A decoy

From: Mark

Subject A decoy

Harp is taken aback that they can not see their quarry. As he starts to list the order that the party will enter the room Salix offers to summon an ally from nature to use as a decoy. "That is a great idea Salix. Please do so at once." Turning to Kal Harp says "We are going to attack and I hope to use those fireballs to good effect, but if the thing is sitting just above the door, tossing fireballs in willy nilly is just going to waste Allistair's power. Let's see if the thing is above the door? Kal, I have a mirror in the outside pocket of my pack, dig it out and use it to see if there is anything above the door."

Kal nods and quickly finds the mirror. As Salix prepares to summon his ally, Kal slips the mirror just inside the door, using it to look up. It is a quick glance but he sees nothing. Turning and shaking his head at Harp, he puts the mirror back in the backpack. Salix then says his prayer to Obad-Hai and a wolf appears in their midst. At Salix's command the wolf darts to the door. Mund nudges the door open about a foot wide(OODM the door opens in and to the left) and the wolf enters the room at a run. The party listens at the open door.

Soon after the wolf enters the room there is a roaring sound from someplace distant in the room. The echoes reverberating and bouncing all over the place. A loud whooshing sound followed by a quick yelp and then silence. There is a sound of wings flapping.

OODM: Ok what now?

From: Kevin

Subject A decoy

IC: Harp looks at the others and says "All right, we know where it's not and have good idea of where it is. Ran, Mund and Kal, take the lead, Salix, you and I are on either side of Ragnar, Surin, you take the rear with Allistair and keep an eye behind us. Remember, Ragnar's circle of protection only has a limited range, so stay close if you can - but if you three up front see an opportunity, don't be afraid to take it. Lets move in and move toward that sound we just heard."

OOC: Mark, I am assuming that the previously discussed spells of protection will have been cast prior to our moving in. Harp will be behind Kal since he has the fewest HP of the front line guys.

From: Josh

Subject A decoy

Kal gives Harp a look of "We should drop some fireballs in there anyway." but keeps his mouth shut.