Happenings around camp

From: Jake

Subject Surin

After directing Salix in the art of tent erection, Surin lies back on the ground. "I'll get something to eat here in a minute," he thinks, "but gods it feels good to just lie still."

Surin is creeping through the goblin encampment, flitting like a shadow from tent to tent, checking them for occupants. He hears movement in the tent nearest him, and freezes, his body taut, but whoever is inside just mutters something in a voice thick with sleep and begins to snore softly. He lifts the tent flap gingerly, taking care to block the moonlight from his body, and steps inside, dagger held ready. Kneeling at the goblin's side, he slips the blade between her ribs in a quick, practiced stroke, piercing her heart even as her eyes fly open.

"Surin," she says softly, and blood, black in the moonlight, wells up from her open mouth. Despite the blood, he can see her mouth the word "Why". With horror, he realizes that this isn't a gobin at all--this is Viensong, the closest thing he had to a friend in the circus camp, and the first woman he'd thought he loved. His hand jerks back, and a torrent of blood gushes from the wound. He can taste it in him mouth, the brackish copper tang of it, and he starts up in horror, but looses his footing. The tent is filling with blood now. It should be running out the doorflap, why isn't it running out the door flap? I'm going to drown in Viensong's blood, I didn't mean it Viensong, I didn't. I'm not a killer, I had to do it, you would have made noise, I had to.

The blood is brightly lit now, and although Surin is completely submerged in it, he can see somehow. Viensong is floating in front of him, her hair moving gently in the current, her glazed, dead eyes looking at him sorrowfully. She reaches out, her cold hand gripping his shoulder, and he knows that she will pull him after her into death. She begins to shake him, shake him like a dog, and her voice is deep as a man's as she says "Surin, wake up! Come on, we've got to be on the move."

He wakes with a start, disoriented to find himself in a sunlit glade, Ran shaking him gently by the shoulder that Viensong had been clutching only a moment before. "I'm...I'm up, I'm okay. Just give me a second.

He gets up and walks unsteadily a short distance into the woods, then kneels and retches as quietly as possible. He finishes and stands, leaning weakly against a tree for a moment before relieving himself and rejoining the party.

From: Karl

Subject Salix

Salix is awakened with a tap on the shoulder. The Elf, Kal, stands above him.

"Your watch," the Elf says, then takes his place on his bedroll to sleep.

Salix rises. It is nearly dawn so he asks Harp if he can take the watch long enough for Salix to complete his morning meditation rituals. He then moves to the East side of the camp, facing the rising sun. As the first rays of dawn break across the horizon, Salix is filled with a rush of warmth. The fears and cares of the night before seem to burn away as the very core of his being fills with light. He says a silent prayer of thanks to Obad-Hai for his protection and bounty and for the powers he has granted and will yet grant his servant.

His meditations complete, Salix returns to Harp and thanks him for taking the watch alone for that time. He then moves to the opposite side of the camp from the 1/2 Orc and begins watch in earnest. After a few moments, Noctis flies into view from somewhere deeper in the trees, a large rodent of some sort hanging limply in his talons. He alights on the high branches of a nearby tree and tears into his meal.

As the morning progresses quietly, Salix periodically finds himself looking back across the camp at Harp. Just a short while ago, Salix would never have imagined teaming up with his kind. Now, looking at the enormous . . . man? - well "brute" didn't seem to fit. Harp had shown himself continually to be not only intelligent and self controlled, but also for as strong and fierce a warrior as he was, he was equally as kind and considerate a healer.

He wondered where those qualities came from. It couldn't be as simple as the mix of blood in his veins. He'd known too many humans to think that Harps gentler qualities were inherently human. But it seemed even less likely he had gotten those qualities from his Orc-ish nature. Salix had never met a kind Orc - no, not even kind to one another in his experience. Maybe it was self control he got from his human blood. Certainly his Order had helped him to exercise control...

Control. Such a human quality. The thing that set man apart from other creatures. The thing that often made man an enemy of the natural world. But wasn't it control of self that kept Salix on the path of Obad-Hai? Wasn't it Obad-Hai that in turn granted Salix some small control within His realm? Control. The quality that tamed the rampaging destruction of fire, letting Salix burn what needed burning and spare what should not burn. Harp was a model of the power of control. It tamed the beast within him making his Orc-ish nature an asset - and clearly it *was* an asset. The party would likely be dead by now and the Lady sold into the unimaginable were it not for Harp's strength and ferocity in battle.

Salix snaps back from his musings to find Harp staring right back at him from across the camp. How long had the half-Orc watched him staring. What must he think? Salix gave a quick nod and turned back to his post. Noctis, his meal finished, had fallen asleep on his perch. Good for him. That tree must sure be better than sleeping on the bouncing pommel of a saddle. Harp must think I've gone flighty, he thinks to himself.

Just before noon, before waking the others, Salix walks around the camp to where Harp is keeping watch. Not wanting Harp to get the wrong impression, he had been careful not to be caught staring again. "Harp," he says softly, letting the others sleep their last few minutes in peace. "I want to tell you . . " (What, exactly?) ". . .I wanted to tell you that I'm glad you are here." (No, not just that) "I mean, well, you have been the backbone of this party. Ran is a good leader, but he is only still learning wisdom that you seem to tap easily. Were it not for your advice at the right times, things could have gone badly." He pauses. "I just wanted you to know your contributions are appreciated."

(What was that? Sheesh! You'd think you were handing him a plaque or something) Salix feels heat rising to his face, but not wanting to end the conversation on that awkward note, he reaches out a hand and puts it on Harp's enormous shoulder. "I'm glad you are my friend, Harp. You have my trust and respect." Before the awkwardness completely ruins him, he retreats to the task of awakening the others.

(Spell list is updated).

From: Kevin

Subject Harp

Harp is slumbering deeply when Bel nudges him. He starts awake, feeling a twinge of pain or two, reminding him that while he is not dead, some parts of his body are certainly the worse for wear. Bel says to him "Your turn for watch. We have seen little to report. Hopefully, it will stay that way.". With that, harp watches as Bel heads over to his bed roll and lies down. Harp gets up, straps on the base pieces of his armor and weapons, and heads over to where Salix is rising. Upon hearing Salix's request for some time to meditate, Harp agrees, wondering at the devotion Salix has shown to Obad Hai. As Salix retreats to the other side of the camp, Harp watches him, in awe of the powers Salix had been able to call upon. Seemingly so simple on the outside, he had proven a valuable ally on this trip, one with many gifts that had benefited the group.

After a short while, Harp sees Salix rise from his meditations and take post on the other side of the camp. Harp takes his position, but continues to scan the whole camp. He sees Salix gazing up toward a tree. Thinking that Salix has noticed something, Harp follows his gaze to find Salix's companion, Noctis, devouring some small animal. Harp chuckles to himself - oh, to have so simple of a life, eat, fly, sleep. He envied Noctis at this point. Harp realizes at this point how much help the birds had been on this journey. Keeping in basic contact when they had separated, having them as overhead scouts for trouble, sending silent messages, they had truly added to their abilities. And Salix could talk with them!!! Harp could only speak Common, though he had a rough understanding of basic Orcish. He had tried to learn more when he had joined the Order, but classroom studies did not come naturally to him.

Harp looks around, his musings still rumbling in his head. He looks past Salix, noticing that the Druid is staring in his direction, but not focused on him. Surprised, since Salix was normally one of the more observant and focused members of the group, Harp watches him to see what happens. Minutes later, Salix seems to come back into him self, and notices Harp watching him. Salix seems embarrassed, and looks away. Harp wonders to himself what he just saw.

