Please Don't Report Us to Child Services

We've managed to more or less get Jason on a sleep schedule. It seems to be working pretty well--he gets a bath at 7:30 every night, then Juliette reads to him and puts him in his pajamas, then she puts him down at 8. He usually falls asleep in less time than it takes her to walk from his room to the living room. It's great because we get some time in the evenings to catch up on chores and spend some time together, and he sleeps right through the night. He does wake up earlier than we'd like most days--usually around 5:30--but Juliette is up by then on the weekdays anyway and he actually sleeps later than that often enough that I'm hoping the early rising is something he'll grow out of.

The one problem, though, is that it's often hard to get him to wait until 7:30 to start his bedtime routine. Especially if he hasn't had a late nap, or if the nap he did have was short, Jason starts getting tired around 6:30. Usually that means he's fussy, though lately we have been able to keep him entertained enough to distract him. If he's really tired, though, sometimes we get a scene like this:

I'm pretty sure that the fact that we're laughing in the video means we are terrible people.



I have THE cutest nephew... and I hadn't seen the one of him eating yet either. Oh I miss that little boy!


You do have the cutest nephew........ and I have the cutest daughters


<i>I'm pretty sure that the fact that we're laughing in the video means we are terrible people.</i>

Not at all.

It means you are terrible parents.

Kate (the Great):

Oh crap, that's cute.