some rest in a nice quiet greenspace. But the garden isn't exactly peaceful when he returns. He hears Noctis hooting fiercely at something which is chirping and whistling back at the Great Owl most irritably. Salix follows the sound to find his owl friend apparently greatly agitated at a small sparrow. Salix notices the scroll on the little bird's leg and hushes Noctis. "Don't be a bully," he says giving the owl a firm pat. "He's just doing his job."

Salix retrieves the note and gives the little birds a sizeable chunk from a piece of bread he'd saved from breakfast. He offers the rest to Noctis who turns away with a low hoot, clearly insulted. "Hey, I had to make up for the rude and ungracious way you play host. Now you'll just have to make do with this little bit." Salix unrolls the scroll, expecting word from The Order and hoping to hear from the Stormfather, but the writing isn't any he recognizes. He reads:

"Salix, Wealdward, Come quickly to the grove where you last met the Stormfather. You are needed urgently. MtnS Sephira"

"Sephira" Salix says to himself. "A Mountain Sister?" Something strange must be happening for them to have sent her instead of one of the Fathers, or even one of the Brothers. He grabs his pack and whistles for Noctis and gathers his horse from the Chapterhouse stables. A little less than an hour later, as the sun is just disappearing behind the trees, he is in the now familiar grove where he last saw the Stormfather and where he learned the Wild Shape, among other things. He notes with disappointment that the altar is now bare. He had hoped for some ceremony like last time. Maybe The Order was displeased with his service in the battleground. He remembers Lothnar's criticims about the cavalier way Salix summond the hippogriffs to their deaths and his heart sinks.

"Salix!" a voice calls from the far side of the grove. Salix looks and sees a woman a few years older than himself, but nowhere near as old as the Stormfather. She is sitting on a rock near a pool of water at the edge of the grove. Salix did not remember the pool from his last visit, but then again he had not explored much of the grove beyond the altar. He dismounts and ties up his horse, leaving it and Noctis near the entrance to the grove and approaches the pool.

"I am Mountain Sister Sephira," the woman says. "The Stormfather sent me to meet you."

"Yes, I have heard of you, Mountain Sister" Salix replies. He wants to ask why no Brother was sent, but thinks better of it. The Stormfather would be displeased at the rudeness implied by the question. Nevertheless something of his confusion must have registered on his face. The Mountain Sister's face clouds briefly but she quickly brightens.

"Please call me Sephira," she says. "We are not so far apart in age or experience, so I've been told, and you are practically a Brother yourself."

"But I still have another endowment due before The Brotherhood," Salix says. "And I see the altar has not been prepared for that. The Stormfather must have heard about my failures in the battleground."

"Failures? My heavens no! Everyone has heard of the success of your party by now, and the Stormfather himself mentioned to me that your name came up during a chance meeting he had with a Xorn recently. Acer - I mean The Stormfather, has often said you are too hard on yourself.

"But enough of that. I'm here because you *are* to receive your next endowment. Stormfather Acer has seen fit to send me to officiate. Yes, I know it is strange to receive an endowment officiated by a Sister, or for a Brother to officiate in one for one of us, but it is not unheard of."

Salix had heard the Stormfather in the past speak with what seemed to be displeasure at the segregated rituals that had grown up between the two genders over the past centuries. Some said he'd even called the separation "unnatural", though Salix could barely imagine the Stormfather using strong language like that, especially in reference to Druidic rites. Still, he felt a little odd at the idea of performing a "female" ritual, but he couldn't deny he was at least a little bit curious. "I do not know what to do - " he begins.

"Of course not," Sephira says. "That is why I am here. As you've probably guessed by now we will not be using the altar. Or rather, the altar we will be using is the one inside of you." Salix looks quizzically at Sephira. "Each of us is an altar to The Great God in our hearts, Salix. Just as you have His emblem over yours, all that you do with sincerity of purpose is marked as an offering to Him.

"The first part of this ritual is a cleansing so that His spirit may reach you unsullied by other, more mundane cares. After that you will be given the gift of further knowledge of His path. Shall we begin?" Salix nods.

"Stand, then and remove your clothes, Salix, Wealdward of the Great North Woods."

Salix stands with a start, red-faced with embarrasment at such a direct command from a Sister, nevertheless her tone is not one to be argued with. He removes first his leather then his robe, and then his tunic and trousers. He pauses briefly, standing in only his underclothes, but with a nod from Sephira he removes them, too. It is chilly, naked like this in the early evening air and Salix is embarrassed to be seen by a Sister in what he would consider his less than ideal presentation.

"Step onto this stone," Sephira continues, indicating a flat ledge just inside the pool. Salix does so and is pleased that the water is very warm around his ankles. The pool must be fed from a hot spring. Then, to Salix's surprise, Sephira stands, drops her robe and steps down into the pool next to him. He cannot help but notice that her duties in the Mountains have been good for her body, and despite the cold he can't help but show her that he notices.

She stoops and gathers a large handful of dried grass from the edge of the pool and holds in under the water, softening it in the warm wetness. Was she surpressing a smile? Salix couldn't tell. After what seemed like a very long minute, Sephira stood again and raised the grass bundle over Salix's head, squeezing it so the water ran through his hair and down his face and back. She repeated this, each time squeezing the water out a little lower along his body and lightly brushing his skin with the grass. Salix closed his eyes and by the time she was to his knees, he had relaxed and let the ritual itself occupy his thoughts.

"Enter the waters," he heard her voice command, and felt her hand on his forearm, leading him deeper into the pool. The water here was much hotter, almost uncomfortably so, but Salix soon grew accustomed to the heat. "Drink" her voice said and Salix felt a cup pressed to his lips. He drank and soon felt a strong sleepy sensation creep over him. He felt himself slipping down into the waters, and began to panic, but Sephira calmly said, "Breathe the waters of life." Before the battleground, there was no way Salix would have been able to obey, but just as in the fountain there, Salix found he could breathe the water as if it were air, though his lungs had to work a bit harder.

The warmth of the water and the growing darkness brought on a kind of trance. Salix vaguely sensed his body being held supended in the waters by gentle arms as a vision like the last one he had in this grove took him. In the vision he again heard a voice commanding him to hear and repeat a series of prayers, but he did not see the outward effects of these prayers even though in his mind he could clearly see their intent and power. After some time, hours? days? again he had lost track, Salix felt himself being lifted up to the surface of the pool, and he awoke coughing and spitting as he exchanged water for air.

He opened his eyes to see Sephira looking calmly down at him. "Not so violent as last time, was it?" she asks impishly.

"Well, I wouldn't have put it that way, but I guess you're right," Salix replies cautiously. "It was rather nice."

"No, you're right. I shouldn't strengthen the divide even in jest. You may have guessed this but one reason Acer - I mean, The Stormfather, - sent me was in hopes that you might gain experience of the variety of ways one may touch the power the The Great God. I received my last endowment using the Brother's method and thought it was uniquely thrilling and powerful. It is my hope that such exchanges are more frequent and available across the order. I believe that is the hope of The Stormfather as well. "

Salix wants to ask if Stormfather Acer officiated when she received her endowment at an altar of stone, but it was forbidden to ask questions about another's endowments. Sephira could volunteer the information if she wished, but Salix was hardly acquainted with her enough to expect such intimacy at this point.

"You said this was 'one reason' for the Stormfather to have sent you. Was there another I should know about?"

(OOC - Yeah, this is insufferably long, I know, but I'm gonna break it here. I'll write up a second part (hopefully shorter) this afternoon.)

From: Derek

Subject Allistairs time off

Finally having some free time to study for the first time in months, Allistair takes a letter from Angelwing to take to the local mage guild. The letter apprises the guildmaster of Allistair's situation with the Order, and gives a somewhat abridged apprisal of the situation with the crown, Mesodar's descendant, etc. The guild has a close relationship with the Order, and the chief wizard is glad to hear of their success on obtaining the first gem. In the letter, Angelwing asks if Allistair may have permission to study at the guild library for the next few weeks, so that he might be able to expand his skills and be of greater assistance to the Order's efforts in the future. With Angelwing's word and reputation, the wizard is more than happy to grant Allistair full access to the library. The rest of the day is spent with Allistair being taught the means of entering the guild and pertinent areas of the library without triggering the safeguards meant to ensnare thieves or students without permission.

The next day, Allistair meets again with the chief wizard. After hearing Allistair's description of their sojourn in the pocket dimension, the chief wizard replies, "That is too bad about Lothnar's spellbooks. He was a wizard of great renown, and he helped found this very guild and library many centuries ago. However, I doubt that his books and other effects were simply destroyed. He was very powerful and insightful, and as such he was not wasteful. They will most likely be found by someone at a time and place in the future to help further the cause against the legacy of Mesodar."