As the morning draws on, Harp sees Salix rise, and come over an approach him. Salix seems uncomfortable, and starts to try and say something to Harp. His words come out uneasily, but they are words of support and kindness toward Harp.

Harp listens in slightly stunned silence, not sure how to respond. He has so few friends, never having bonded with any of his fellow members of the Order. His background and size have always separated him, as has his difficulties in following the strictures of the Order. Oh, he could learn the words well enough, but the deep meaning seemed to slow to seep in sometime. He knew that the peace he saw in his superiors in his Order came from that deeper understanding, and that he was unlikely to ever reach that level. His orcish nature made the martial aspects of the Order more appealing, but he feared that if he truly gave in to that side, he would become nothing better than Dargrak. There was a thought that scared him - to turn into a paid thug, killing and kidnapping for profit, worrying about nothing but personal gain. That was what he was fighting, and the Order provided the training to help him control those urges.

After watching Salix walk away, Harp is overcome by emotion. He had never had someone express admiration to him before, or give positive reinforcement before. It was an unusual feeling - he had done some good. He had followed the training he had been given, and it had worked. He felt a sense of gratitude for Salix well up in his heart.

Harp starts to help Salix rouse the others and prepare a quick meal. When he gets a chance, he will say to Salix "Your words have more meaning to me than you know. I thank you for them and would be honored if you would allow me to consider you my friend". The word sound akward in his mouth, but they are the best he can do to return the favor to Salix.

(OOC: Spell list updated - Mark, will you let me know when we can use them again?).

From: Mark

Subject The comming months

I am expecting that the current adventure will be comming to an end between late May and mid June, depending on how quickly I want to kill all of you. :)

Seriously, I see this leg of the adventure ending in the time frame I have listed above. If any of you want to make changes, for example if Jason wants to create his own character, this would be the time to do it. There will be some time in a major town so any thing that you might want to do in town, such as have new armor made, try and find a new spell or two or whatever can be done. Assuming your character lives that long. ;)

Please contact me directly if you want to make any changes. I have a pretty good idea of how I will motivate the group to continue on but I would like a good idea of what group I have to motivate.


From: Kevin

Subject The comming months

Seeing as Harp is a member of the Order, if the new adventures involve it, then I guess he (and I) will stick around.

I will determine what he wants to do in town once we get back there. I do not want to count my chicken before they are hatched.

From: Karl

Subject Friends

(OOC - I'm not getting all the emails at work, again. I don't know what to do about that. If it seems like someone isn't getting a response from me I don't mind being "pinged" directly at my or addresses.)

Salix hears Harp's words. Friends. With an Orc no less. Well, actually a half-Orc. Who would have thought it. He wondered what the other members of The Order would think. The older, wiser ones would probably understand, though Salix can't recall any tales of friendship with Orcs. The younger ones would be scandalized, though. But not if they met Harp and took the time to know him. Would *I* have taken the time if the circumstances hadn't demanded it? Salix asks himself. No way of knowing. But thanks to Obad-Hai that the circumstances brought such wisdom and new understanding to one so green as I.

"Harp, the honor would be mine. You are a fine man with a good heart. Obad-Hai has blessed me in knowing you." He extends a hand in friendship to his burly pal.

From: Mark

Subject Mailing list

I know we have been having occasional problems with the mailing list. Has every one gotten the last couple of turns?

From: Jason

Subject Cai

Cai spends most of her watch reflecting on her decisions of the last few days. She feels disappointed that she allowed the goblins to remain practically untroubled in human lands. Having given her word to see Rochelle safely back to Angelwing, she could have chosen no other path, of course, but the prospect of those very goblins terrorizing some hapless villagers causes her no end of mental turmoil. It was her duty to preserve the land in its rightful order, and goblins had no place in settled human lands. Goblins did not settle among the civilized races; they killed, looted, and destroyed.

Bah! Her thoughts were leading her nowhere. She had no other choice, and would not, did not, regret the decisions that brought her here. Her lifestyle had never before brought her into contact with so many gifted companions, and the good they were able to accomplish was truly impressive. Still, the failure to do her personal duty rankled deep within.

After a few hours, she wakes Bel to take her place. She retires quickly to her tent, but sleep is a long time in coming.

Finders, keepers

From: Derrell

Subject Spending the night

Fal ponders the future. He's glad the lady is safe, but sad that the group may disband. When he get's the chance, he'll volunteer for any future adventures that might come up.

From: Rob

Subject OOC

OOC: Mark, I was offline for a day ir two....what did we do about the magical items, the amulet and the axe? I would have sut some fabric from the half orc, or a blanket or something...and used that to remove the amulet and wrap it up, so that we don't come in contact with it if we can avoid it. I would also wrap the axe in something as well.

As far as what to do when we reach a town, I would recommend to Ran that we use some of the parties new found wealth to have the items appraised/investigated.

From: Mark

Subject OOC

Here are the archivs

Basically Harp is carrying the axe on his horse and Fal is carrying the amulet in his back pack.

From: Rob

Subject finders, keepers

So, I find it and they keep it? What a rip!

From: Kevin

Subject Finders, Keepers

I would like to state for the record that Harp's arm, Ran's legs, and Cai chest found the double axe. Bel rode back after the fight. When he spills blood for something, he can claim it.

If Bel wants to carry the damn thing, let him. It is just extra weight at this point.

From: Karl

Subject E-mail

Mark, FYI - I got Kevin's email, but not Rob's that preceded it.

From: Mark

Subject On the road again

Around noon the next day Harp and Salix start to rouse the party members. Rochelle lets out a scream when she sees Harp standing over her, shaking her slightly. He quickly backs away as the young girl cowers under her covers. Ran comes over quickly. ?What's? wrong?? he asks. She stammers for a bit ?Him, that brute was trying to hurt me. What are you doing with one of his kind?? Harp's face falls a bit at this, but he is used to this type of reaction. ?It probably would have been better if Salix had wakened the lady? he thinks to himself.

Ran soothes Rochelle's fears. ?Half orc he may be, but Corporal Harp is one of your rescuers. In fact, he was assigned this mission by Angelwing himself. He is a brother in the Order of the Silver Sword; strong in battle and our healer.? Ran then goes around the others of the party introducing them. ?Surin you have met. He is our scout. Bel and Cai are our trackers and Fal is knowledgeable in the ways of magic. Salix there is a druid of the Great North Woods. Kal is an elf from the south, who joined our party after the death of Alatyr. I am Ran, friend of Angelwing, and leader of this mission.? He bows to Rochelle and says ?We need to be on the road again soon. I want to get more distance between us and whoever will be looking for you.?

With that the party has a quick meal and heads out. Ebon and Grey are sent out to scout the area. Cai takes the lead with Bel bringing up the rear, doing what he can to hide their trail. After another couple of hours of travel Cai rides up to Ran. ?I think that Bel and I have done a fairly good job of hiding our trail. However our path has been fairly straight. Anyone following us would have a good chance to pick the trail up if they just kept on going in the same direction. I suggest that we veer south a bit for half a day or so and then turn east again. That way we do not have to spend all our time hiding the trail. We would then be truly safe.?

OODM: Any one who wants to make a comment or do any conversing during the day let me know.

From: Kevin

Subject On the road again

It probably would have been better if Salix had wakened the lady? he thinks to himself." With that thought, Harp cringes in his own mind. What was he thinking? This young girl had been abducted, her guard slaughtered, she had been spirited away by a band of paid brigands that had been lead by one such as himself. How did he expect her to react? With joy to see another of his kind? He was lucky that she had not died of shock at the mere sight of him. Harp backs away, trying not to be threatening. He silenty packs up, mounts his horse and heads out with the rest of the group, taking up his normal position at the rear of the pack. At least this way, he thinks, she will not have to look at me all day.

