The water room

From: Mark

Subject The water room

It is 26 when the rage goes away. The bonus 10 drop off.

It is possible for a Barbarian to die when his rage ends. It is unlikely with Mund since he has extended rage, and there have been no battles that have gone on long enough for that to be a problem.

From: Kevin

Subject The water room

Harp gasps for breath, the fresh air filling his lungs. He falls to his knees,trying to keep himself from falling over. Only water, it had been only water, but only three hits from that thing had nearly killed him. Harp was sure that had he been struck with such force one more time, he would have succumbed to it. He says silent prayer to the Battle Lord for seeing he through this test. Suddenly, he feels the warmth of Heironious's grace wash over him, restoring some of his strength, clearing the water from his lungs (OOC: Ragnars CSW on Harp). He nods his head to the cleric, grateful for his presence and his skills.

OOC: when the time is right, he will ask some of the others to search the room for a key, hoping against hope that it is in here somewhere. He will then open discussions on how to tackle the next room.

From: Karl

Subject The water room

(OOC-Did Breathe Water get dispelled for the fighters? How about the rest of us? )

Salix will help search the water room.

From: Mark

Subject The water room

It is still running. The thing with the drowning was more for color than actual damage.

From: Derek

Subject The water room

OOC: I was wondering about the drowning thing too.

Allistair is glad that his friends are all right, but he wishes he could have used his other fireballs first. They certainly weren't going to be any use against the fire elemental.

Allistair follows everyone else into the room to look around and search for the key. He also looks around to see if there is any drain to the water from the fountain.

"This water, assuming it is now no more than just water, is a good chance for us to refill our waterskins. I also wonder if we can somehow utilize this water to help us against the fire room."

From: Randy

Subject The water room

Ranthir puts his face into the water, instinctively holding his breath despite the fact that he doesn't need to. He searches around the room, reminding himself when necessary that he does not have to surface for air. He concentrates his search around the fountain.

When he comes up after making his search he hears Allistair mention the possibility of using the water against the fire in the other room. "That is a great idea. Is there any magical way of making this water into a weapon? Some way of directing it and forcing it to flow into the fire room?"

From: Porter

Subject The water room

Now that things aren't so crazy, Mund decides to try out this magick of his brother's. He sticks his head under water and forces himself do breathe deeply. Once he can bring himself to do it, it works great. Mund investigates the source of the fountain, having fun with this new ability.

From: Mark

Subject The water room

Not sure what you are asking as to the drain.

Is Derek trying to find where the water goes?

Or how the fountain gets supplied?

Or both? :)

From: Porter

Subject The water room

Basically he's sticking his head down the hole where the water comes up from.

Why? Because he can, and it's fun. Also, he has the excuse that he's looking for a key.

Mund also brings out his everburning torch, and uses it to light his way.

Look! He's underwater, breathing fine, and using a torch. Pretty cool, neh?

From: Mark

Subject The water room

Actually that was directed at Derek/Allistair from his earlier e-mail. I figure Mund is playing water wings in the foot deep kiddie pool. Harp may not be able to get him out of the room.

From: Porter

Subject The water room

It looks like you've got a good handle on the situation from Mund's end. :)

From: Kevin

Subject The water room

Given Harp's current condition, he is not going to be chasning after Mund very quickly. He is feeling a bit water logged and is beginning to understand Mund's dislike of bathing.

When Harp hears Allistairs suggestion of trying to use the water as a weapon in the fire room, his ears perk up. Harp was pretty sure that the fire balls Allistair had used on the water had weakened it greatly, and if they could do the same thing to the fire, he was all for it. Harp will also be interested in seeing if anyone could provide some protection from fire in case they needed to go hand to hand.

From: Ashley

Subject The water room

Surin takes a few cautious steps inside the flooded room, hoping that another one of those water things isn't lurking around under his feet. The whole scene just confused him -- water coming to life, and nothing to harm it except fire, of all things. He hopes there won't be as much trouble with the fire room, but his experience so far has taught him what a foolish thing *that* is to hope for. He starts poking around, looking for a key or any artifact that's out of place.

With all the talk of using the water room to fight fire -- now *that* actually started to make sense -- Surin listens intently. "Shame we can't start some kinda bucket brigade between the two rooms. That might accomplish something."

OOC: I'm on campus internet until I can get on the network at my new apartment, which should be later today or else I'm gonna yell at someone.

From: Derek

SubjectThe water room

Yeah, I'd like to know where this water is coming from and where its going. I'm thinking if we can plug the drain with a wet rag or something, we could get water flowing into the main room, or even into the fire room. Even better if we could control the flow rate of the fountain, we could flood the place in no time.

Anybody feel like lugging those gargoyle statues over here and trying to make a dam? If they have a square base, it might be possible. Or maybe we could just pile up the dead bodies of everything we've killed so far. There's a lot of biomass to work from. (Though it would be pretty gross, and probably wouldn't work so well. Now if we had a lot of sandbags...)

From: Mark

Subject The water room

The four fighters look around, expecting the water to rise again from some other spot. Harp drops to his knees, still panting for breath. Ragnar, a joyous glint in his eyes, moves to the 1/2 orc, a healing prayer already on his lips (CSW, Heal 19). Harp feels the warmth of the healing prayer spread through his aching lungs, and he breaths a bit easier.

After a few minutes Harp looks up and sees Mund doing something in the water. So it Ranthir. They are both on their hands and knees, faces in the water. Then he notices that they are not coming up for air and he shudders in revulsion.

Mund and Ranthir on the other hand are having a wonderful time looking for the key under the water. Mund seems to splash a lot in his search and several of the party members wonder how he can see anything with all the commotion. During the search both Ranthir and Mund find small holes in the side walls of the rooms, no wider than their thumbs, about 3 inches off the floor. Mund calls his brother over to inspect them.

As the the others are looking around the room, Surin steps gingerly into the room. The water comes up to mid thigh on him. He glances around and starts looking in the not so obvious places. When Ranthir and Mund report that they have been unable to find the key in the water Surin coughs, just loud enough to get everyones attention. When they are all looking at him, he points to the fountain. There, in the middle of the fountain, where the water is coming out, looks to be part of a key. The halfling goes over to the fountain and takes his time looking for traps, not around the statue, since the others would have set those off long ago. No, he spends his time searching the statue itself.

It is some abstract form, flowing and liquid all at the same time. The surface is incredibly smooth, made even worse by the moister in the room. The halfling puts a hand on the surface to feel what type of grip he might be able to get. Slick as ice with water on it. "Harp, would you mind giving me a hand. You're the tallest and I need some reach." The 1/2 orc moves over and helps Surin climb to his shoulders. The little halfling is lighter than Harp's pack and causes him no problems.

"Ok, give me your hand. Just keep me steady. Grab my left leg with your other hand. Steady. Steady. Can you lean a little to your left? That's it. Got it!" Surin exclaims. When Harp lets his leg go, the little halfling does a small flip off Harp's back and lands with a splash in the water. He holds up the key. Or part of a key. It is the handle of a platinum key. The precious metal glitters in the light of the room, dripping water.

After Allistair has had a chance to inspect the room and the drain holes he reports to Harp. "I am fairly sure that the fountain is sourced from the water in this room. The water drains out of the room from through the holes and goes to some holding area beneath us. There, by some unknown means, it is pumped back up here through the fountain. I do not know if you four noticed it, but when the elemental attacked the water level in the room dropped and the fountain stopped working. I am not sure if or how we can use this."

I have some stuff to do. I will write more tomorrow, but any role playing you want to do is fine.