When Allistair asks about what new magical skills he should study, the chief wizard says: "You certainly have cultivated an ability to deal a large amount of damage in a conflict. Those fireballs and magic missles are the mainstay of a battle mage, and you use them well. However, it seems that there were many situations when less direct spells may have allowed your party to continue without any fighting at all. I think that is where you should concentrate your studies."

From: Derek

Subject Allistairs time off

Allistair considers in what ways he can broaden the use of his magic. He considers what things he wish he could have done while they were in Lothnar's dimension. If they could have known what was behind the doors before opening them, they could have certainly avoided battle in several occasions, and in others it would have at least given them an advantage when a battle couldn't be avoided. Also the ability to stop or immobilize creatures (or allies, sometimes..) would have been indispensible.

After a couple of days of study in the library, Allistair has a better idea of what kind of spells he wants to learn. Allistair was extremelly impressed by Salix's ability to summon wild creatures by the grace of his god. After some research, Allistair found that there were spells that would allow him to summon creatures from the outer planes that acould assist in battle or other tasks.

Lothnar also mentioned that the other gems were scattered around the entire world. Who knew what kind of environment they might be in? The usefulness of his fly spell had already been proven. What about underwater? Allistair finds a spell that allows him and his friends to breathe underwater, and decides to learn it too.

Allistair also repents of his neglect of divination spells, and decides to learn a spell that will allow him to view and hear things from a distance, as well as a spell that allows him to read the thoughts of an individual.

Invisibility having proved useful before, Allistair researches a more powerful form that will allow the invisible person to attack without cancelling the spell. He also decides to enlarge his illusory repertoire, and decides to learn a spell that will allow him to create illusions that trick the senses of the target.

Finally, Allistair decides that the ability to shapechange could be highly useful. He researches a spell that will change one person into any type of beast or creature that he so chooses. This could be extremelly helpful in all sorts of difficult situations.

From: Derek

Subject Allistair time off

After several days of finding the appropriate scrolls and books, Allistair is almost ready to begin learning the new spells. It is a slow and laborious process, since the greatest difficulty in learning magic is that it works differently for every person, and only the most general aspects of its internal workings apply to all wizards, even though the end result was often the same. After understanding how to shape the raw energies by the force of his will, he then has to scribe them into his spellbook in a magical pseudo-code that will allow him to set up the constructs for the required spell in his memory, allowing him to release it at a moments notice.

Doing this isn't cheap, though. One of the prices that wizards have to literally pay is that the required ingredients are often rare, and therefore expensive. The ink requires a very pure silver with extracts from various magical beasts, depending on the spell. The shapechanging spell requires the ink to include blood from a lycanthrope, and most of the other spells have similary exotic (and therefore expensive) requirements. Most of these are available for purchase through other wizards, so Allistair does some shopping around and has agreements made on the prices for his ingredients. When he calculates the total price for all of the ingredients, it comes out to 1750 gold! The reward he got from the order would barely cover half of that! He was loath to sell the magic items he had already acquired, and had little else of value.

Allistair looks up his brother in a tavern on the cheaper (Mund used the word 'interesting') side of town. "Mund, I'm currently trying to learn some more additional magic. I believe the Order will ask us to continue the quest for the gems, and I think I will accept thier offer. I know you don't agree with the Order on a lot of things, but I think they will ask you to join the quest too. I'd like you to seriously consider accepting, though I won't pressure you beyond that."

Allistair then explains to Mund the different types of magic he is going to try and learn, and how they would be useful. "Imagine being able to fight while invisible, or turning into a bear like Salix! I could even summon creatures to our aid, have us breathe underwater, or spy on someone from a distance."

"I won't pressure you any more to stay with us, but I am going to ask you for a favor. To research these spells, I need ingredients. Expensive ingredients. In fact, the 1000 gold pieces I recieved from the order won't cover it. I need an additional 750 gold to be able to learn all these spells. Could I ask you for a loan? If not the full 750, at least as much as you are willing?"

From: Derek

Subject The potion

After talking to Mund about the 750 gp loan, Allistair takes Mund's potion back with him. The next morning he will memorize the identify spell and cast it on the potion.

From: Karl

Subject Surin's time off

That's a nice one, Ashley. Good touch with Kinnit.

From: Jason

Subject Natures ally

If it eases Salix's conscience any, I don't think that the hippogriffs actually died. This line is an excerpt from the cleric spell Planar Ally:

A nonhazardous task requires only half the indicated payment, while an especially hazardous task might require a greater gift. Few if any creatures will accept a task that seems suicidal (remember, a called creature actually dies when it is killed, unlike a summoned creature).

So it seems that when they "die" they are probably just banished back wherever they came.

From: Karl

Subject Natures ally

Hey, Mark, can I get a ruling if this is necessarily the case for Salix's summoned creatures? If so, that could be worked into my next write up since it's somethign that's bothering Salix.

(Or if not, that could be worked in, too. Let me know.)

From: Mark

Subject Natures ally

I was going to respond to Jason's comments that Salix had not summoned a planar ally.

Summon Natures ally pulls a creature from somewhere in the natural world. Summon Planar ally pulls a creature from the upper/lower planes. The summons Monster spells specify that the monsters are not from the material plane.

Here is the first sentence of the Summon Monster spell : This spell summons an extraplanar creature (typically an outsider, elemental, or magical beast native to another plane).

I would have said that creatures summoned from the outer planes would not die if killed on this plane, since thier "souls" exist on the other plane. However, natural creatures would die, since they are from this Prime Material plane.

Let me do some more research.

From: Kevin

SubjectSalix's time off

OOC: For a second there, I thought we were going to get a "DaVinci Code" moment with a goddess ritual.

From: Karl

Subject Salix's time off

"You said this was 'one reason' for the Stormfather to have sent you. Was there another I should know about?" Salix asks.

"The Stormfather could not come because he was needed to investigate a disturbance in the Wildlands Forest. He has asked me to bring you back along with any of your companions who are willing to make the trip, and to send you on to assist him with all haste."

"And you're only telling me this now?" Salix asks. "I should have left last night. The ritual could have waited."

"Do not second guess the Stormfather," Sephira interrupts. "It was his command that the ritual be carried out first, and neither of us wanted worry for his sake to cloud the sacred nature of your advancement within The Order.

"You are to go back to the Chapterhouse. Quarion has been advised by messenger-bird that your duties will no longer be under his direction for the time being, and that you must return with me along with any who are able to give aid to The Stormfather. You are to meet me on the road half a day's ride from the city. I will look for you by noon tomorrow, sooner if you are able."

This new development weighs heavy on Salix. There must be something very wrong for The Stormfather himself to go to the Wildlands. And how much worse it must be if The Order is seeking assistance from the outside. Sure Salix knows the ways of The Order, but the others are from people as often at odds with the Druids as not. And how will he convince any of his companions to come with him? They have just returned home from an arduous task and have barely had time to put their lives back in order, much less actually get any rest. They will not want to take off again, especially at the behest of The Order. The dawn, now fully broken, casts its light cheerfully into the grove. Salix feels the warmth and only then realizes he is still sitting beside the pool, only half dressed. He throws on the rest of his clothes and hurries to his mount. "I'll meet you on the road, Sister. I can't guarantee how many will join me, but those who come will be friends, indeed, and good allies."

Salix makes his way as quickly as possible back to the Chapterhouse and reports to Quarion.

(OOC - Mark, do you want to take it from here? I can write up something with Salix actually asking for assistance from the others, if you want, but you should probably write up something getting us all that far. Let me know.)

From: Karl

Subject Salix's day off

Yeah, like I could do *that* convincingly. ;-)

From: Kevin

Subject Salix's day off

Haven't you ever heard of poetic license? You just change a few things around, and, presto, a full fledged celebration of nature and the earth goddess.

From: Porter

Subject Salix's day off

Yeah -- make it a game of Tiddly-Winks instead.

From: Mark

Subject Turns

After Kal does his defense and I do the results of the trial and I write up Salix's and Mund's battle, I will write up a bit were Salix calls the party together.

From: Ashley

Subject Salix's time off

ooooh, a side quest! :)

From: Karl

SubjectSalix's time off

Or maybe not. ;-)

(Disclaimer: I don't actually know anything about what's ahead, but unspecified "dark things" that have a top-level druid vexed could very well have something to do with the over-all story arc. Just guessin' though.)

From: Porter

Subject Salix's time off

I'm waiting to see if the ancient prophecies indicate that the wildlands are where the next gem can be found.

From: Karl

Subject Salix's time off

(Oh, and I didn't mean to impose a time table on you down there. I just felt like her message was urgent and needed a deadline to make it seem so. Feel free to retcon that as you see fit.)

From: Derek

Subject Kal's defense

OOC: This will be interesting for Mark. Keep everyone together IC without inviting later backstabs.