As he rides, he starts to mull the response Rochelle had shown him. As he does, his anger at himself starts to change into anger to the world in general.

Here he was, hundreds of miles from the only real home he had ever know, riding with a girl he hardly knew, whom he had bled for, run himself ragged for, damn near been killed for, and her reaction to him was..... fear? Would the world never accept him? Some of the humans he had known in the Order had grown to accept him, but most tried to avoid him. And those were the ones who were his "brothers".

The rest of the humans were openly fearful or at least suspicious of him, even at the best of times. How many times had Knight/Captain Angelwing had to defend him against accusations of the worst type. Every time there was a violent crime, it seemed the first response was to blame the 1/2 orc. When would people learn that he was not like that!! Sometime, he got so angry that he wanted to get up and shout "Fine, you want me to be a monster, I will show you a monster you have never seen!!" But then, Harp thought, I would end up like Dargrak back at the goblin camp. Alone, leading a rag-tag band of goblins at the behest of others. But, so what? Is that so bad? At least I would not have to keep trying to prove myself. I am so tired of always being on the straight and narrow, always fearful that I might act like everyone thinks I will act. When will I have proven myself? At least with Salix, he had found someone who seemed to be able to look beyond the exterior and see what Harp was trying to do.

At his last thought, Harp chuckles to himself, leaving the funk he had gotten into. Knight/Captain Angelwing would have had him on kitchen duty for a week had he known where Harp's thoughts had gone. Angelwing, of all people, know of the difficulties of being only partially human. Of course, his bearing was one that was significantly less fearful to humans.

Harp thinks about the people he has met on this journey. The irrascable Surin - how did he move the way he did. The quiet but fearful Salix - who could call the very forrest to his need. Fal - who seemed to want to be a warrior, but was substantially more adept at creating something from nothing. Cai and Bel, two expert woodsmen (woodswomen) who seemed to know their way around the world. Ran, the moody, reluctant leader, a deadly fighter who seemed lost. And now Kal, arrogant and condescending, but but skilled in ways Harp had never seen. Harp wonders how he will ever be able to go back to the Order and become a simple student again.

OOC: Sorry about the long post. A few beers on a Friday night and I get maudlin.

This assumes of course that Harp lives beyond the next two days.

From: Karl

Subject On the road again

"I have a prayer that will hide our tracks. Well at least four of us. I would suggest that the two best trackers head off in different directions, leaving four horses and as many of the rest of us as those four can carry with minimal supplies. The two who veer off should make only rudimentary effort to hide their tracks, then turn to intercept us some miles ahead. While not perfect, perhaps we can confuse our pursuers enough to gain some time."

(OOC - Salix is suggesting Pass Without Trace. Mark correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I can hide four sets of tracks completely.)

Kal speaks his mind and Harp responds

From: Josh

Subject Kal speaks his mind

Kal rides silently through most of the day. He quietly wonders why these elves would allow themselves to be party with a savage creature like this "Harp". Are they blind? They must see that his pious intentions must eventually fail, he has no choice but to give in to the destiny of his blood.

It's not that these half-orcs can't summon self control when they need it-- even Dargrak showed some skill with his axe -- it's that they are naturally savage creatures. They can't deny who they are, they can only hide it for a time.

I imagine they think the human blood helps tame the beast inside him. Humans -- half a step removed from savages -- and they think that blood will give this beast self control. This groups aspirations are noble, but folly. Harp is a beast, and he should be treated as such.

Kal pulls his horse up next to Harp's: "It was foolish of you to wake the lady Rochelle. Did you think before you acted? That sort of instinctual acting will get you killed one day."

Without waiting for a response, Kal continues: "I don't know who you think your fooling, or if you're fooling yourself, but know this: I know what and who you are, it's written plainly accross your face. When your self control slips, I'll be there."

From: Karl

Subject Kal speaks his mind

Mark, Does Salix hear this? Does anyone else?

From: Josh

Subject Kal speaks his mind

Kal intended to say it only to Harp, but he wasn't overly careful.

From: Jake

Subject Kal speaks his mind

:o Holy crap, that's an interesting twist. Who else would have been in hearing distance of that comment?

From: Kevin

Subject Harp responds

Harp looks at Kal, his face twisted in confusion. What had this elf just said? Was he impuning his honor? His commitment to Heironious and the Order? How dare he? Why, this person deserved nothing better than a sword through the heart!!!

But no, that was the way of the enemy, the followers of Hextor. As inviting as the thought was (OOC: and it was inviting), he had learned the straight path was the good path. If he were to slay this elf for this mere slight, the dissension it would sow in the group would be immeasurable. Harp takes a few breaths, says a prayer to Heironious asking him for his strength and guidance, and responds to Kal

"Kal, I have know you for only a very short time, but I welcome your offer to assist me when my self control slips, for it has in the past and it will in the future, for I am only "human". I have missed the guidance and instruction of my Knight/Captain Angelwing, and I am sure with your vast experience and exceptional wisdom you will be able to take his place admirably. When I grow despondent that I have failed in a task, and brought a dear price to me and those around me, I need but glance your way and look to your example with the were-beast last night. To have come so far, and then fail so utterly, costing the life of one of my friends and dire injury to the rest of us, is truly inspiring. I will look upon it and rejoice that I have that as an example to live up to.

However, if you choose not to become my mentor, then I will continue to seek the guidance of Heironious. Through his grace, and the companionship of those around me, I will continue to strive to be better than my parentage would normally lead me to be."

From: Jake

Subject Surins to Harp's defense

OOC: I have no idea if Surin was able to hear Kal's comment. If not, pretend that the turn below was never written.


"I don't know who you think your fooling," Kal says, "or if you're fooling yourself, but know this: I know what and who you are, it's written plainly accross your face. When your self control slips, I'll be there."

Surin had been withdrawn ever since Ran roused him, pale and silent as he rode along, not at all his usual cheerful self. Hearing Kal's words he flushes, and anger flares in his eyes How dare this chance companion bald-facedly insult a man who'd fought by his side only the night before? On another day he would have sought to ease the tension such words would inevitably bring, turned it into a joke that everyone could laugh at. After what he'd done last night, and the nightmares that had chased him through his sleep, he was in no mood to diffuse the situation. Guiding his pony with his knees, Surin draws up alongside the pair, arriving just as Harp replies.

"Kal, I have know you for only a very short time, but I welcome your offer to assist me when my self control slips, for it has in the past and it will in the future, for I am only "human". I have missed the guidance and instruction of my Knight/Captain Angelwing, and I am sure with your vast experience and exceptional wisdom you will be able to take his place admirably. When I grow despondent that I have failed in a task, and brought a dear price to me and those around me, I need but glance your way and look to your example with the were-beast last night. To have come so far, and then fail so utterly, costing the life of one of my friends and dire injury to the rest of us, is truly inspiring. I will look upon it and rejoice that I have that as an example to live up to.

However, if you choose not to become my mentor, then I will continue to seek the guidance of Heironious. Through his grace, and the companionship of those around me, I will continue to strive to be better than my parentage would normally lead me to be."

"That's a fairer answer than I reckon you deserved, speakin' like that to somebody done you no wrong," Surin says, his voice flat. "You always make a point to insult them as fight beside you, or is that somethin' you save for special occasions?"

From: Mark

Subject Kal and Harp

I have to say I think that Harp has dissed Kal well and truly. Not that he didn't deserve it. :)

Harp gives back, Surin puts in his two cents worth

From: Josh

Subject Harp and Kal

"I deserve much more than that for the death I caused. I do not deny it."

