The snake

From: Mark

Subject The snake

Ally's mind almost divides in two as he moves to his desk and starts his copying for the day. He sets part of his mind on autopilot; the part that is doing the copying. The other part he keeps in contact with Sysyphys. Although he could not talk with the snake through their mental connection, they had been able to communicate more and more information as Ally had progressed in power and the longer the two were connected. Ally could sense Sysyphys's enjoyment of the fresh morning air and the chill dew on the grass. The snake had spent too much time cooped up in his robes or in his backpack or in the room at the inn. He was glad to stretch his muscles and take a slither around the grounds.

The first hour or so all the snake sent back was his tasting familiar taste: squirrel, snake, chipmunk, beetle, mouse, rat. All of the common small creatures and insects. The taste of dog was also strong in many places and Sysyphys would have to keep his tongue out for those. Once he had gotten the taste of the land Sysyphys headed out for the part of the house his master had instructed him to investigate. The next hour was spent searching for a way in to the basement that was known to be there. Surprisingly Sysyphys is unable to find any man made entrances. No doors, no cracks in the foundation, at least none on the surface, and no windows to let air in. "Now what, Master?" the snake thinks the Ally. The mage thinks for a few minutes and then gives a suggestion. "See if the other snakes know of any way in." Sysyphys give a mental nod and slithers off to find the local legless wonders.

A half hour later the snake has found out what he was looking for. Another snake tells him in simple terms that the rats of the house have a way into the basement on the side away from the servants. The rats, the other snake says, are mean and cruel and vicious. They will gladly eat a snake. He gives Sysyphys the directions for the location of one of the rat holes in the yard. Sysyphys thanks his relative and heads off in the proper direction. Minutes later he is in the right area. He can taste the rats on the grass, a foul, putrid taste. Snakes liked to eat live kills, they were fresher and cleaner. Rats had no such compunction. They would eat almost anything, living or dead. Sysyphys sends the image of a nice roast chicken to Ally and the image of Sysyphys swallowing the hole thing and then sleeping for a very long time. Ally stifles a chuckle at the image and sends one of a nice warm fireplace back.

In the dark tunnel Sysyphys moves slowly, tasting the air continually. The taste of rat is almost overpowering, but so is the taste of death. Dead squirrels, dead chipmunks dead birds; the scent of death permeates the ground. For the next hour the snake works his way around the maze that is this rat warren. Every now and then he runs into a rat, but a single hiss is enough to drive them off. Eventually Sysyphys figures out the pattern and where the main nest should be. He moves with purpose, sending an image to Ally of him killing any of the rats he has seen. A few minutes later he senses the tunnel widening out into a larger chamber. It seems to be about 10 feet by 15 feet and maybe 5 feet high. He can taste the tree roots in the walls and the rat dung that fills up the nest. He smells that there are a lot of rats in here but he must go on.

Hissing to move the rats out of the way, Sysyphys slides into the chamber. He keeps to one side, trying to make sure that he is not surrounded. The rats hang back until there is a chitter from the dark corner at the other end of the chamber. It has the sound of a command and at it's sound, 10 rats rush forward, teeth barred. (Init Sysyphys15, rats 4).

Knowing that it is better to go on offense then to be overwhelmed, Sysyphys strikes first. He strikes with the speed that his species is known for but his target jumps back at the last second. The rats surround Sysyphys on three sides and attack.

A flurry of bites and one scratches the scales on the snakes side (1HP). Sysyphys turns almost back on himself and lands his fangs in the things back, the sharp teeth puncturing the rats hear (AC14, 8+6=14, hit, damage 1). The snake throws the body away as the others strike again. Again one of the rats is able to scratch Sysyphys on the side (1HP). The little snake writhes and strikes with lightening speed (AC14, 14+6=20, hit, damage 1). Another rat falls, poison coursing through its body. The rat pack attack again, another furry flurry of teeth and claws. Two more of the rats are able to claw at his scales but the snake is able to avoid most of the damage (2HP damage). Again the snake attacks, catching the closest rat in the eyes with his fangs (AC14, 18+6=24,hit, damage 1). Twisting around to keep the other rats to his front, Sysyphys draws back when six of the remaining rats try and rush him. As one runs by, he snaps again (AC14, 18+6=24, hit, damage 1HP) and breaks it's spine as it rushes past.

The little snake coils itself up again, preparing for the next rush. Again and again its reflexes save it from bites from angry rats. Sysyphys lashes out again in the dark and feels his fangs go deep into the body of another rat (AC14, 11+6=18, hit, damage 1). He feels his poison sack contract and inject the rat with the lethal mixture.