From: Josh

Subject Kal's defense

OOC: I have no idea how Mund and Kal are gonna be able to get along enough to be in the same party.

From: Porter

Subject Kal's defense

OOC: That was an interesteing approach. At first I thought it was a mis-step, but then I remembered that Kal is being judged by fellow bladesingers. It just might work.

Of course, this is going to make it even more difficult for him to remain in the party with Mund and Salix.

And if Salix is going to be the leader for this next leg of the campaign, it will be even more difficult.

From: Mark

Subject Bear vs. Bear

After their testimony Mund and Salix ride a bit out of the city, trying to find a place where there are not too many people. It is surprisingly hard, but with Noctis' help, the eventually find a small grove of trees with a clearing in the middle. Mund takes off his armor and puts down his shield. Salix walks around the clearing getting a feeling for the land. Mund looks up. "You ready?" Salix nods. The two take up positions a few feet from each other. They nod at each other. Salix's form shifts and Mund finds himself standing across from the same black bear he had fought several weeks before.

Initiative: Mund (20), Salix (6)

Mund ducks forward and snaps a fist at the bear's nose (AC13, 14+10=24,hit, damage 6). Salix makes a snuffling noise as pain flares in his nostrils. Mund takes advantage of this and snaps another shot at the side of the bears head (AC13, 16+5=21, hit, damage 4). He catches Salix on the ear, but the bear seems not to notice to much.

Salix swings at Mund, making sure not to hit with his claws. His right paw catches Mund upside the head (AC15, 19+8=27,hit, damage 9) and his left paw comes around and smacks Mund a solid blow on the ribs (AC15, 9+8=17,hit, damage 6). Mund lets out a woof of pain and Salix tries to head but him (AC15, 11+3=14,miss). The barbarian pulls his head back at the last moment, tasting the bear fur as it passes.

Mund steps to the side and throws another punch at Salix's mid section (AC13, 4+10=14, hit, damage 6). He lands a solid blow and follows it up with another (AC13, 17+5=22,hit, damage 5). This time it is the bears turn to woof as Salix gets the wind knocked out of him.

Salix swings his massive paws at Mund again and catches him in the cross swipe (AC15, 17+8=25, hit, damage 9, 18+8=26,hit, damage 7). Both paws slam into Mund, almost cracking ribs. Salix takes advantage of Mund's position and tries to head but him again (Ac15, 10+3=13,miss) but the barbarian is able to duck drop down between the two paws and duck out of the way.

Mund moves around to the bears back and strikes another solid blow to the bears trunk (AC13, 9+10=19, hit, damage 4). He follows up with another blow to the trunk and it crashes in to Salix's ribcage (AC13, 13+5=18,hit, damage 5).

Salix whirls and both paws come swinging around one high and one low. Mund hesitates, not sure if he should duck or jump and it costs him dearly (AC15, 16+8=24, hit, damage 8, 12+8=20, hit, damage 7). Mund grabs onto the bears arms, trying to keep himself from falling to the ground. Salix drives his head forward and smacks Mund right in the face (AC12+3, hit, damage 7). Blood flows from Mund's nose and he feels teeth shift in his mouth.

Mund takes advantage of Salix's close proximity and smacks the bears ears with his hands(AC13, 5+10=15, hit, damage 6, 13+5=18,hit, damage 6). Salix howls in pain as his ear drums ring with pain.

Salix pulls Mund in to his chest and starts to crush the barbarian (AC15, 7+8=15, hit, damage 9, 9+8=17, hit, damage 9). Mund feels a couple of his ribs crack. He ducks his head as Salix tries another head butt (AC15, 5+3=8, miss).

Mund, still in Salix's grip, kicks at the bears stomach, and lands a blow (AC13, 3+10=13, hit, damage 4). He kicks again, trying to hit the groin (AC13, 3+5=8, miss) but misses, not being sure exactly where the groin is on a bear and being much to involved to make a close examination.

Salix squeezes again (AC15, 8+8=16,hit, damage 6, 20+8=28, critical threat, critical threat roll, 11+8=19,hit, critical hit, damage 15) and Mund groans as the air is forced out of his lungs. The last thing he sees before he looses consciousness is Salix's slavering grin above his head.

OODM: Fight is over. Mund will be unconscious for three hours. Salix is at 3 HP left.

From: Karl

Subject Kal's defense

That was a really good turn. I know because it really pissed me off. ;-)

From: Karl

Subject Bear vs. bear

Well, on his way back to the garden, Salix will see that Mund is delivered to Ragnar for some healing. He'll check in on Mund as soon as he gets back and speaks with Quarion.

From: Mark

Subject Bear vs. bear

Mund and Salix's damage is non lethal. Both should be ready to go by morning.

Just a couple of buddies kicking the shit out of each other and then going to a bar.

From: Mark

Subject Kal's trial

As Kal sits the room grows quiet. The three elves look at each other and one stands. "We have heard all of the testimony in this case. We will retire to debate the judgement. We will convene tomorrow morning at the third bell to render judgement. Please, if everyone would return then." The three then file out of a door in the back of the room.

Everyone goes their seperate ways. Mund and Salix head out together and the other split up, each heading off to run their errands for the day.

OODM: I will write up the decision and Salix's calling the group together tomorrow.

Kal's defense, Salix and Mund, the verdict

From: Karl

Subject Bear vs. bear

Oh right. Well, in this case, Salix skips the bar and goes to meet MtnS Sephira. He'll still check on Mund when he gets back to make sure there's no hard feelings.

From: Karl

Subject Ka's sister

Does Kal remind anyone else of this chick?

(Sorry, I couldn't resist)

From: Karl

Subject Bear vs. Bear

Re-reading this (especially the 3 HP left part) I should re-write the leveling scene to include lots of bruising and soreness. That hot bath must have REALLY felt good after all that.

From: Porter

Subject Bear vs. Bear

OOC: I'm going to assume that this takes place after we both gave testimony AND after Kal did.


When Mund comes to in a few minutes, he looks up at his friend and smiles. "I thought I had you there until you got the squeeze on me. I'll get you one of these days, just wait and see."

As Salix helps him up, he rubs his aching ribs and says "Thanks for the exercise. It's good to be back under the sky, in a place not crowded with so many folk. I don't know which is more disturbing -- being in that unnatr'al place of Lothnar's or being here in the city with so many people."

The two start walking back to the Order very slowly. About halfway there, Mund says "So Kal blamed me for all the problems that happened out there. You reckon that those other [i]elves[/i] will agree with him? If they do, do you think the order would let them try to take care of me?"

From: Mark

Subject Timeline

Yes here is the time line.

All the testimony.

Mund and Salix fight.

Verdict is given.

Party is called together.

The last two parts have not been written yet.

I will write the verdict tonight. I would do it today, but the company has to participate in an internet auction and I have to run it. It will take a couple of hours, or a good part of this afternoon.

From: Karl

Subject Salix and Mund

"They'll have to go through me to get to you. As far as I'm aware, opinions are still free. You didn't actually *do* anything that endangered the mission, as far as I can see. And if it were left to *Kal* to have gotten us through the Wildlands to the portal, we'd all be landshark spore by now."

Salix turns to Mund. "Will you be joining the next mission? I don't know what I will be doing next, but unless I hear differently from The Order, I'll probably be doing what Quarion wants. I'll be very surprised if that isn't to go after another jewel for the crown." He sighs. "It's been far too long since I've been back in The Grove of the Great North Woods. I'd like to go back, but I'm sworn to follow the wishes of The Order and they have assigned me to Quarion until further notice. I would have thought there'd have been some word by now. We've been back for over a week, but I've heard nothing."

From: Porter

Subject Salix and Mund

"I've always stayed clear of the Great North Woods. Too many, well, too many godfolks up there, telling others what to do. I've heard they don't take kindly to those who don't wanna listen to them. But some time when you're free, I wouldn't mind seeing the place with you. I hear that it's a wonderful forest."

"I don't really know what I'm going to do next. I could go home, but I don't think I want to do that," Mund says, thinking that if he went back to the Wildlands, his only option would probably be to return to banditry. While it had been a good life at a time, Mund isn't sure it's something he wants to go back to. He's kinda liked being an honest guy since that day he tried to rob Quarion, and he isn't sure he wants to go back.

"And I think I've had enough of The Order and their "justice" up there with Lothnar. To tell you the truth, I really don't know what I'm going to do. But something always comes up. There's always someone who needs another axe-arm."

From: Karl

Subject Salix and Mund

"Well you'd be welcome in any company I'm part of." Salix replies. "I only hope that I get some word from The Order, *my* Order, that is. I'm beginning to wonder if there is a problem. I'm not usually this long without at least *some* contact."