Kal pauses for a moment, thinking to himself. He looks back up at Harp and quietly says:

"Why would you use the death of a friend as a vocal jab? You reveal yourself even further with your words. Only an orc would have such disregard for the death of a comrad."

With that, Kal moves his horse away from Harp's.

From: Josh

Subject Harp and Kal

"That's a fairer answer than I reckon you deserved, speakin' like that to somebody done you no wrong," Surin says, his voice flat. "You always make a point to insult them as fight beside you, or is that somethin' you save for special occasions?"

As Kal is riding away from Harp, he turns to Salix to respond.

"My words were harsh, but necessary. Keeping that beast a member of this party will cost one of the rest of us our lives. He isn't to be trusted, you'll learn that in time, and thank me in hindsight."

From: Rob

Subject Harp and Kal

OOC, Mark, where would Bel have been at that point? I don't want to jump in with anything unless he would have overheard this...and if he is not scouting ahead, at this point I doubt he could have missed it.

From: Josh

Subject Surin not Salix

OOC: Kal said that to Surin, not Salix. Ooops!

From: Kevin

Subject Harp and Kal

Harp is stung at Kal's parting comment. Had Harp just demeaned the death of Alatyr by using it to make a point against Kal? That had not been his intention - he had come to respect Alatyr both as a warrior and as a fellow believer of Heironious. He was merely trying to make the point, and make it with out resorting to violence, that he did not feel that Kal was in any position to judge him. And now, through his haste, he had done nothing more but reinforce the elf's feeling about him. But what else was Harp supposed to do. If he had remained silent, the elf would have taken at as agreement with what he was saying. If he had called the elf out, it also would have given credence to his statements.

Harp's head starts to hurt. He is sore, weary, and now has an enemy within the group. No matter what actions he takes, no matter what he does to try and prove himself, he always seems to get the same response from others - fear and loathing (OOC: maybe he should change his name to Hunter Thompson). Was it worth the effort? Was it???

No, he would not give into dispair. The members of the Order had given his life meaning, but they never promised him it would be easy. He would show them that he had the strength to overcome his parentage.

From: Josh

Subject Kal rethinks

After his words with Salin, Kal sees the pained look on Harp's face.

"The beast certainly didn't respond the way I expected," Kal thought, "I was certain he would attack me. Why did he just sit there? Was he too dense to understand what I was saying? No, his response indicated a certain sort of wit. Perhaps I was too quick to judge him. Heironious has always been a champion of order, and he grants this half-orc's prayers."

"I'm no better than those fools back at the conclave playing their politics", Kal thinks. "I got away from there to get away from their narrow minded ways, and here I am preaching their words. Would I have been as quick to judge and dismiss a younger version of myself?"

"No. No. It's not the same. I'm an elf, he's a beast. An elf can change, even a human or a dwarf or a gnome or a halfing. Not an orc. Not a half-orc. That blood runs too thick. That blood runs too thick."

Kal, resolute, lets his thoughts wander. After a time he recalls when he first began his training, the jests and cruel words at his expense. "He's a lowborn son of a blacksmith. He will never have the discipline required for the arcane arts." they said, my 'brothers'.

If Lord Sim-Ell hadn't had faith in me, they may have been proven right. I know there were times I was prepared to give up. His confidence in me gave the the confidence to succeed.

`The blood of a lowborn runs too thick.` they said to me. I told them they were fools."

I'm as narrow minded as them. I will give this beas.. this Harp, the chance I was never given.

...but if he turns out to be nothing more than a beast, I'll slay him myself.

From: Jake

Subject Harp and Kal

"My words were harsh, but necessary."

"Pfft. Well, you're half right. Can't say as I see how they were necessary though. An' he 'reveals himself even further with his words'", Surin says in a surprisingly accurate imitation of Kal's voice? I'd say he did, but not how you think--most I know'd give you a thumping for what you just said, and you'd deserve it. He just talked back, and didn't even give as good as he got. If you want to go lookin' for somebody 'revealing themselves' by their words, I got a mirror you can borrow. Want me to fetch it?"

From: Jason

Subject Cai

Cai, blissfully unaware of the conversation going on among the main group, comments to Bel, "You know, we should have buried that brute before we left, or at least hidden the body. We both know there's almost no chance the goblins will follow us, or that they could if they wanted to. Most likely they spent the night scared in their tents, and bolted at first light when they found Dargrak dead. If whoever hired Dargrak doesn't find his corpse, they would probably assume he was making off with Rochelle, and they would have a jolly time chasing down those goblins, and who knows what sort of misunderstandings could've developed at that point." She sighs wistfully and continues riding/covering their tracks (ooc: assuming we're still doing that, I couldn't tell if we'd stopped that already.)

From: Mark

Subject Prayes and spells

I thought Druids only had prayers and not spells? :) I will change it for the archives.

From: Mark

Subject Kal and hearing

Ok I am going to make some assumptions.

Josh said that Kal was not really trying to hide what he said so I am going to give this a DC15 listen check. He was not hiding it but he was not broadcasting it.

Cai and Bel , IMO, would not be around to hear this. They are out scouting and hiding the trail.

That leaves Ran, Surin, Salix and Fal. There is a -1/1- feet mod to listen rolls, but I figure that the majority of the party would be with in 30-40 feet of each other at this time, so I am applying a -3 to the listen check.

Here are the results:

Ran 12+1=13, fail

Surin 11+8=19, success

Salix 14+3=17, success

Fal 17+0=17, success

So Surin, Salix and Fal all heard what Kal said.

Surin has already made his reply.

From: Mark

Subject Distance

Sorry that was a -1/10 feet mod.

There's no place like home

From: Mark

Subject There's no place like home

As the day wears on Salix is unable to get any further useful information from their captive. He knows nothing of the person or persons who hired their creel. ?As leader Kendrick was responsible for our contracts. We did not question him.? is the man's reply. He is sort of surprised when Salix informs him that he will not be killed.

The party spends a quiet day and an uneventful night, with the occasional rain shower the only thing disrupting their stay. The next morning they eat a quick breakfast and break camp, heading home in the misty morning light. The full day of rest and the healing gifts of Salix and Harp have restored the entire party.

The next few days go fairly quickly. Every one is anxious to get home. They stay in the occasional in as they get further into Schon. They run across mounted patrols, but the letter of passage that Harp has sees them through any questioning.

During the few days left of their journey, Cai, Bel and Fal spend a large portion of time together. Rochelle is never far from Ran, and although he is polite, he is reserved in his interactions with her. He finds her a remarkable young lady, bright, well read, and quick of wit. However, she is promised to his best friend.

On the fifth day the city of Gorn comes in to view at around noon time. They pass more and more small farms and hamlets as they travel the main road. It is late afternoon when they reach the gate. When they get to the gate, Harp moves forward and speaks to the guards. ?Send a runner to the Chapter House of the Silver Sword. Find the Duty Officer and let him know that Ran-Ell and Harp have returned with their guest. We will be there shortly.? The guard nods and yells to a young private. The private listens and then runs off to carry out his task. With in an hour an honor guard of 20 mounted knights, with Heronin in the lead shows up at the gate to escort the party.

As the mounted escort appears Ran leans to Rochelle and whispers ?Do you see the bald man in the front, on the white charger? That is your future husband.? Ran feels a twitch of emotion as he tells her this. She draws herself up and moves her horse out in front of the party and towards Angelwing. 10 yards in front of the party she meets Angelwing. In a voice louder then they would have thought possible she speaks. ?My Lord Angelwing, I am Rochelle of Mnuhl, your betrothed. I present myself and these brave people who you sent to escort me. They served you well and saved my life several times.? ?My Lady Rochelle? the Paladin replies ? I am glad you are safe and that my friends were able to assist you in your time of need. Please accept this escort as your protection.? He bows and orders the head of the contingent to take the Lady to her quarters. With a glance back at Ran, Rochelle heads off with the mounted warriors.

