Harp muses and Kevin out of town

From: Kevin

Subject Harp muses, Kevin out of town

Harp is fascinated by Salix's ability to talk with animals. As he hears about the goblin camp, questions spring to his mind

"Salix, were you able to glean how far from here the camp is? About how large is it, and how close to the edge of the woods is it."

Harp is jumping the gun a bit, but he wants to put some the "strategic" training he had received to use.

OOC: Guys, I know that we have not seen the fort yet, but I have a couple of thoughts. I am going to be gone watching the US soccer team play Guatemala next Wednesday, so I do not know my availability to give comments next week.

My first feeling is that we will need a major distraction to make this work. If the set up lends itself to this, imagine this: Early morning, when most of the goblins are still sleeping, we sneak along the first blush of the woods to the rear of the fort.

If there is less than say 50 feet from the forest to the back of the fort, Harp can cast Obscuring mist. We sneak up on the back of the fort, friend Salix requests the ability to shape wood, causing a small hole to open in the wooden structure large enough for us (even Harp) to get through, he then summons a "Natures ally" say a hippogriff, that can fly to the front of the fort creating the distraction. It only lasts for 4 rounds (24 seconds) but it should be enough to get their attention. Harp casts a bless on the whole group, Protection from evil on someone and Shield of Faith on Alatyr. Cai, Ran, Alatyr and Harp head to take out what goblins they see, Fal, Bel, Salix and Surin try to find Rochelle (we might have already found that out through study of the camp) or the non-goblin leader. Or we can switch Harp for Bel - we are both 2nd level combantants. Either way, we are inside the camp without trying to assualt the gate.

I know that this is crude, but I am sure that between us we can tweek this plan. I am also very open to other suggestions - I was just thinking of a way to use the woods and our spell abilities to get us into that fort. I am guessing that our illustrious DM has someone more difficult than group of goblins for us to worry about if we do not move quickly. These goblins did not spend 1000 gold to hire those trolls we met a way back - I am sure they were paid to do this part of the job.

If I am unavailable and the group decides on another course of action, Harp wil gladlyl do what is asked of him.

Happy Easter to all. I look forward to seeing how this works out.


The plan

From: Rob

Subject The plan

OOC: I believe they were Ogres, not trolls.

Bel mentions to Ran that while his main weapon is a bow, he does have some "other" abilities that should make him good for sneaking around and finding Rochelle. He can take off his armor and protect himself through use of his innate magical skills (Shield), and without armor he is a lot more sure of his ability to use magic to defend himself (acid spray and burning hands)...not to mention he would be a lot quieter without it, allowing him to move much quieter and hide better.

Bel think that Harp would do a much better job of polishing off goblins that he would, at least in a direct combat situation.

From: Kevin

Subject The plan

OOC: Ogre, Troll, who cares, they were big and smelly. Of course, they did not regenerate, so I guess ogre was the preferred creature to encounter.

Harp will gladly take to the front lines. He just did not want to deprive anyone else of the fun if they wanted it.

The plan (cont)

From: Mark

Subject Turn


From: Derrell

Subject Plan

Fal is intrigued by the plan to use a distraction and is all for it. He volunteers to use his Sleep spell on those who are left inside once the distraction does its job.

From: Kevin

Subject Plan

OOC:Since, Randy is out of town for a few days, Harp will make some suggestions

IC: Harp will wait to hear from Salix as to any additional information he may have been able to glean from his conversation with the bird. Assuming that there is nothing terribly worrisome in the report, Harp will suggest to Ran and the company that they continue riding toward the goblin camp just inside the first cut of the forest to somewhat conceal their approach. They will not ride so far in that it hampers their progress greatly, but they want some type of cover. Harp will ask the rangers to scout ahead so that the group does not accidentally come upon the fort or any patrols. Harp is willing to push the group a little farther past their normal stopping time it it will allow them to get within comfortable range of the fort. He would like to be able to get a basic feel for the location still this evening.

While they travel, Harp will discuss with the others ideas they may have for gaining access to the fort. He will specifically talk to Salix to discuss how they might be able to use the surrounding environment to their benefit.