(OOC - too many "Orders" in this game. ;-)

From: Porter

Subject Salix and Mund

OOC: Oops. I didn't realize that the wildlands are part of the Great North Woods. Retcon time.


"I understand your desire to get back to the North Woods. I miss it myself. I keep thinking about going back myself, but it hasn't happened yet," Mund says, thinking that if he went back to the Wildlands, his only option would probably be to return to banditry. While it had been a good life at a time, Mund isn't sure it's something he wants to go back to. He's kinda liked being an honest guy since that day he tried to rob Quarion, and he isn't sure he wants to go back.

"And I think I've had enough of The Order and their "justice" up there with Lothnar. To tell you the truth, I really don't know what I'm going to do. But something always comes up. There's always someone who needs another axe-arm."

From: Randy

Subject Kal's trial

Hearing Kal twist the situation to show himself in a good light and attempt to shift the blame to Mund upsets Ranthir. His eyes turn cold and anger creeps across his face as he looks at Kal. He glares at the elf and doesn't break eye contact until the room is dismissed. It doesn't really surprise Ranthir that Kal would act this way. He had certainly shown himself to be a very arrogant and narrowmineded individual. But Ranthir had held out some hope that Kal had learned some humility through the recent experiences. His apparent lack of repentance for his rashness would make it much more difficult for him to regain any respect from Ranthir.

From: Derek

Subject Kal's trial

Allistair briefly meets up with Mund after the trial. "Hey Mund, thanks for the loan. I've gotten all my new spells set up now. Whatever we end up doing next, I hope that I'll be able to be a lot more versatile. Oh, I almost forgot." Allistair takes a familiar-looking potion out of his bag and hands it to Mund. "I identified the potion for you. It's a healing potion, very similar to the one's the Order gave to us in the first place. Handy thing to have in a battle."

"What did you think about Kal's testimony? I'm sure you don't agree with it, and a lot of it I don't either, but I can't help but get the feeling that a lot of it was how things seemed from his point of view. Except for his explanation on why he opened the door... That reeked of troll-dung. I guess we'll have to see what those elders say tomorrow."

From: Porter

Subject Kal's trial

"Remember back when this happened, how he came out and apologized and said that he shouldn't have done what he did? Well, either he was lying to save his skin back then, or he's lying to save his skin now. I'm not surprised."

From: Porter

Subject Kal's trial

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I'm itching to find out what the verdict is.

From: Jason

Subject Kal's trial

Oh believe me I'm really curious myself.

From: Porter

Subject Kal's trial

I believe you.

From: Josh

Subject Kal's trial

OOC: No one in character realizes that this is what Kal really believes? I thought this stuff (in character) way back when. I knew Porter/Mund wouldn't betray us, but Kal figured he would.

From: Porter

Subject Kal's trial

It's actually pretty common, when dealing with others with a very different worldview, for people to assume that the others are not being honest about their views and motivations.

From: Mark

Subject The verdict

The next morning everyone shows up in the meeting room on time. Salix and Mund move a bit gingerly. Mund has trouble breathing and it hurts to laugh. The party members, except for Kal sit together. Kal sits apart, serenely awaiting the verdict. Quarion Smith, Anglewing and the three bladesingers enter the room. The three elves take their place at the head table and the other two takes seats with the rest.

The oldest elf, the one in the middle, gets to his feet and addresses the waiting people. "Before we issue our verdict and pass sentence, we would ask a favor of the mage Allistair." Allistair stands, a bit confused. The old elf nods and continues. "It is our tradition that the verdict and sentence be pronounced in the elven tongue. Since there are many here who do not speak that tongue, would please translate what we say? Allistair nods agreement and those who do not know elven gather closer around him. As the bladesinger starts to speak, Allistair relays what is said.

"Kal-Lar, stand and face the judgment of this Singer's Council." The old elf's voice booms out through the room and Kal is on his feet almost with out realizing it. He faces the Council. "I, Det-Lar, senior member of this Singer's Council do now relay the decision of myself, Leb-Raf and Lod-San, all senior members of the Bladesingers. You are found guilty of insubordination. We find your explanation for your actions insufficient. If you had a question about the loyalty of a party member, it was your duty to report it to the leader of the party. When you agreed to accompany Sargent Harp and the others on this mission, which was rightly done so as to protect the Elven Nation, you accepted his command. Unless his command violated your oaths to the Bladesingers, you were honor bound to do as he said."

"In arguing with a racist in your midst and forcing an engagement you put yourself and others at risk. Your motives might have seemed good to you, but your actions were inappropriate. We do not speak of the killing of evil creatures. We talk of the willful pride you displayed in your failure to follow the order of you commander, even if he was one of orcish blood. While warrior Mund may mostly be wrong with his beliefs of how we treat other races who we consider evil, all your actions did was cement his beliefs."

"This now brings us to your sentence. It is the opinion of this Singer's Council that your greatest sin is pride. Therefore you must learn humility. Your sentence is servitude to the Order you wronged. For the next five years, you shall be assigned to the Order of the Silver Sword. Angelwing will be you commanding officer. You will treat him as if he were the most senior Bladesinger. After 5 years, we will convene another Council and Anglewing will be the primary witness. This Council is adjourned."

Kal stands in stunned silence as the three Bladesingers turn and file out of the room.

OODM: I will wait to hear responses.

From: Porter

Subject The verdict

Mund leans over to Salix and whispers "I knew it. They sound like they're punishing him, but there's not real punishment. They'll probably pull him aside later and thank him in secret."

From: Derek

Subject The verdict

Allistair overhears Mund's comment, since he wasn't really trying to hide his comment from the others. "I'm not so sure Mund. I think the idea may be that the more Kal really is guilty of pride, the more it will hurt his ego to be forced to serve under Quarion, and therefore become a real punishment."

A job?, darkwood shield, shield shopping, shield shaping

From: Karl

Subject The trial

Salix thinks Kal is just one of many narrow-minded zealots he's encountered among both Human and Elf races, but probably more so among the Elves. Sure, Kal really believes what he did was right, but that just makes it all the more frustrating. (OOC - I'm playing Salix lawful/neutral, which means he puts Kal's usurping of authority far and away above his need to do what he thinks is "good". It's going to be really interesting to see the two of them continue together, especially if either of them is actually in charge, depending somewhat on how Kal seems to take the sentence. By the way, I think you're playing Kal pretty well. It's probably not how *I'd* play him, but that speaks to my own weaknesses as a writer. The peacemaker in me always wants everyone to reach agreement and get along, but in real life and good fiction that's oh-so-often not the case. It's even worse in this case because Kal *does* have a plausible internal rationalization for acting the way he does. Good job.)

From: Karl

Subject The verdict

Just wanted to say that this whole trial thing is a very interesting (to me) turn of events and it wouldn't have happened without people playing true to their characters. This is the kind of stuff that makes PBEM really fun, IMO.

From: Karl

Subject The verdict

Salix responds with a non-committal, tight-lipped smile. "They seem genuine about his need to follow orders. No one likes a loose cannon in a battle. I'm just glad *I* don't have responsibility for keeping him in line. I don't envy Harp if Angelwing sends him to get the next gem.

"Speaking of that. I won't be going on that quest. I have to see to an urgent matter for my Order in the Great North Woods. Were you serious about wanting to travel that way? I could really use your help. It would probably give you more than a few chances to test your new magic axe. I'm going to ask Allistair and Surin, too, as soon as I get a chance. I'm sure these Paladin would never give the others leave, what with all the other stuff going on now."

He gives Mund an elbow to the ribs. "In Kal's case, that's probably a good thing."

From: Porter

Subject The verdict

"See, I told you that something would come up."

"So, this urgent problem you've got, does it pay, or is it just for the exercise?"

From: Karl

Subject A job?

"Well, as for myself, The Order provides for my needs where they go beyond what I can do for myself, so payment isn't really an issue. However, The Order has been known to hire outsiders in special cases. I'm not sure if this is one of them. I think we need good hearted people responding to a case of need over mercenaries - and I don't mean anything bad by using that term, everyone has to eat, right? I simply don't have enough information to make any promises on behalf of The Order at this time.

"What I can promise is an equal share in anything of value that we come across, and I'm sure The Order will provide just compensation for services after the fact - we've always taken care of our own and our friends. But if you need a wage, I still have the 1000 gold from the last quest and nothing pressing to spend it on. Of course, if I pay you, I'll have to make the same offer to Ally and Surin. For that matter, Harp's people will probably be better able to offer a contract of some sort, and I'll understand if you guys need more sure payment.

"On the other hand, I know it's an awful lot to ask, but if you come with me as a friend, you are free to leave at any point you see fit."