Heronin turns to Ran and the others. ?I thank you for keeping her safe. We will talk latter. You all have places at the Chapter House. I will see you in the morning.? He spurs his horse and rides off after Rochelle.

OODM: Ok we are back in town. Every one gets 2000 XP for the adventure award. That should put most of you at 5th level. Over the next week I will do the individual encounters for the debrief and the leveling.

On the lamb, elves sleeping

From: Karl

Subject Prayers

Right, yeah, prayers. See what happens when you get a heathen to write a holy man??

From: Karl

Subject Harp and Kal

Salix will have a turn regarding this shortly.

From: Kevin

Subject Time

OOC: Karl, if the time stamp on your e-mail is correct, baby, you need to sleep more. 5:45 in the AM? As they say down in the hood - that is whack.

From: Karl

Subject Time

Yeah, and that was *after* I got up, and showered, and while I was wolfing down some breakfast. :D

From: Karl

Subect: Harp and Kal

Salix listens to the entire exchange with mixed emotions. Kal's words anger him and he is about to turn his mount and give the upstart stranger a piece of his mind, but Harp's reply was such a surprise Salix was truly taken aback. Good for him, Salix thinks, surprised that he should be concerned about a half-Orc's ability to stand up for himself. Or maybe it was just surprise that he could do it in a way that didn't involved Kal's head in a trophy bag. Then Surin pipes up and Salix feels at once uncomfortable for Harp, who might not appreciate someone fighting his battle, and ashamed that he, himself hadn't piped up first. Kal would need to be watched. He had hunted his evil quarry so long and his quest had ended so abruptly that he was still seeing evil even where it did not exist.

A few minutes after the exchange, Salix turns his horse and rides back to join Harp. On the way he catches Kal's eye and gives him a pointed stare. "Were *I* traveling among strangers," He says aloud, "I would try hard to show my best qualities. I hope that is *not* what *you* have just done." (OOC - Mark, if there is any check to be made because of this, use Salix's diplomacy skill. He's trying to get his message across firmly, but not trying to call Kal out.)

He rides past Kal, not expecting a reply, or even waiting for one. He sidles up to Harp and spends the next few minutes of the ride in idle chatter, pointing out some interesting flora or fauna they happen to pass, and generally trying to keep Harp's mind off of the exchange.

After a while he rides up to where Ran is leading the group and makes his suggestion about creating the diversion with splitting the group and having as many as can be carried on 4 horses ride with him under the "trackless step" protection of Obad-Hai, while the ones best at hiding their tracks continue along on false paths to confuse any pursuer. (See previous turn sent earlier)

From: Randy

Subject Ran

Ran, completely unaware of the exchange between Kal and Harp, finds his mind wandering. He misses his grandfather and the spirituality that he was exploring while with him. He missed the beauty he felt in his mothers homeland and yearned to return there.

His mind turned to his mothers journal and the words he had read in it. How his father had forbade her from returning to her people. When she killed herself, Ran had been upset, but he was young and hadn't understood a lot of what had happened. When he read her journal, however, he became very resentful toward the human side of his life. He felt he did not belong among his fathers people. He especially felt he did not belong with his father after the way he stifled his mother and fed her depression.

Now that this journey was nearly complete, he found himself thinking back on the experience. The people he had travelled with were not human. Most of them were elves or at least partially so, and yet he still didn't feel any sense of belonging. He liked them all very much. The happy and brave halfling Surin, who had helped in this journey in so many ways. Salix, the druid, so in tune with the world around him. Harp, who must have faced so much more adversity fitting in. Cai and Bel he felt like he didn't get to know as well but only because they were so good at their job of scouting about for the party and spent less time with the main group. Fal, the good natured wizard who is always willing to try something to help out. Alatyr, the lone human who had travelled with them, a fiercly loyal, sometimes hotheaded man who was tragically cut down.

That was something Ran blamed himself for, as he was the leader of the party. Kal, who for some reason felt obligated to join their quest despite knowing none of them.

No, Ran felt that he did not really fit in among these good people. He did not feel adequate to lead them or anyone. Harp was a much more well suited leader. When he returned to Gorn, he would tell Heronin as much. He did not really fit in with the elves when he spent time in his mothers homeland. Other than his grandfather, Ran avoided seeing people in general.

'Maybe the problem lies in me.' Ran thinks to himself. 'Maybe I don't allow myself to fit in. I certainly didn't do a very good job leading this mission.' Ran sighs, allowing his thoughts to drift back to his grandfather.

"I will not allow you to study here if it means keeping you from an opportunity to make amends with your father and to help your friend Heronin."

That is what his grandfather had told him before he had left. Well, he had done the second part. He was bringing Rochelle to Heronin. Ran still didn't know if he could do the first. He still felt a great deal of anger towards his father. What had his grandfather said about it? Oh, yes, that was it:

"It is because she loved your father that she didn't just flee the city and return here. You may not be ready to accept that but it is true. Read her journals more thouroughly and you will see it for yourself."

Ran had her journals in his pack as he always carried them with him. Perhaps when they stopped next he would do some reading. It had been a long time since he had last done so.

As his thoughts turn to this more positive outlook, he is startled by the approach of Salix. Ran listens to the proposed plan and quickly agrees to it. "Anything we can do to make this return journey less eventful is a good thing." He starts to turn away and stops, turning back to look at Salix, his eyes focused keenly on the druids face. "Salix, thank you for all that you have done on this journey. You have been a strong fiber in the weave of this group of companions. I hope to know you as a friend after our journey here is through."

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Most every one has sent in something. I will see what I can get out this afternoon.

From: Mark

Subject Salix and Kal

The diplomacy check is 8+8=16. He is fairly sure he has not offended Kal.

From: Mark

Subject On the lamb

Ran is considering what Bel and Cai have proposed when Salix rides by and offers his help. ?There is a prayer that can let 4 members of our party travel with out leaving any trace for a period of 4 hours. If we double up Surin and Rochelle as well as Fal and me, Cai and Bel could take those horses and maybe the pack horse and create a false trail. After a few hours they could double back and, hiding the trail behind them, really mislead any pursuit.?

Ran nods. As he calls the party together for a quick late afternoon meal and to let them know what is going to happen, he senses tension in the air. Dismissing it as left over from the rescue; he assigns people to horses and jobs. When they are done eating the party breaks into the two groups. Cai and Bel leading 2 horses and the pony while the rest of the party mounts up on the remaining 4 horses. Salix chants his prayer to Obad-Hai and touches the four animals. Cai and Bel continue east while the rest of the party starts to head south.

They keep a nice slow pace, not wanting to out distance the two rangers and about an hour before sundown the two rangers track down the party, mainly with the help of Ebon and Grey. Cai, Bel and Salix are fairly sure that they have obscured the trail enough that it could not be found by mundane means. Kal does pipe up with ?You know, with the right spell, there is almost nothing we could do to keep from getting found. But that is powerful magic. Also they would have to have something of us to have any reasonable chance to find us.?

They make camp, deciding to try and get back on a normal day schedule for Surin's and Rochelle's benefit. Harp spends his time around camp healing those who are wounded and mending the armor that was damaged (Ran heal 15, Cai heal 9, mending on Ran's, Cai's and Harp's armor). Exhausted from all the traveling and his healing prayers, Harp is almost out on his feet. Ran realizes that Harp has not healed himself. ?Why didn't you ask for you god's grace for your own wounds first?? Harp replies, a little bitterly, ?I help those who are of most use to the party first.?