More planning, Surin speaks up

From: Karl

Subject The plan

Salix has no additional info. He told the group everything he knows. Salix will go along with whatever is decided as laying siege to a small village is a tad outside his area of expertise.

From: Randy

Subject The plan

Ran agrees with Harp.

"We should get as close as we can and then conceal ourselves. We will then need to scout out the fort somehow. I don't want us to charge in blindly. We don't want to do anything that might bring harm to the Lady."

From: Nate

Subject The Plan

I am full of hope for our plans, and await any decisions as to what to do.

From: Jake

Subject The plan

Surin listens as the plan for assaulting the town is laid out, his eyebrows raising ever higher as point after point is ticked off. When Harp has finished outlining how he thinks the attack should proceed, Surin clears his throat.

"Sounds like a good way to get ourselves killed, and possibly Rochelle too, ifyou ask me. How long do you think it would take us to reach this Rochelle, once the assault began, eh? We'd find her with a dagger held to her throat, if we found her at all. If she's as important to them as all that--and we've got saddle bags full of coin that say that she is--you can bet that there'd be a guard that'd carry her to some bolt hole or other the second they got wind we were out there."

He pauses, squatting down on his haunches. "Blundering in may be the fast way to do this, but I reckon it ain't the best. Nah, if you ask me, stealth'll serve us better here. I say I sneak down there and have a little look around, see if I can't figure out where they're keeping Rochelle. If I can just sneak her out I will, but if not I'll steal my way back up here and let all of you know the lay of the land. What do you think?"

Surin scouts, reports

From: Karl

Subject The encampment

Salix agrees, remembering how the Halfling disappeared into the woods when the Orcs attacked. "Our little friend has a point," he says giving Surin a wink.

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Ok every one but Ami has responded so I will try and put out turn today.

From: Mark

Subject Surin scouts, reports

Ran thinks about what Salix has told him. While he is thinking Harp makes his suggestions about an assault on the encampment and lays out his plan. Alatyr puts in his two coppers in agreement with Harp. Several others nod their agreement. Then Surin speaks up.

?Sounds like a good way to get ourselves killed, and possibly Rochelle too, if you ask me. How long do you think it would take us to reach this Rochelle, once the assault began, eh? We'd find her with a dagger held to her throat, if we found her at all. If she's as important to them as all that--and we've got saddle bags full of coin that say that she is--you can bet that there'd be a guard that'd carry her to some bolt hole or other the second they got wind we were out there." He pauses, squatting down on his haunches. "Blundering in may be the fast way to do this, but I reckon it ain't the best. Nah, if you ask me, stealth'll serve us better here. I say I sneak down there and have a little look around, see if I can't figure out where they're keeping Rochelle. If I can just sneak her out I will, but if not I'll steal my way back up here and let all of you know the lay of the land. What do you think?"

Ran considers what Surin has said and nods. ?Let us move a bit closer to the encampment, so that we may come to your aid, if needed. It will also give us a chance to see exactly what we are up against. Let's eat a quick bite of food and then move on.? Harp is a bit disgruntled to have his plan overruled, but sees the advantage of having someone scout out the place. Alatyr chaffs at the hold up, wanting to charge in and rescue Rochelle. Cai and Bel both agree that it would be better to know exactly what it going on, as does Fal.

The party eats a quick meal, not even taking the time to light a fire. With Surin in the lead, they walk their horses along the edge of the woods. After about an hour, Surin motions them to stop and he hands the reins of his pony to Salix. ?Watch him for a bit, would you?? Salix nods at the halfling. Surin turns to Ran and tells him ?Give me an hour or so to take a look at the approach. It will not be dark for another hour or so and I don't want to go in until it is dark.? With that Surin fades into the woods.

All the birds are sent aloft to keep an eye out for surprises. About an hour later Surin pops out of the forest, surprising all the other party members. He is smiling broadly as he approaches the party. ?Count on goblins to be so stupid.? He sits down with the rest of the party and asks ?Is there any of that bread left from this morning? I?m starved.? Salix smiles and hands a hunk of bread over to the halfling.