(OOC - Can we assume Salix approaches Ally and Surin with a similar proposition. I'm willing to role-play the conversation if either of you wants to. I just want you three to have the above information *before* we meet with Quarion. The other four, Salix figures, will already be committed to the "current" situation, which he doesn't even begin to think might be related to the issue the Druids are having right now. And in fact, *I* don't even *know* there's any relationship. I'm just guessing. This could be a side quest after all.)

From: Porter

Subject A job?

"I was just wonderin. I'm interested, though. Tell me more about this urgent problem and why you need our help."

From: Porter

Subject Darkwood shield

Would it be possible for Salix to shape that darkwood shield so that it can hold Mund's everburning torch, allowing Mund to carry a torch and a shield and a weapon?

From: Mark

Subject Darkwood shield

I will have to check. I do not see any problems off the top of my head other than one small one.

Salix would have to make a craft check. If he does not have any ranks in craft armor then there is a chance he could ruin the shield when he shaped it.

What I mean by this is that he could shape the wood so that it would hold the shield, but with out the craft skill, he would not know how the shield would perform in combat. The first strike might shatters the shield becuase he would not know about the stresses the shield has to deal with.

From: Porter

Subject Darkwood shield

Perhaps we could hire the services of an armorsmith to work together with Salix?

From: Mark

Subject Darkwood shield

You could try.

From: Porter

Subject Darkwood shield

Would it make more sense to just get an armorsmith to bolt on a couple of brackets to hold the torch?

From: Mark

Subject Darkwood shield

You tell me.You tell me.

From: Porter

Subject Darkwood shield

Huh? What are you getting at?

Let's have Mund go talk with an armorsmith and ask these questions. Do you want to role-play it or not?

From: Mark

Subject Darkwood shield

You asked if it would make sense to do something. I try not to make that decision for people. If you want to go ask an armorsmith, then do so. I can role play it.

I have to go to lunch in about 20 minutes, so it would be best for after noon.

From: Karl

Subject A job?

"I don't know much. A contact from my Order has told me that several lower-level Druids have gone missing from an area in the Wildlands. Stormfather Acer, the head of our order, has gone himself to investigate the trouble, and has asked me to come assist as quickly as possible and with whomever I can call upon for help. I've given this information to Quarion, but I don't know what he'll be able to arrange, especially considering what Angelwing and his people are facing right now."

From: Karl

Subject Darkwood shield

I would think so. I don't know the rules as far as effectiveness of the weapon once it's altered, but Salix does know Shape Wood, and should be able to shape it in such a way that it can hold a torch. And I'm sure you know he'll be willing to if Mund asks.

From: Porter

Subject DArkwood shield

OK, let's have Mund ask Salix to come with him to an armorsmith, where they can figure out together the best way to proceed.

From: Karl

Subject Darkwood shield

Could this be ret-conned to before the trial? If not, Salix still might be able to do this, but it will depend on whether he has an hour or two to kill before Quarion's meeting. He could also use that time to talk with Ally and Surin. Maybe he can get them all together and go to the armorsmith as a group.

From: Mark

Subject Darkwood shield

There will be time after the verdict and before the party is called together for Mund and Salix and whoever wants to join them to at least see about the shield.

Did Salix take the spell shape wood today?

From: Karl

Subject Darkwood shield

No, that's why it would be better if we could retcon it.

From: Mark

Subject Darkwood shield

If you want to make the conversation happen just after the fight, that is fine. Then it would happen the evening before and then they could go look for an armorsmith between the time of the verdict and when Angelwing calls them back.

From: Mark

Subject A quick note

Just to clear something up.

Kal has been assingned to Angelwing, not Quarion.

Quarion, works with/for Angelwing.

From: Porter

Subject A quick note

Thanks. I was confused.

In all seriousness, would you mind explaining how this is an actual punishment?

From: Karl

Subject Darkwood shield

OK, in that case, in spite of what's at Sakeriver, Salix would have prepared "shapewood" for the day.

From: Karl

Subject Darkwood shield

All right, Mark, how shall roleplay this?

From: Mark

Subject A quick note

Kal is a bit of a racist, just as Mund is. He is being made to work for other he thinks of lower status. He is being made to answer to them. He is responsible to them. He is dedicated to protecting the elven home land, and unless Anglewing sends him there, he is basically in exile.

Remember, Kal joined the group when he was hunting the were bugbear that killed a party member. He joined the party at that time out of a sense of obligation: his quarry killed a party member that was on a quest. The quest might fail becuase of that, so he took the fallen members place. He then joined on the mission to the testing grounds of his own free will. I would expect, just as Salix wants to return home to the Great North Woods, Kal would like to go back to the Elven homelands. Now he can not for 5 years.

From: Mark

Subject A quick note

write up Salix and Mund going out into the town looking for an armorer and when you find one I will take over. This would happen between about 10 AM and lunch time.

From: Porter

Subject a quick note

Huh. I guess I didn't think that Kal would consider a celestials to be on a lower level than elves.

From: Jason

Subject A quick note

Maybe think banished, combined with suspended without pay. That way we get a nice old-fashioned punishment, and a more modern-era one. Of course, Kal was getting paid *something* wasn't he? I mean, even elves have to eat.

From: Karl

Subject A quick note

Right. I didn't mean to imply otherwise (if this was directed at something I wrote.) I'm under the impression that all of Harp's order (Harp, Ran, Rag, and now Kal) are under Angelwing, and the rest of us are here because of some allegiance to Quarion.

From: Mark

Subject A quick note

To an elf, everything else is on a lower level. :)

And Angelwing is only 1/2 celestial. He had a human mother.

JUst like Harp.

And he will not be with Anglewing the whole time.

From: Mark

Subject A quick note

The others are there at Quarions request, but he is closely aligned with the order. His position is a bit murky.

From: Mark

Subject A quick note

He got paid what the others did, but then that was before the trial.

His upkeep will be part of the Order now, but he will have other obligations.

From: Karl

Subject Orders

So do Druids, but I've been envisioning The Order of the Great North Woods as more a communal-style community. Salix doesn't get a salary, but he can count on all necessities and a few luxuries (druid style) at any Druid grove. And he's pretty self sufficient. I mean he can live outdoors pretty comfortably and create his own food if he's unsuccessful hunting it.

Those pansy bladesingers, though, probably need a salary so they can hire someone to cook for them and show them where the blade polish is, etc. :-P

From: Mark

Subject Orders

At home the druids do not use money. It is a form of pure communism for anything major. Since they are usually self sufficient in the woods and do not fear the weather or the animals, at least at higher levels, there is very little they need. They trade forest items for barter or other trade goods. Things like truffles or stuff like that.

When a druid goes out into the world at the behest of the order, he is given some money but knows that he can contact the local druid for some assistance.

From: Porter

Subject Shopping

On the way home from their wrassle, Mund asks a favor of Salix. "I've heard that y'all druids can do magick stuff with wood. Well, I've got this nice shield from Lothnar's "test", and I'd really like to make it so that I can hang my torch on it. That way I can carry a torch without putting down my shield.


After chatting with Salix about going back to the North Woods with him, Mund says "Hey, wanna come with me and talk with an armorer about my shield?


Mund and Salix walk into the smithy and says "I was told that you might be able to help me." He pulls out his shield and his torch and explains exactly what he's trying to accomplish. "So, what do y'all think? What would be the best way to do this? Should we just put some leather straps on it, or having Salix re-shape the wood make it work better?"

"The thing is, I really like how light this shield is. It's much easier to use. I'm hoping that whatever we do to it won't mess that up."

From: Mark

Subject Shopping

As Mund, Salix at his side, talks to the armorsmith he pulls out the darkwood shield. The man looks at it and scowls. "I don't work on wood it self. The shields you see in here I bought off a buddy. He is a woodworker and he makes all my shield for me. Try his place. It's just down the road a bit." He gives him a name of Lothario Sharpedge and direction that are only a few minutes walk away.

A few minutes walk and the two are standing in front of Shields and Such. They see a short, heavy set man, with a black beard and bald head. Seeing them approach, he calls out "Hello gentelmen. How can I help you this fine day?" Mund pulls out his shield and repeats his story for the man.

"Hmm" is the reply. "Let me get a closer look at that. Don't see much darkwood around here. Wonderful stuff to work with, but a bear to work with." He studies the shield, looking closely at how the wood is bound an how the shield is assemled. He whisltles a couple of times as he does his inspection. "This is fine work. Look at how tight that joint is. Perfect. A real craftsman made this shield." Realizing he is talking to himself, he turns an sheepfaced grin at the two. "Sorry about that. This is a fine piece of work. So you want to mount one of those ever burning torch on it, huh? Do you want it to be a permanent mount or do you want to be able to take the torch on and off?" He looks at Mund, waiting for an answer.

From: Porter

Subject Shopping

"Yeah, I wanna be able to take it off and only put it on when I need it."