Ran is not sure what to make of this statement. ?Well, if you won't take care of yourself, a least do this. Get a full night's sleep. That is an order.? Harp grunts at the command, but gets under his covers anyway.

The night passes without incident. The next morning the party has a breakfast of hot food, the first time in what seems ages. They mount up and continue heading east towards Camlost and most of them consider more friendly territory. The day passes quickly, the party members talking occasionally. Rochelle seems to be coming out of her depression over the loss of her guard and Alatyr. She even spends the last couple of hours talking to Ran about Angelwing. It turns out she has never met the man and is very interested in him.

The make camp again, this time a little more lighthearted since there has been no signs of pursuit. Harp again asks his god for his healing grace and the party feels like new (2 CminorW and 3 CLW). Between the fresh meat that the rangers are able to supply and the herbs and vegetables that Salix is able to find the meal seems like a feast. Soon after dark they bed down for the night, keeping the usual watch. Around midnight, when Kal and Bel are on watch, Kal feels a strange sensation tugging at the edges of his mind. He feels sluggish and slow. He looks over and Bel and sees that the ? elf is asleep. ?Strange, he has never fallen asleep on watch before. I wonder what cauuusss???..? and he falls asleep as well.

Then the visions start.

OODM: I will write some more tonight or tomorrow.

From: Kevin

Subject Visions

OOC: Well, since it isn't Christmas (there probably isn't Christmas here anyway) I am going to hazard a guess that these will not be visions of Sugar plums dancing in our heads.


From: Mark

Subject spells

You need to update your spell list at Sakeriver. YOu only have your domain spell and 2 0 level you can still cast.

From: Josh

Subject Visions

OOC: Speak for yourself, that's all Kal dreams of. He's a big sweetie on the inside.

From: Mark

Subject Visions

In case some might have missed the import of it, Elves don't sleep.(Insert evil music here)


From: Mark

Subject Visions

OODM: I have been trying to write this all morning and these damn people from work keep bugging me.

Fal's sleep is troubled. Then he wakes. But is he? He is in a room. There are nine chairs in a circle almost 20 feet across. He sees Rochelle seated with Harp on her right and Ran on her left. The halfling is between him and Harp, with Cai to his right. Kal, Bel and Salix fill up the chairs on the other side. The chair feels real; its hardness pressing into his back, but it must be something else, since he has no recollections of coming to this room.

A figure is now standing in the middle of the room. How did it get there? Fal looks around the room and there are no doors, no windows. It was just there. The figure, dressed in long, dark robes is slowly turning, looking at each member of the party in turn. It takes its time, looking at each member of the party. When the figure gets to Fal all he can see under the cowl of the robes is two bright eyes. How can he see just the eyes? There aren't any torches in the room. In fact there aren't any sources of light that he can see. But he can still see everything clearly. Well most every thing. The walls seem a bit fuzzy.

The figure continues inspecting the people seated in the chairs. Fal notes that none of them are tied or chained, but none of them move. He tries to move and can not. They all look like they are awake, just as he is. What is this place? What is this strangeness? Fal hears a voice ring out, but it takes him a second to realize that he did not really hear it, not with his ears. The voice was in his head. A deep ringing voice, loud enough to hurt, painful in its contempt, rings in his mind's ear. ?So these are the pathetic fools who killed Dargrak??

?My Lady Rochelle? the figure says, ?We meet at last. I would not have thought Angelwing would have had to smarts to figure out what I was up to.? With that he throws back his hood and Fal can see who is speaking. It is a man, tall, broad in the chest, coal black hair. He continues to turn slowly as he talks. ?I don't know where your intended found this rabble, but they have put me out greatly. I would have thought the ? orc would have been more formidable. Well, no great loss. This gambit was just a small move in a larger game. I might just test these one more time, just to get an idea of the challenge they will present to me. My prophecy does not speak of them and so they are unknown.?

As he speaks and turns, Fal notices that there is a symbol on the chest of the robes. It is a fist with 8 arrows in it. The figure turns again, looking intently at each member. ?I know you? he says to Ran, ?or at least I think I know your family. You have that same arrogant look that your father has. You must be Corron's whelp. Does he still think your mother killed herself on her own? Poor deluded fool.? He looks at Surin and Fal with a dismissive glance. His gaze turns to Cai and Kal. ?Worthless tree huggers. Stay out of matters that do not concern you or my Lord will teach you manners.?

He dismisses Bel as well but stops at Salix. ?Have the druids taken sides in this as well? Warn your master that I will burn his forest to the ground if he opposes me.? Lastly the man turns to Harp. ?What are you doing serving such as these? They do not understand you? They have nothing but contempt and hatred for your kind. In the service of my Master your natural instincts will be rewarded. This upon this and the time will come when you can choose.?

With that he turns back to Rochelle. ?Well my Lady, my best wishes on your impending nuptials. Your happiness will be short lived.? And the man is gone.

It is morning. Every one slowly gets up and looks around. They are in the field where they spent the night. The fire has burnt out.

OODM: Any comments

From: Mark

Subject Visions

As the party wakes, they start talking about how they slept. Everyone is sure that they were the only one to have the dream. Eventually Surin works up to asking Salix about dreams. "Why do you want to know" Salix responds? "Well, you see I sorta hada dream last night and it worries me" Suring tells him. "What type of dream?" Salix asks. When Surin tells him about his dream, Salix is amazed. It is almost identical to his own dream.

Salix calls the party together and verifies. Every one, including Rochelle, had exactly the same dream.

From: Karl

Subject Visions

Did we all have this vision? OR just Fal?

From: Mark

Subject Visions

All did.

From: Kevin

Subject Visions

Harp is staggered by the vision. He had been singled out by a follower of Hextor, the sworn enemy of his god. How did this person know him? He was a lowly member of the order, little more than a foot soldier amongst great paladins and priests. What did this figure mean that a time would come when Harp could choose? Choose what? Taking the path of evil? No, he would never do that. He owed too much to the Order to ever contemplate such a thing.

If during discussions it becomes appropriate, Harp will relate what he know of Hextor and the relationship between Heironious, Hextor and the Order.

OOC: Mark, does anyone have any idea how far it is to Camlost, and hence to a safe way back to Shon?

From: Mark


Both rangers and Salix have a rough idea of how far they are from Camlost and how long it will take them to get back to Schon. I will work on the details tonight.

From: Josh

Subject Visions

OOC: Does Kal recognize the sign of Hextor? (He's got 4 ranks in Knowledge Religion).

From: Mark

Subject Hextor

Yes DC10, 9+4=13, success.

OODM: Do you know anything about Hextor or do you need me to fill you in?

From: Josh

Subject Hextor

OOC: All I know about Hextor comes from the paragraph description on pg 107 in the PHB. Is there anything else Kal knows?

From: Mark

Subject Hextor

No, at the DC I set you would know just the basics.

From: Kevin

Subject Hextor

OOC: If Kal does not know, is it reasonable to assume that Harp would have at least a passing knowledge of the relationship between Heironious and Hextor? He may not have any ranks in Knowledge, but he is a member of an Order devoted to Heironious, even though Harp is just a lowly peon.

From: Mark

Subject Hextor

Harp know about as much as anyone, however, it is still just the basics. No one in the party knows any of the major leaders of the followers of Hextor. No one knows about the major rituals of the followers of Hextor, etc.

They know the basic tennents. Kal's knowing is a bit odd for him, since he is an elf and usually does not pay attention to the human gods. If he had not known, Harp would, if he felt like it, fill him in.