While stuffing his face Surin is quickly drawing a crude map. ?I have some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. It is a large encampment. There are easily over 150 goblins. The place is about 150 feet across, circular in shape. The walls are about 10-15 feet high, made of logs. There is a gate in the east wall. I was able to climb a tree and look inside a bit. There are mainly tents and lean toos where it looks like most of the goblins live. There is a small shack in the middle of the encampment, maybe 20 feet on a side. My guess is that is where they are keeping Rochelle. Now the really bad news. I saw the thing leading the goblins.? At this point he glances over at Harp. ?It is a ? orc, but bigger than Harp. The thing must stand 7? tall. It carried this huge double axe that is the most vicious thing I have ever seen.?

?Now the good news. First, most of the orcs are females and young. From the sounds coming from the place, a lot of the males were killed. That jibes with what we know. There were a lot of goblin corpses at the caravan where Rochelle was taken. Second, the encampment backs up almost to the forest. I will have no problem getting in. There are watch stations, two at the gate and three more positioned around the wall, but I don't see a problem with me getting up and over. I only saw one goblin at each watch station. I am guessing that with all the dead goblins the normal watch schedule might be a little screwed up. There are cooking fires all over the place so there should be plenty of shadows and places to hide. As long as I am not in a hurry I should be able to make my way anywhere I want to go with out being seen or heard.?

?I am going to suggest that we wait for a few hours, let them settle in for a bit, and then for me to go inside the compound and find exactly where she is. I might even be able to get her out.?

OODM: Any comments, actions

From: Randy

Subject Scouting

"That is exactly why I agree with Harp about getting closer to their camp. I don't want us to barge in their either. Surin, do you want to sneak in this night? The darkness may help conceal you, but I will defer to your expertise in this event."

When they set up camp for the night, Ran will seek out a moment of seclusion so that he can reflect on his leadership. Feeling that he is not communicating well with the group, Ran goes over his recent statements and decisions. He realizes that he has only been half listening to suggestions made to the group and has only been giving partial answers and orders. He offers a prayer to his god, requesting focus and strengthened communication ability.

Ran will offer to take a double watch if Surin decides to enter the fort tonight.

Fal speaks and Mark out of the offic

From: Derrell

Subject The encampment

Fal likes this plan. With that giant half-orc, it would be wise to use stealth. Fal will allow Lenore to be used as a lookout if necessary. He volunteers to do whatever is needed of him to make this operation a success.

From: Mark

Subject The plan

I am going to be out of the office tomorrow, so I will not be checking my e-mail as much as usual. I will try and get a turn out tomorrow, but home is only dial up so the dice rolling and stuff may take a bit longer. Unless I hear from any one differently Surin will be heading in to the goblin camp.

Surin Goes In/Maps

From: Mark

Subject Surin Goes in

The party eats a quite dinner of cold food. They don't risk a fire this close to the goblin camp. Surin is uncharacteristically quiet. His normal playful self seems to have been replaced with someone else. Salix wanders over to where Surin is sitting by himself, sits down and ask ?Do you want to talk about it?? Surin glances up at the ? elf and decides to let his friend know what is on his mind.

?You know, I have never been in a life or death situation before. If I screw up in there, it will probably not be just my life that is forfeit, but Rochell's and maybe yours. I know I can do this. When the circus visited some of the larger towns I would practice following some mark through the town, making sure that he did not know he was being followed. I never got caught.?

?But this is different. I know in my head that I can do this. I have looked into the camp and there are plenty of places to hide, lots of shadows, lots of things to hide under or behind. But my heart is not so sure. What if I mess up? I can probably handle a few goblins but not 30 or more. And that brute that was leading them, he would take me apart in about 10 seconds, if that long. I tell you Salix, I am worried.?

In all the weeks that he has been traveling with Surin, Salix has never heard the halfling ever express any type of concern. ?Looking at his friend he says ?Don't take too much on your shoulders. You don't have to get her out yourself. Just find out where she is and how easy it would be to go in and get her. Just remember that the rest of us are out here and we will do whatever we can to help. In fact I will have Noctis take a place up in the trees and try and keep an eye out for you. If he sees you having any problems he will come tell me. At that point I am sure the Harp and Alatyr would love to do a frontal assault and that would probably distract them.? Salix smiles as he says this last statement.