From: Mark

Subject Shopping

Lothario rubs his chin. "How hard do you want it to be to take on and off? I mean are you willing to spend 5 minutes to take it off or do you want to be able to take it off quickly? The faster you want it the harder it makes it to keep steady on a regular basis. Not that I cann't do it, but it will take alot of work and cost a bit. This stuff is delicate to work with and the wrong move and you weaken the whole thing."

From: Porter

Subject Shield shopping

"Well, tell me this: how heavy would it make this shield to have the torch on it? I really like how light it feels, and don't want to give that up normally."

From: Randy

Subject A quick note

Ranthir isn't actually a part of the order. He was placed in charge of the first mission as a favor to his friend Heronin. He refused to join the order after his mother died.

From: Mark

Subject Shield shopping

Lothario purses his lips. "Well you'd have the weight of the torch, of course. And the materials needed to hold the torch on. The weight isn't the only problem, its the balance. Gotta keep the balance right. And the weight depends on how fast you want to be able to take the torch on and off."

OODM: As far as I am concerned Mund and Salix have not mentioned that Salix has a shape wood spell.

From: Karl

Subject Shield shaping

Salix interjects, "Well, what if I were able to shape the wood itself to hold the torch? I can do that, but I'd need some guidance? I don't want to weaken the shield in the process."

From: Mark

Subject Shield shaping

Lothario looks up in surprise. "What do you mean shape the wood itself? That's my job."

Shield shaping, conjuring, Kal's response

From: Karl

Subject Shield shaping

"I am a druid of The Great North Woods. By the grace of Obad-Hai, whom I serve, I can command the wood itself to take a shape I choose. It has to be a rather basic shape. I'm sure I could make the shield produce a cavity that the torch could fit into, but I would not, for instance, be able to add any fine detail or moving parts, clasps, etc. But I don't know enough about the art of armor crafting to be sure I don't actually damage the shield in the process.

"What we're here to determine is whether, with your guidance, it would be worth my taking the chance to command the shield into shape; whether it would be better to have you solve the torch/shield problem through your craft alone; or whether the whole idea is even viable. If it's going to make the shield significantly less useful as a shield, then I'm sure Mund here would rather just scrap the idea."

From: Mark

Subject Shield shaping

"Obad-Hai?" Lothario looks around suspiciously. "Shhhhh. Don't say that out loud. You know you are in a city swarming with Paladins and such? Right? Not sure how they'd react to one of you nature guys on their turf." He looks slyly at Salix. "So you can do the old power? Can make the wood do your bidding?" The woodworkers eye's are lit up with excitement. "Well to your question. What you propose might work, but not in the way you think. It's a bad idea, tryn to change the shape of the wood already there. What we might try is this though. You use your power to attach a new bracket onto the existing wood. That way it does not weaken the existing shield. I just got to work out a design that keeps the balance the way you want it."

The man grabs the shield and lays it on his work bench. He takes out measuring tools and balances and spends the next several minutes taking measurements and weighing the shield. He also spends time balancing the shield at different points. After about twenty minutes he sighs and looks up. "Oh, your still here. I thought you had left. Well, let me show you what I think can be done."

He pulls out some wood and goes through his design. It is an ingenious system of wood blocks and two leather straps that allows a torch to be attached to the shield, near the top, and then released fairly easily. "At least easily if your not fighting. It's going to take two hands to put the torch on and take it off. Sorry, otherwise it would not be solid."

"Now some good news for you. I happen to have a small supply of darkwood in the back. I keep it around in case I get a call for it. I could use that for this. Take me about a day to do the work and you would have to leave the shield here, so I can match the form of the front. If you want to come back tomorrow, we could work on attaching the bracket. Deal?"

From: Karl

Subject Shield shaping

Salix looks a Mund. "As long as we can meet very early, that's fine with me. Those of us who will be heading North have to be on the road well before noon."

From: Mark

Subject Shield shaping

Salix looks a Mund. "As long as we can meet very early, that's fine with me. Those of us who will be heading North have to be on the road well before noon."

From: Porter

Subject Shield shaping

"You've got yourself a deal", Mund says with a smile. "I'll give you the rest early in the morning."

From: Mark

Subject Shield shaping

"What do you mean the rest? You have not given me any. But you got to leave the sheild and if you don't come back for it, I am ahead. So bring your money tomorrow morning, but not before 2nd bell. The wife gets cranky if people show up too early." He smiles and goes to the front door of the store. He turns a sign in the window over. Salix and can read the word "Open" on the side facing the store now. Lothario turns and jumps, startled. "Your'e still here? I told you, I would have it ready tomorrow morning. Now shoo, I have lots of work to do." He hustles the two out of the front door and it slams behind them.

OODM: Salix got no sense of falsehood while talking to the man.

From: Mark

Subject Conjuring

I did some research on Salix's Summon Natures Ally.

The Conjuration school of magic has several sub classes of spells. The two that concern us are the summoning class and the calling class.

All the the Summoning spells/prayer, such as Summon Natures Ally XX, are as they say, summoning spells. By definition, they summon extra planar beings that do not "die" when killed but return to the plane they came from. I suppose that this requires there to be a plane of animals/nature somewhere, from which the creatures are called.

The calling spells, such as Planer Ally, are Calling spells, and they actually call a creature in its true forms. It can be truly killed.

In game mechanics this has some differences. A summoned creature can not teleport or summon another creature. This does not really effect druids, but it migh affect Allistair. For example if Ally summoned a Sladd (and sladds can summon other sladds sometimes) this sladd would not be able to summon a second sladd. However, if a sladd was called, then it could summon another sladd.

The calling spell is more powerful but also more dangerous to the called creature.

From: Porter

Subject Conjuring

Yay for Salix!

From: Karl

Subject Conjuring

OK, then based on that knowledge, I think we should retcon out Lothar's mild chastisement of Salix. Surely Lothar would know this and wouldn't have chided Salix about cavalierly calling hippogriff's to their deaths.

From: Mark

Subject Conjuring

He was chastising Salix's chastisement of Lothnars' use of creatures.

I actually think it was Allistair who did the criticizing. He was just turning the tables. If Salix and Ally were not worried about the hippogriffs why should Lothnar be worried about the monsters he used?

From: Derek

Subject Conjuring

Probably because Salix's summoned creatures go 'poof' while the creatures we killed there were very, very dead.

From: Karl

Subject Conjuring

Salix didn't chastise Lothar at all. He wouldn't have. Salix never argued that the creatures were not deserving of whatever fate they got. He just argued that death was not automatically justified *at the hands of the party*. He always held that the creators of the testing ground might have had reasons of their own, that Salix might have even agreed with, all things being known. But he didn't think that *Kal* knew any of these things and so his assuming the right to kill things on sight was not only possibly endangering whatever "test" they were undergoing, but also morally repugnant in its own right.

From: Mark

Subject Conjuring

I agree. It was Allistair who made the comment to Lothnar, not Salix. Salix mostly agreed with Ally, but I do not remember him telling Lothnar directly about it. I do seem to remember Salix and Ally talking about it durint their stay, and it might have been heard by He Who Sees and Also Hears. :)

The main point is that Salix does not need to feel bad about summoning hippogriffs to their deaths.

From: Josh

Subject Kal's response

Kal is stunned by the ruling. What had he done wrong? "I'm not too prideful," he thinks to himself. "I have pride in the elven nations, but I'm a humble servant to their will. How did the council not see this? How could they be so wrong? How could they banish me from my home for 5 years?"

Kal leaves the chamber immediately after the council. He returns to his directly to his room, ignoring anying who tries to talk to him, as if they weren't speaking.

As soon as he enters his room, he closes and bars his door. After nearly an hour of dead silence, the sounds of feet sliding across the floor, grunts, screams and elven battle songs fill the hallway with their sound. Throughout the day, the hallway outside his room is somtimes filled with silence, and other times filled with the noise of what is presumably his intense training.

Eventually word of the Kal's noise make their way to Angelwing. He stands outside Kal's door at dusk, listening for what the others have heard. Everything is silent, but the small crowd that has gathered convinces him to wait and hear the noise for himself.

Angelwing takes a seat by the window in the hallway. Staring off into the sky, he thinks to himself how he would handle this young bladesinger. As his thoughts wander through the problem, he watches the sun creep toward the horizon. His thoughts eventually lead him to prayer, asking his god for guidance.

The moment the sun hits the horizon, a loud high pitched scream errupts from Kal's room. The noise shocks Angelwing, jarring him from his prayers. The scream continues for nearly 30 seconds before it ceases. It's immediately followed by the sounds of Kal's training, somehow more intense than it was before.

Angelwing sits and listens for a time and returns to his prayers. After sitting in silence for nearly an hour, he rises and says to the steward. "Guard this door. Let no one in and let no one speak through the door. When Kal-Lar emerges, give him whatever provisions he needs and then send him to me."