From: Randy

Subject Gods

OOC: Mark, can you maybe just give us a basic rundown of what we would know about Hextor? I don't have access to a players handbook or anything so I don't really know anything about him (or Heironious for that matter and Ran should know quite a bit about him).

From: Randy

Subject Visions

Ran is troubled by the dream. It was much too real to have no meaning.

'What could this man know of his mother. And if he had something to do with her death then how can I continue to blame my father.'

Ran broods silently, thinking on all the years that he has blamed his father for his mothers death. He had kept her away from her homeland and her family, stifling her. But, Ran allows a glimmer of hope, what if he had been trying to protect her. What if he knew of a danger to her and was hoping that by being with her he could stop any threat to her. He would have thought that any threat would be physical, not realizing the emotional damage he was doing to her. Whatever the case, if there is truth in this dream, then this man of Hextor had something to do with the death of his mother. And he would avenge her death.

Ran speaks to no one about his dream until it is discovered that they all had the same. Surely if all of them had the same dream then it was true and the man was communicating to them through it.

Ran calls the group to attention and speaks. "We have all had a strange dream filled with evil portents. There is still danger ahead of us. The man spoke of testing us once more. I fear that this will occur soon. Lady Rochelle is not yet safely in the protection of Heronin and therefore our job is not done. We must make haste to bring her to safety but let us not be reckless. Harp, have your injuries yet recovered? If not, please ask the blessing of your god to heal you. If there are others who require healing, let them come forward now. We will waste no more time covering our tracks as our whereabouts are already known. Once we are packed up, we will ride hard to Camlost. We will only stop if absolutely necessary."

Once the party starts packing up camp, Ran will approach Salix and ask him what he knows of dreams.

From: Mark

Subject Gods

I will do that tonight after my son's concert.

From: Karl

Subject Spells

Salix rises, but before he can begin his morning meditation he is surprised to learn they all had the same vision. This made it all the more important he complete the task that first came to his mind upon waking. He excuses himself from the group and begins his Morning meditation, though to any observer he seems less joyful and more troubled and determined as he faces the East with outspread arms, head bowed rather than thrown back to receive the sunlight. (updated prayer list). When he finishes, it is abrupt and he wordlessly goes to his pack and removes a bit of parchment and something to write with. He records every detail he can remember about the vision on the tiny bit of parchment. Anyone looking over his shoulder would wonder what he was up to as the markings would be unreadable to them even if they weren't written so very tiny.

After several minutes of furious scribbling, Salix rolls the parchment into a tiny tube. Holding the tube in his hand, he walks to where the others are having breakfast and breaks a small piece of bread from the loaf. He then walks to the far edge of the camp and kneels facing the trees. Closing his eyes, he begins whistling a soft, but oddly penetrating warble. After a minute or so of this a tiny bird appears, flitting from tree limb to tree limb, and finally, incredibly, it lands on the ground inches from Salix's knees.

Opening his eyes, Salix ties the parchment tube to the bird's leg with a bit of string he pulled from the hem of his tunic. He then places two fingers gently on the bird's head and continues a soothing whistle while keeping in his mind the location of a small druid outpost about 3 days birdflight from them. After a minute or so of this, he opens his eyes, whistles once sharply and the little bird takes flight towards the Greenwood forest and (hopefully) the small outpost there.

All this completed, he returns to the group.

From: Mark

Subject Gods

Salix's total was about the same 13+2=15.

Between Ran and Harp, they will be able to fill in the rest of the party on the basics of Hextor. I just do not have my Dietys book with me. I will send it out tonight.

From: Karl

Subject Note

(OOC - Just to clarify, Mark, Salix detailed the entire vision in the note, including the basics of the task he was currently performing for Quarion and that he should be back in Schon soon. He also wrote on the outside of the scroll that it was private information to be relayed to Stormfather Acer of the Druids of the Great North Woods as quickly as possible. The note was written in Druidic.)

From: Derrell

Subject Visions

Fal is still in a daze as lea leaves his tent. He wonders if the others had the same dream. Finally, he speaks. " I just had the strangest dream."

From: Kevin

Subject Vision

Harp will respond to Ran's question in the affirmative and will begin to break camp in order to get moving as quickly as possible. He will "help" the others get moving as swiftly as possible since he is some familiarity with the evil who is behind the message they all recieved.

From: Mark

Subject Gods

Ok here is the basic info that Harp and Kal would be able to tell the group about these two.

Heironeous is the god of valor. In game terms he is LG. He promotes justice, chivalry and honor. His favored weapon is the longsword. Hextor is his half brother.

Hextor is the god of tyranny. In game terms he is LE. His favored weapon is the flail. He sends his followers to commit evil and their special purpose is to overthrow the followers of Heironeous wherever they are found.

From: Karl

Subject Dreams

"What do I know of dreams?" Salix repeats. "Well, to the point I know that this was no dream. That was a warning."

From: Jake

Subject Spell

Is there something about the nature of the spell Salix cast that guarantees that the message will be delivered?

From: Mark

Subject Spell


Spells, reading material and on the run

From: Karl

Subject Spells

Well, I don't know what the chance of spell (PRAYER) failure is, but the if the spell goes off correctly, the bird will go to the spot Salix was thinking of and wait until the spell ends. It lasts 4 days per level and the spot he was thinking of he estimates to be 3 days away as the little bird flies. That means he'll mill around for a day waiting for someone to notice and remove the message. In *MY* imagination this is a pretty useful spell for Druids to use to communicate with each other, so *I* imagine most druid outposts would have a location where such messengers arrive and that it would be checked frequently. Now whether our illustrious DM will see things that way (after all it *is* his world) I can't say.

I also don't know what other failure factors would have to be rolled against to see if it works. Is there a roll to see if the bird gets eaten by a hawk on the way? Is there a roll to see if the Druid who should be manning the messenger spot was off in the loo reading comic books and missed the messenger? These are questions for our DM. Mark?? Inquiring minds want to know!

From: Karl

Subject spells

Correction: It lasts 1 day per level, meaning at Salix's level it lasts 4 days.

From: Mark

Subject Turn

I have been swamped at work today. I will try and get something out tonight after Lost.

From: Josh

Subject Turn

Somebody needs to get his priorites straight. Work before DnD? C'mon now.

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Tell me about it. Dumb ass customers.

From: Jake

Subject Reading

Hey! Those are graphic novels, buddy, and don't you forget it!

From: Karl

Subject Reading

Even the Donald Duck ones?

From: Kevin

Subject Reading

The way you two carry on you would think it was Archie and Jughead.

From: Karl

Subject Reading

Yuk! Yuk! ;-)

From: Mark

Subject Spell

The spell worked, but Karl listed the problems that might arise before what he is trying to accomplish is done.

Enquiring minds might want to know, but to paraphrase The Dread Pirate Roberts, "learn to live with disappointment.

Turn forthcoming.

From: Jake

Subject Reading

Are we talking about Frank Miller's Dark Mallard? Because if so, then yeah, especially Donald Duck.

From: Mark

Subject on the run

Ran calls the group to attention and speaks. "We have all had a strange dream filled with evil portents. There is still danger ahead of us. The man spoke of testing us once more. I fear that this will occur soon. Lady Rochelle is not yet safely in the protection of Heronin and therefore our job is not done. We must make haste to bring her to safety but let us not be reckless. Harp, have your injuries yet recovered? If not, please ask the blessing of your god to heal you. If there are others who require healing, let them come forward now. We will waste no more time covering our tracks as our whereabouts are already known. Once we are packed up, we will ride hard to Camlost. We will only stop if absolutely necessary."