About four hours after dark, when it is close to mid night, Surin stands up and tells Ran that he is ready to go. All the party members shake the little halfling's hand and wish him luck. Surin checks his gear one last time, making sure that everything is tied down and that nothing will make any noise or reflect any light. He slips into the woods.

Surin follows the same path as last time, towards the back of the encampment. Taking his time to make sure that he is quite, he slowly works his way to a spot midpoint between the two back watchtowers.(OODM:Surin is moving at half speed, 10feet, and taking 10 with both his Move Silent skill and his Hide. That gives him a Move Silent score of 23 and a Hide score of 26.) Looking up the rough trees, Surin makes a quick climb to the top of the tree trunk that makes up the wall.(Climb DC15 , 15+2=17, success. Makes it up the first 5 feet. Climb DC15, 15+2=17, success, makes it to the top.

As he sits at the top of the palisade,he takes a quick look around and sees that no one is looking his way. The ground is clear beneath him and he starts to work his way down the tree.(DC15, 14+2=16, success, down 5 feet). When he is half way down he looks and sees that one of the guards is starting to turn his way and he lets go and does a short drop to the ground behind one of the tents. He takes a second to catch his breath. The hardest part was over. A few minutes later Surin is back to work.

Figuring that the shack in the middle would be the likely place for the goblins to keep valuable captives, Surin slowly works his way over there. Sometimes crawling, sometimes dashing between shadows when no one was looking, sometimes hiding under a dirty blanket when goblins walked by, Surin is able to get to the shack. He thanks his gods that there is a small crawl space under the building, raising it about 6? off the ground. It might be a tight fit but he should be able to make it.

Surin figures that he has been in the camp for about an hour when he makes his move to get under the shack. He makes his move and slides under the building. He has to be careful not to let his armor scrape on the bottom of the building. He scoots under the building and starts to listen and look around. From his recon earlier, he knew that the door to the shack faced north, so he headed toward the north end of the building. As he gets there he notices a small piece of wood missing from the floor. Moving himself around he is able to get a view into the building.

The shack looks like it is divided into three rooms. There is a wall 10 feet from the front wall with 2 doors in it. The front room is 20 feet wide and 10 feet deep. Surin guesses that the back to room are 10' X 10'. Surin can see the ? orc over to one side, eating a leg of something. It looks cooked. ?Bastard has horrible table manners ?Surin thinks. At that moment Surin hears a commotion coming from the front gate. The ? orc yells out to someone in common,?Find out what the problem is.? Surin hears the patter of feet above him and a door slamming. A few minutes later he hears the stomp of some fairly heavy foot steps.

Surin twists a little bit and sees two men standing there. One has a shield with a picture of a hand holding a bunch of arrows. The taller says ?My Master got your message. You have the girl?? With a grunt the ? orc goes to one of the rooms and brings out a young woman. She is blindfolded and fairly disheveled, but otherwise seems to be unhurt. The first man smiles and says ?We will take her to the Master and he will come by in a few days with your payment.? He motions for the other man to get the girl. The second man moves towards her but the ? orc moves first. With blinding speed he grabs his axe that was laying against the back wall and swings at the second man. The second man's head is separated from his body, and it rolls over to a corner as the body falls lifeless on the floor..

?Dargrak is no fool. Agreement was gold for girl. You tell your boss that when he shows up with my gold, he will get his girl. No one else and not before.? With that he licks some of the blood off the axe blade. The first man looks in stunned silence. Finally he is able to talk. ?You will regret that. I will inform my Master. I will leave tonight and you can expect him in two days.? With that Dargrak grunts and pushes the girl back into her room. The man quickly leaves and Dargrak bellows for the goblins to get the body out of his house. He then sits back down to finish his meal.

OODM: Jake do you want to do anything else while you are under the building?

From: Mark

Subject Maps

I forgot to attach the map of the encampment.

The round red things are cooking fires. The square red thing in the middle is the shack.

I have also included a map of the general area around the encampment.

From: Jake

Subject Surin Goes in

How well constructed is this floor? If it looks like Surin could enlarge the hole quietly enough to not attract anyone's attention, I might wait until the room is clear and try popping up for a better look around, and maybe a rescue while I'm at it.