As the night progress, the intermittent sounds of the training continues, somehow gaining in volume and intensity as time passes. Elven battle hymns boom through the hallway at all hours, accompanied by grunts and the sound of bare flesh slapping against the stone floors. Occasionally there is the sound of talking and yelling, muffled by the door so as to be incomprehensible.

The rising sun is accompanied by another guttural scream. It echos through the hallway and wakes half the sleeping priests. The scream tapers off as the lungs fail, unable to push out any more air.

Then there is silence. For three hours there is no noise, the longest reprieve all night. Only the quiet breathing of the steward's sleep fills the hallway.

The steward jumps from his seat, startled as Kal emerges from his room. He wearing only the elven robes, Bel-Ril's guard, and his sword belt. His hair, which used to run down the length of his back, has been shorn off haphazardly, at its shortest at the scalp, and in no place longer than a few inches. The front of his robes are drenched in blood starting from a large V at his upper chest and running down to his midsection.

The steward, through stutters, relays Angelwing's message, to which Kal replies with calm composure, "Some light food, a place to clean myself, and some fresh clothes are all I need. I will meet with Angelwing after that."

OOC: Mark you can take it from here. I'm pretty sure you were scheduling a meeting with everyone the morning after the trial, if not then I guess angelwing would just tell him to return whenever that meeting is.

Shields and Such, Off to school

From: Jason

Subject Off to school

I'm driving up to school today, and since I don't actually have a place to live yet, I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to get to my email frequently over the next few days. If Ragnar is holding everyone up, Mark can make decisions for him, but basically he'll do what the order tells him to, and if for some reason the order decides that during this time of preparation for the epic battle against the prophesied Evil One (TM) that Ragnar should take a couple months off, he'll go with Salix. Either way, if appropriate he'll suggest trying out his new spell Divination before they go. He'll prepare the spell any day that he's supposed to meet with the others just to be ready.

From: Mark

Subject Shields and Such

The day after the verdict Mund and Salix have a quick breakfast in the chapterhouse and then head back into the city to visit Lothario. They show up right on time, as the tradesman is just turning over the sign in his window. "Ah, right on time. I like that in a customer" he says as they approach the building. "Come, come, let me show you what I have devised." Lothario spends the next 15 minutes showing the two the system he has worked out and what Salix has to do so that it can be attached to the shield.

When Salix is fairly sure that he understands what is to be done he turns to Mund. "I think I can do what is needed, but there is a chance that this will destroy your shield. Do you still want to go ahead?" The barbarian nods and Salix turns back to Lothario. "Ok, lets do this." Lothario and Salix take the parts and take their places at the table and start to work. A few minutes later the shopkeep lets out his breath. "I think that's got it." He holds up the shield and holds out a hand for Mund to give him the torch. Mund hands over the torch and Lothario snaps it into place.

The torch fits snugly in its holder and Mund tries the shield on for balance. It takes him a few seconds to get a feel for the change but he is quickly up to speed. "Hey, this is great" he says, waving the shield around. He then takes the shield off and works the latching mechanism for the torch. It does take both hands and several seconds, but he is able to take the torch off of the shield with no problem.(OOD: Installing or removing the torch is a full round action that provokes AOO.)

Mund pays Lothario for this work and thanks him. "Aw, don't mention it. Or better yet, do mention it to all your friends. Let them know if they need any wood working done, come to Shields and Such." He waves as Salix and Mund head back to the keep. They get there at about the third bell of the morning and are greeted by the gate guard. "Sirs" the young man says "I have been instructed to let you know that Commander Anglewing requests your presence in the main conference room at the noon meal." Salix and Mund thank the man.

"What do you think they want to see us for?" asks Mund. "My guess" Salix replies "is that they have found the location of the next gem and are going to ask us to go get it. I am going to have to tell them no, since I have been recalled to the Great North Woods. I still have to see if Surin and Ranthir would like to go along. It's going to be tough to convince them, but I have to try. I wish your brother was free to go along as well, but I would not be surprised if he was part of the group sent to get the gem." Mund nods, not sure how he feels about Ally heading out into danger with out his protection. True he could handle himself, but he was still one of those magicers, and you never knew what type of trouble they could get into.

OODM: I have my real life game today so I will write up the meeting tomorrow.

From: Ashley

Subject Off to school

speaking of away, I'll be jet-setting most of the day tomorrow, and should be in Provo by the afternoon. Hopefully, my apartment hasn't taken me off the network from Spring term, but if they have it'll be a few days before I can get on the internet from my lappy. I can still find a way to check in, so hopefully I won't slow the game up too much. :)


From: Mark

Subject Coincedence

Salix and Mund are almost the last two to arrive in the conference room. The others are all eating and Angelwing waves them over to a table laden with food. Salix represses his eagerness to be gone, knowing that MountainSister Sephira is waiting for him out at the willow grove. He piles his plate full of fruits and cheese and bread, while Mund fills his with meatier fare. In fact Mund's plate is so full he has to use a hand to keep everything on. When Salix looks at him askance, Mund mumbles "Hey, you don't know when we're going to be eatin next, so a fella's got to fill up when he can." Salix shakes his head and chuckles to himself.

Everyone talks amongst themselves quietly. The room goes silent when Kal enters the room. His long brown hair has been cut back almost to the scalp. His face is fatigued and his eyes have dark circles under them. He looks like he has aged years just over night. However tired he looks though, his face is serene and he moves with a calm grace. He wares a simple white tabard of the Silver Swords and sits next to Angelwing, not talking much with the others.

After about 20 minutes, when most every one has finished eating, Angelwing stands and moves to the front of the room. "Friends, I want to thank you for coming here today. I have good news. With the clue that Lothnar supplied we think we have deciphered where the next gem is." He looks ready to continue when Salix holds up his hand. Angelwing stops for a second, not used to being uninterrupted while speaking. "Yes Salix?" Salix stands, slightly embarrassed to have the whole room looking at him.

"Commander, before you go much further, I must inform you that I have been called back to the Great North Woods. Late yesterday I received a message from the StormFather. He has requested my assistance in a mission of some importance and I must make all haste. Another druid awaits me and we must leave before the day is done." Mund interrupts Salix "Yeah, and I'm goin with him." Salix grimaces at Mund's announcement, having hoped to ease the telling to the others. "Mund is going with me, as I have asked him if he would. My order has asked me to bring any who would be willing. I understand that many in our group will be going on a mission to get the next gem, but I, nor Mund, will be on that mission."

"I also extend my invitation to those not already committed: Ranthir and Surin. I would be honored if you would travel with me." The two mentioned look a bit stunned at the offer. Angelwing looks a bit stunned at this news but for some reason a smile spreads across his face. "Friend Salix, there is no problem. It is the StormFather that we need to see. I do not have the clues here, but Brother Orlpar says that the prophecy clearly states that the head druid of the Great North Woods was entrusted with the knowledge of where one of the gems is. It's location was supposed to be handed down from one to the next, so we need to go there as well."

"Sword Sergent Harp, Brother Ragnar, Allistair and Kal will accompany you, by your leave. They will return with the gem once the StormFather has given it to them. Since this will be in the Great North Woods, I will put them under your command, as long as it does not violate any of the oaths that they have already sworn. I would ask you to educate them on the ways of nature and how things work in the Great North Woods. As the StormFather asked me to allow you to accompany Harp's mission, now I ask you to allow our followers to accompany you on your mission."

Salix hesitates. He did not want command, but who better in the group if they were going into the North Woods. Maybe he could get that Kal to see that there were other ways to view the world. And it wasn't like they were going to do anything dangerous. They just had to find the StormFather and he would give the gem to Harp and the others and this would be done. "I am thankful for the help."

"Good, it's settled them. When do leave?" "Today, with in the hour." There are a few coughs from around the table as people sputter their lunch. "Angelwing laughs. "Sergeant Harp, get your people ready. You have 45 minutes to meet Salix in the courtyard or you loose your promotion." Chairs bang on the ground as Harp, Ragnar and Allistair leave the room to ready themselves for the trip. Anglewing turns to Kal. "My first command to you is that you go with the others from the Order. Harp will be your commanding officer, but you will also listen to Salix. Use this time to learn, to grow. Watch Harp. See how he deals with the challenges he faces. Now go." Kal stands and bows stiffly to Angelwing. The elf heads out of the room and bows to Salix as he leaves.

"Well, I guess I had better go get packed up as well" Mund mutters to himself. "Me too" Salix says and they are off with Surin and Ranthir to get ready for the trip.

OODM: If you want to have any other discussion before everyone gets ready to leave go ahead.

From: Porter

Subject Coincedence

OOC: I can just hear the DM going "Muahahahah!!!" when I read that. :)

question: How is it that Anglewing has authority to order Alistair what to do?