Harp replies ?Heironeous has already granted my prayers and I am fit. As far as I know the party is at full strength. I do not fear the servants of the Scourge of Battle. Let him send what he will.? However Harp does move off to prepare the group to ride. Ran calls Salix over. ?What do you know about dreams?? Salix looks at him a bit startled. ?What do I know of dreams? Enough to know that that was no ordinary dream. It was a warning. Maybe Fal would have a better idea.? When asked Fal replies ? I have never heard of a spell like that.(Spellcraft check, DC?, 11+4=15, fail) At that point Harp let's every one know that they are ready to ride.

Cai, Bel and Salix consult with each about where they are. They know that they are near the border of Undulant with Camlost and Fornax. ?We definitely want to get into Camlost. Not that well organized but good people.? says Bel. ?You know we could try and find the Mountain road.? Cai chimes in. We can take it to Halburg and then cut across country. The only problem would be crossing the Dango river this far north, but I know of a ford just this side of the mountains. After that you have to go to Riverguard to find a bridge.? Bel and Salix nod at this plan and the two rangers move out.

The three give the party the bad news. It is almost 200 miles to the ford of the Dango River and another 100 to the border of Schon with Camlost. From there it is another 150 miles or so to Gorn. ?We are talking a little over two weeks before we can get back? Salix tells them. ?Well, it is not getting any shorter sitting here. Let's move? Ran says, and they are off.

OODM: I will try and write more tomorrow night. Any RP you want to do is fine with me.

Social diseases and pissed off DM

From: Karl

Subject On the run

The group packs up and heads out. After the group has gone several miles and the progress seems steady, Salix takes the opportunity to ride up to the side of the Lady Rochelle again. A little sad that the bad news in their last conversation had left her depressed, Salix wants to cheer her up, especially after the shared vision, which seems to have dampened everyone's spirits.

"So you say we're practically neighbors," he begins hopefully but he appears to have jostled Rochelle out of deep thought. She stares at him a moment as if not recognizing him. "The Great North Forest?" he offers. "You said we're practically neighbors. Do you know much of The Forest?"

From: Kevin

Subject On the run

Harp will ride along quietly, trying to not draw attention to himself. He will keep to the rear of the group as usual. If he gets a chance, he will talk to Surin, thanking him for his support in the altercation with Kal. If pressed, he will express some of his frustration but will not go into an all out rant. He will have his crossbow loaded and at his side, his other weapons sheathed.

From: Mark

Subject Turn

I just got done with an 1-1/2 hour webcast by a potential customer, most of you would recognize the name if I said it, and they basically said that they want us to do every thing for them for no additional cost so that we can help them survive in the market. This as our margins are shrinking to almost nothing.

So you all die when the meteor strike hits. Don't blame me. Blame our customers.

From: Kevin

Subject pity party

OOC: I've been hearing you bitch about your margins for the last 7 years. You sound like a farmer - when the weather is good, there is too much crop and prices stink. When the weather is bad, prices are good, but there is no crop. But smart people still seem to be able to make a living farming.

Suck it up and get back to work you baby.

Sort of IC: Harp hears a tune playing in his head. It sounds oddly like the Death March from the memorial service held for deceased members of the Order. Why would that tune come unbidden to him at this time. What could have caused that?? Makes you go Hmmmmmm....

From: Mark

Subject Social disease

OODM: Harp comes down with a social disease that he caught from his horse.

From: Jake

Subject Social disease

Fear the DM.

Equine VD will be the least of our troubles if we rile him up.


From: Jake

Subject Surin and Harp

Tall Twin, if you want to RP the conversation that's cool. If not, we can just go with this summary of Surin's response.

Surin seems a little relieved when Harp thanks him for piping up. He'd spoken out in the heat of anger, and afterward hadn't been certain that Harp would have appreciated being spoken for in that way.

Surin will ride along, throwing axe at the ready, scanning the wilderness around them as they ride. He doesn't really expect much interference from the man in the dream yet, but he's keeping an eye out nonetheless.

On the way home

From: Mark

Subject on the way home

The party sets out for home.

The first few days everyone is on constant guard, waiting for the axe to fall. The man in the dream had said that he would test them one more time and no one wanted to be unprepared. They were able to find the North Mountain road. By early afternoon on the second day they reached Halburg. It was a small walled town but it had a nice clean inn. For the first time in several weeks they were all able to sleep in beds and have regular meals, not camp fodder. Rochelle in particular was pleased to finally get a chance to get some new clothes. ?Heironin would flay me if I let you travel in only the rags you had, and we have some coin.? So they took a little time for her to go to a clothes shop and get some more appropriate attire for the road.

They are back on the road by mid day. Rochelle and Salix talk some about her homeland. ?I have been to the Great North Woods once when I was traveling with my father. He said that it spread over hundreds of leagues, even over into the Wildlands. Is the forest really that big?? Soon after they leave Halburg the road takes a sharp turn south. The party leaves the main road and heads east, the mountains shadowing them to the north. Every now and then Grey or Ebon come swooping in, letting the party know that there are people about. The country side is sparsely populated with farmsteads and mining communities. They follow local roads and go cross country when they have to.

Every now and then a small party of people passes them on the roads. Some are farmers taking crops to the local village or town. Once they are stopped by an armed patrol, but are able to answer the questions of the guards adequately. The guards recognize Harp's holy symbol and seem to pay heed to it. Once they even encounter a group of poorly armed and armored young men, about half a dozen or so, heading north. This rag tag group tells them that they heard rumors of a monster in the mountains with a pile of gold. All in all it is a peaceful land. The only problem is the weather. After several weeks of almost no rain, it seems as if Obad-Hai or whoever is controlling the rain decides to make up for it.

It rains on and off for most of the week after the party leaves Halburg. ?At least it will make it harder for the guy from the dream to track us? Cai remarks.

OODM: I will write more over the weekend.

From: Karl

Subect: The Woods

"The Great North Woods is truly immense. I have traveled extensively within its borders and yet there are many areas I have not seen. Indeed, there are some areas that one of my level and experience is expressly forbidden to enter.

"Yet, there are wondrous areas to be seen. There are flora and fauna there which are unique in all the land. Many of the trees are the oldest living things in the world. I have seen trees so ancient 30 men with hands linked could not form a circle around the trunk.

"But there must be wonders unique to your land as well? I've heard your city is quite beautiful, though I've never had the privilege of knowing that for myself. You must miss it terribly after the ordeals you've faced."

From: Kevin

Subject Surin and Harp

"Surin, I think that even had I been angry with you for "piping up", I would have found it difficult to have stayed angry with you for long. My training in the Order has left very little time for humor and playfulness, I have come to enjoy your playful banter. I have very little experience conversing with others outside my Order; my presence is usually a damper on casual conversation. I would guess that had you met me under different circumstances, your attitude toward me might be much the same as Kal's, though maybe not quite so hostile.

My fear is that Kal is right, some day my control will break, and I will be the cause of pain for my companions. It is a struggle to keep from just reacting without thinking. I don't know if I will ever make a good member of the Order. I am not sure which it is that keeps me going - my appreciation to the Order for taking me in and giving me a home, or my desire to try and prove that I can control my violent side.

Harp will drift off into silent introspection but will converse if approached.

From: Jake

Subject Surin and Harp

As Harp talks, Surin rolls himself a cigarette and lights it with a twig that had been half in and half out of the fire (OOC: Unless we're all riding along, that is. If that's the case, forget all the cigarette stuff), and draws a deep lung full of smoke.

"Well," Surin replies, pausing for a moment to exhale the smoke through his nose, "seems to me your god approves of you--if it were me praying each morning I don't reckon he'd be giving *me* powers."

He eyes the cigarette's glowing tip contemplatively for a moment. "May be he sees you better'n you see yourself."