Also, what supplies does Surin have on his person? Can I assume that if it's listed in the equipment section of his character sheet (as opposed to his "on mount" section) he's got it?

A rescue? and back at the camp

From: Mark

Subject Flooring

The floor is not well built at all. There was a lot of squeaking and noises made when the men were in the room. The hole was only about 5-6" across, but it was located in a place where he had a good view of the room. He might be able to pry up a board or two, but it would likely make alot of noise.

He has everything on his list that he would obviously take. He might take a little water and a little food, but that is unlikely.

From: Jake

Subject Rescue?

Much as Surin would love to attempt a rescue, he decides that enlarging the hole would make too much noise to have much chance of going undetected. As quietly as possible he makes his way out from under the building, sneaks back through the camp, and scales the wall, intending to return to the party and relate what he saw and heard. It would seem that they have a little time, but that it is likely that in a few days time whoever hired the goblins to capture Rochelle will be here to pick her up, and will probably come intending to take her rather than pay for her, given the half orc's actions.

From: Kevin

Subject Rescue?

OOC: My compliments on your decision. Tempting as it must have been to try it, I doubt that Rochelle is going to be in any condition to sneak out.

Oh well, looks like we get to bust the doors down :-).

Actually, I still think sneaking in the back (but maybe without the Hippogriff) will be the way to go. We have Salix open a hole for us, we make a mad dash for the hut, take out the 1/2 orc, and then boogey our way out the back. 30-40 goblins do not worry me much - remember, 15 guardsmen took out 75-100 of them when they ambushed Rochelles caravan. We will have surprise on our side, and we do not have to kill them all, just get in, kill the 1/2 orc (can I, can I, please), and then get our of dodge. They goblins will not be much problem without the big guy leading them. Of course, he might be a challenge.

Well done.

From: Mark

Subject Meanwhile, back at the camp

As the party waits for Surin to return, the try and keep alert. They are really too far to hear much from the encampment. They set loose perimeter and hobble the horses a little distance away. Occasionally one of the birds swoops down and makes a quick sound and heads back out. The full moon glints through the trees, casting shadows everywhere. Only Alatyr is bothered by the dark. Harp is not bothered at all by the dark. The four fighter types take up positions around the camp, while Fal and Salix settle down in the middle of the clearing where they have made this temporary camp. Ran makes the rounds of the people on watch, making sure that they are alert.

Surin has been gone about an hour. No one is really worried yet since he had told them it would likely take 3-4 hours to get the job done right. Cai is propped up against a tree and keeping an eye out to the west. As Ran approaches, she perks up, not turning to look at him. As he approaches her he thinks he sees something move in the bushes about 40 yards out. He whispers to her ?Did you see that??(Spot roll, DC21, 19+4=23, success) She nods(Spot roll, DC21, 19+10=29, success) and slowly slips her bow from her shoulder as Ran quietly draws his sword. Whatever it is, the thing is very big. Just then the moon glints off Ran's sword and the creature a large wolf like creature standing 10 feet tall, gives a loud roar and rushes the party.

OODM:Right now only Cai and Ran know something is out there. What do you two want to do?

I have attached a map of the clearing and everyones postion. The creature is about 120 feet to the west.

Excitement at the camp, Surin goes walkabout, Noctis saves his bacon

From: Karl

Subject The camp

Salix will wait in semi-blissful ignorance.

From: Kevin

Subject The camp

Harp will keep watch until the activity to the west gets his attention. Once he does notice, he will draw his sword and rush over to help, yelling to Alatyr to keep an eye on thier flank.

From: Randy

Subject The camp

"We've got trouble" Ran calls out to the others. "Watch our backs!"

He will wait until Cai has fired her arrows before meeting the charging creature with his sword.

From: Kevin

Subject The camp

Harp, hearing Ran's shout, starts to turn toward the call. He start to head to Ran and Cai, but upon hearing Ran's second shout, stops, and turns back toward where he was watching, trying to see or hear if any other sounds or movement can be detected. He will also try to see if anything is coming Alatyr's way. He will not use his crossbow, but will use his sword.

From: Karl

Subject The camp

Salix, hearing Ran's call and trusting the others to man their posts on the flanks and rear, moves toward Ran to see what the trouble is. (Mark, does Salix see the creature? Can he recognize what it is? (Knowledge check)) Salix will draw his Scimitar as he does this.