From: Karl

Subject Authority?

Or Surin, for that matter.

From: Mark

Subject Authority

Anglewing may just be assuming things.

As to Allistair, he is at least in the employ of the Order, probably not a member. They realize that there are arcane forces in the world.

I do not think Anglewing ordered Surin and Ranthir along, just the 4 that are answerable to the order.

From: Karl

Subject Authority

Salix has no conversation to initiate at this time. He will get ready and meet the assembled group and head to the meeting place with MntS Sephira.

(OOC - but if someone else starts a conversation involving Salix, I'll be happy to role-play it with you.)

From: Porter

Subject Authority

Mund grumbles to himself. He was looking forward to getting away from The Order, Kal, and the rest of the holier-than-thou folk he's put up with for the last couple of months.

At least he'll be around to look after Alley. He goes up to his brother and asks "So, what's the deal? Have you joined Angelwing's order?"

From: Derek

Subject Authority

Allistair laughs. "You don't see me wearing one of those tabards like Kal is, or jumping with a 'yes, sir!' like Harp, do you? I've given no formal oath to the Order of Heironius like Ragnar and Harp have, nor am I serving as retribution such as Kal. I simply promised Quarion that I would help the Order until this problem is resolved... and as long as I don't have any moral conflicts with the mission and the order itself. Technically my promise was fulfilled when we safely returned the first gem to the order, but after seeing Lothnar's vision, I think I'll want to stay with this until it's over.

From: Porter

Suject: Authority

"Well, as annoying as Harp and Kal might be, I'm glad you and I get to travel together for a while longer."

From: Derek

Subject Authority

Allistair is all of a sudden in a rush to get ready to leave. He thought they would have a few more weeks to rest, and Allistair hadn't packed his thinks yet. Fortunately, his gift from the order made that remarkably easy. He quickly shoves everything into his bag of holding, and in a few minutes he's ready to leave.

Allistair takes a look at the elven longsword if his. To take it or not? He hadn't used it even once while in Lothnar's domain, and to tell the truth he trusted his magic more than his sword-arm. Still, it wasn't like he was loaded down now. With a shrug he takes the sword and fastens it under his robe.

With care, he takes his now-larger spellbook and stows it in his pack. This was by far his most valuable posession, and he would be almost useless to the group without it. Now he was able to better protect it and his friends, though.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Allistair exclaims out loud. "I need to ask Angelwing for a quick favor." With that he dashes back into the hall to try and have a brief word with the celestial.

"Lord Angelwing," Allistair gets his attention. "May I have a brief word with you in private? It will not take long."

From: Mark

Subject Authority

"Certainly, you may. But, please, Heronin, if you please, or Commander if you must, but I am no Lord." The paladin leads Allistair to his private study.

Turn and the basics

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Any one else want to make a comment, write a turn?

From: Karl

Subject Turn

Not me at this time. I'll have more to say, I'm sure, once we get a DM update turn. :-)

From: Porter

Subject Basics

Can we assume that we stocked up on things like wineskins, rations, arrows, and other expendables?

From: Mark

Subject The basics

Basic item are fine. And let it be known that I will use my definition of basic. It is what a standard person would take camping or to go travelling.

So no comments later on about how your character would always pick up a thunderstone when he goes travelling.

But Arrows, crossbow bolts, basic rations, wine and water skins, tinder, flints, etc are fine. You guys had to spend your time in town somehow the past week.

From: Kevin

Subject Turn

Mark, I will probably get a chance to write something later tonight, but if you want to move us on, I can make it happen then.

From: Josh

Subject the basics

Kal will replenish his spell ingredients.

From: Jason

Subject The basics

I'm back, but Ragnar doesn't really have anything to say. He'll go along.

Maps and on the road again

From: Mark

Subject Maps and stuff

I just realized that it is possible that many of the players now with our group did not get the world map of the list of countries in the Northern Continent.

I am attaching a world map with the countries and major cities listed. Also a list of those countries.

On the map Countries are in Blue lettering and cities are in Red.

Please let me know if any of this does not make any sense.

The druid enclave that the party will be headed to is near Lodo in Eld.

Rochelle came from Mhunl.

From: Mark

Subject Terrain map

Here is a map that shows the major forests as well as deep water in the oceans.

The mountains are also shown.

From: Mark

Subject Turn

I will write up a turn tonight.

From: Porter

Subject Terrain map

So, where are we, and where did we go?

From: Mark

Subject Maps

In the last mission, the party started in Schon, at the City of Gorn, on the coast. They went to FreeHold, which is where they meet Mund. Then they went into the mountains to the north of FreeHold.

This time they will be heading up towards Lodo in Eld. There is a major road that follows the mountains for a long period of time, just to the north of them.

There is a pass in the mountains from Bhyo to Undulant. Raids on Bhyo come from Undulant from this pass and creatures from the mountains often raid and attack caravans and groups trying to use the pass.

From: Ashley

Subject Coincedence

Surin takes a few minutes to tidy up his living space, making sure he wasn't forgetting anything important. His hatchet was in a new holster on his belt, and he fingered it a few times as he made his way down to the courtyard to make sure it was still there. When he finds Salix he makes a small, only partly-joking salute. "Ready to head out then, uh, sir." he says, smiling. "It should be an interesting change of pace with you in command--I don't envy you one bit. But I know you're up to it."

From: Mark

Subject On the road again

An hour later the party members straggle into the courtyard. Allistair, his new bag over his shoulder, comes in with Mund, the two brothers talking quietly. Ragnar and Harp file in with almost military precision. Ranthir joins the group quietly, his mind seemingly elsewhere. Only Surin tries to break the quiet with a quick joke that falls flat. Kal is the last to join them, and he is accompanies by Angelwing. When the paladin and the bladesinger reach the party Angelwing speaks. "Salix, these three" he points to Kal, Harp and Ragnar "join you at my command. When they have retrieved the gem they are to return here with it. The others join you at your request. I do not begrudge you this, but would ask these two boons."

"First, when they have recovered the gem, if some of your friends could accompany them back to Gorn, to ensure their safety and that of the gem. Second, I would ask you, and them, to consider helping us getting the rest of the gems. Your group has a wide pool of talents. I think this will be invaluable in attaining our ultimate goal. For those of you who will not do this because it is right, we will offer payment. I do not ask for your answer now, but please think on it."

Salix nods non-committaly and signals the others to mount up. They all get on their horses, some more expertly than others and Salix leads them out of the courtyard. They head west out the Merchant gate and Salix sets a brisk pace. With in the hour he leads them off the main road, north towards a grove of trees. He leads them several dozen yards in and then has them dismount. "This is a druid willow grove. It is sacred to the druids. Please respect it." He leads them to the small pool in the middle of the grove. Green willows shadow them, falling like water over a high falls.

A female voice comes out of the woods. "Wealdward, I see you have returned." A women who seems only a few years older than Salix steps from behind a tree. It is as if she had stepped out of thin air. "I welcome you, friends of Salix. I am MountainSister Sephira. We have much to discuss before each of us goes on our way. Two days ago I was instructed by the StormFather, the head of the druids of the Great North Woods, to find Salix and ask him and any who would accompany him, and bring them back to our council area. The StormFather wants Salix to follow after him and assist him with a mission of some import. There has been a sense of unease in the north east portions of the North Woods, the part that is claimed by the WildLands. This is the most distant and wildest part of the Woods. Even the younger druids fear to go there."

When the council sensed that something was going on, we sent a party of Wealdward's to investigate. They never returned. We next sent 5 Riverguards. They did not return either. It was then that the StormFather decided to go investigate himself. Salix is to take you to the main grove near Lodo. There the Council will assist in getting you to where the StormFather went. You should start today because the road to the Council circle is a long one. You need to be there in 2 weeks."

Salix looks stunned at this statement. "Sephira, we would kill the horses were we to ride them that hard. It is close on 350 leagues to Lodo. If we had remounts along the way we might be able to make it, but some of these horses are personal beasts whose owners would be loath to kill in this mission." Sephira takes this outburst in stride. "Wealward, do you think I do not know what I ask? Do you think I would treat animals so? Here, take this." She hands over a small container. Salix unscrews the lid and opens the jar. The smell of fresh dug earth on a spring day waffes out of the jar. Salix takes a second to realize what it is. "Hurtloam" he says, eyes wide.

"Very good, Wealdward. Most not mountain born would recognize this. Take care with it. Put a pinch in everyones food and water every day, including the horses. It will allow everyone to continue with only minimal rest and sleep. Use it sparingly. I did not know you would have this many people with you. However, this should allow you and your companions to make the trip in a fortnight. When you get there present yourself to the Council head and they will send you where you need to go. I will meet you there."

The lady then chants and holding a silver holy symbol that looks like tree branches she walks right into a willow and disappears.