From: Mark

Subject The creature

Not yet. Next turn he might have an idea, assuming he lives that long. :)

From: Mark

Subject Surin goes walkabout, Noctis saves his bacon

Figuring that all the excitement is over, Surin starts working his way back to where he had crawled under the shack. Knowing that it is better to take his time then to get caught, he moves with deliberate slowness. He works his way back to the corner of the shack where Rochelle is being kept. He sees another hole in the floor and briefly thinks about trying to get Rochelle's attention, letting her know that she has help on the outside, but figures that there is too much chance of Dargrak hearing her if she makes too much noise.

Slipping out from under the shack, Surin inspects the walls of the part of the building where Rochelle is being kept. It looks like each board is being held in place by just a couple of nails. The boards are about 18? across and about 10' high. Surin then uses the shadows created by all the cook fires to work his way to the front gate. There are two small watch towers on each side of the gate, each one with a goblin in it. The gate itself is only kept closed with a sliding log set about 2 feet off the ground. The guards do not seem to be paying a whole lot of attention to the inside of the encampment, only to the outside.

Having seen enough, Surin heads back to where he came in. Cursing that he did not bring any rope, he looks around the camp until he finds a small section of rope. He makes a quick noose out of it and heads over to the section of wall where he came in. Looking around for anyone who might be coming his way, he makes a quick toss of the rope over the top of the palisade. The rope catches and Surin starts to scurry up the side of the wall.(Climb DC15,14+4=18,success, 7+4=11, fail) Half way up his foot slips and he almost falls. He catches himself and looks around to see if anyone heard him. Not seeing anyone looking his way he makes his way up to the top of the wall.(Climb DC15, 15+4=19, success) He releases the rope and unties it and lets it fall back into the camp.

Now all he has to do is get down. He starts to lower himself down the face of the palisade when his fingers slip on the moss growing on the tree trunks.(Climb DC15, 8+2=10, fail by 5 or more, falls) As he falls, Surin remembers what he learned in the circus and twists himself to help break his fall.(Tumble check, DC15, 8+12=20, success, no damage.) Knowing that his tumble caused some noise, Surin tries to fade against the wall of the encampment. He hears the goblin in the nearest tower yell something to the goblin in the tower on the other side of him.(Spot check, DC15, 2-3, fail, 8-3=5 fail) For a few seconds the two goblins exchange shouts and the halfling is sure that he has been caught, when he hears a noise from a few yards away. It is the hooting of an owl in the trees.

The first goblin makes a guttural laugh and Surin hears a bow hum. A large shadowy form takes wing from the trees and flys off into the night. Surin sighs in relief, thankful for Noctis watching over him. Taking a few more minutes to make sure that the goblin guards have gone back to their usual routine, Surin makes his way back to camp. From the position of the moon, he figures it has been at least 4 hours since he left camp. If he moves right along, he should be able to get back with in the hour. He thinks to himself, ?Boy do I have a lot to tell everyone.?

OODM: Jake let me know if you want to do anything else on the way back.

Deciding what to do at the camp

From: Rob

Subject The camp

Mark, if it made a large roar when attacking, how is it that we don't hear anything?

Bel, once he is aware of the problem, will rise and grab his bow, and then once he has a clear shot he will fire two arrows (rapid shot) at it.

From: Mark

Subject Camp

Smartass. :) The creature did start out 120 feet away from Ran and Cai, and Bel is further than that in a large clearing where he is intently keeping an eye out on his own watch area. Ran is letting the group know that this is not just some random noise.

From: Rob

Subject The camp

I had actually written and sent that one before I read the rest of the messages, before I knew Ran shouted.

You DID say we might not know yet, even though you had written that it gave a shout....:D

I am up and ready, so I fire two arrows at it asap.

Also, am I in armor? I would think so this close to the encampment, but I am not sure as I just woke up.

From: Mark

Subject The camp

From what I had thought no one was sleeping while Surin was out scouting the goblin camp so that if Noctis showed up the party could make a quick run for the camp and try and save him. I had every one up and alert at the camp.

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