The other rats seem to hesitate but another chitter from the corner and they renew their assault. Like a whirling string, Sysyphys bobs and weaves, evading the stinking teeth and fetid claws of the rats. Now that half of them are gone, the snake is feeling a bit more confident. He bites again and rips out the throat of another rat (AC14, 18+6=24, hit, damage 1). The four remaining dash in again but Sysyphys finds it much easier to evade them now that he has more room. Four a 7th time his head moves like lightening and his fangs sink into rat flesh (AC14,13+6=19,hit, damage 1). The chittering sound from the corner comes again and the remaining three rats retreat. From the corner Sysyphys can taste another creature slowly walking forward. It taste like rat but different. It taste more wild, fiercer, wilder.

OODM: I have to go have dinner. I will write more later tonight.

From: Mark

Subject The snake cont.

Ally, still using half his mind to work on the project before him, screams in his mind. Sysyphys, get out of there! He gets an image back of a rat dragging a snake out of a hole tail first and crushing the snakes spine. Ally then gets an image of a snake swallowing a large rat. Ally gets the idea but is still distressed by what Sysyphys plans on doing. Through their connection he senses what is happening.

The snakes tongue flicks out faster and faster, tasting the chamber, getting a feel for its size and where things are. It tastes like the other rats are letting the big rat take him on its own. It was larger than he was, a good four feet long and it tasted like it was the size of one of those dogs hanging around the inn they were staying at. If he could kill the leader the rest should leave him alone, at least for a while. Deciding to take the offensive, Sysyphys slithers up and lunges at the big rat. (Init:Sysyphys 17, rat 13).

Sysyphys moves his body to the side but darts his head in at the things haunches (AC15, 14+6=20, hit, damage 1). Too late the rat realizes what the snake is doing and the fangs lodge deep in the rats rear left leg. The rat whips its head around and tries to chomp down on the scaly head attached to his leg but Sysyphys lets go at the last moment (AC21, 16+4=20, miss) and the teeth catch nothing but air. Sysyphys slithers around to the front of the rat and strikes again, this time burying his fangs in the things throat (AC15, 9+6=15, hit, damage 1). The rat claws at the snake, pulling him free and biting at the snake again as he does. For a second time Sysyphys is able to whip is body away from the vicious bite (AC21, 16+4=20, miss) and twirling himself away from the wounded rat. Circling the bleeding rat, Sysyphys makes another lightening strike but the rat senses it coming and pulls away at the last moment (AC15, 4+6=10, miss).

The rat makes a half hearted bite at the snake and miss by a wide margin. This throws the rat off balance enough for Sysyphys to strike again (AC15, 16+6=22, hit damage 1). For a third time the snakes fangs bury themselves deep in the flesh of the rat, puncturing vital organs. The rat almost bends itself in two trying to get at its tormentor (AC21, 10+4=14, miss) but Sysyphys slides his body around the back of the rat and comes up the other side biting again (AC15, 19+6=25, hit damage 1), drawing more blood. Sysyphys wonders if this animal will ever realize how out classed it is. The creature may not know it is outclassed but it does know when it is beat. It tries to move away from Sysyphys and in the instant it turns it back the snake strikes again (AC15, 12+6=18,hit, damage 1). On this strike, Sysyphys injects his poison and feels the rat stiffen even before it stops breathing.

His tongue flicking about and a loud hissing issuing from his mouth, Sysyphys tries to intimidate the other rats (DC 15, 14+1+2=17, success). The other rats pull back from the body of their dead leader, leaving Sysyphys a chance to take another taste of the chamber. It takes him a minute but he finally tastes what he was looking for. One of the paths out of the chamber has a different scent to it, a faint metallic flavor. Slithering towards that opening the rats fall all over themselves getting out of the snakes way. Sysyphys travels for another 15 minutes or so and then, from ahead, he can tell that the path ends.

He can see a dim light up ahead so he slows down. He edges himself to where the light is and he can see that the tunnel comes out in the corner of a long hallway. The hallway is made of stone but it looks very dank and slimy. There is a small torch on the wall that burns with out making any smoke. Sysyphys uses his tongue to check for any humans. Their scent is strong but not recent. He decides to wait. "I think I should go on now master? What say you?"

OODM: I will let Derek decide if Sysyphys should go on.

From: Kevin

Subject The snake

OOC: Go Sysphys!!!!

You showed that rat. I wish Harp got those type of rolls.

From: Josh

Subject The snake

Thats one bad snake.

From: Derek

Subject The snake

OOC: Great writing, Mark. That was really well done. Question: Can Allistair deliver touch spells through Sysyphys while they are separated like this? If I understand correctly, if Allistair casts a touch spell while in contact with Sysyphys, he can then have the snake deliver the touch, right? I guess it's moot right now since Allistair didn't cast anything on Sysyphys beforehand, but if we have to go back there to rescue someone we could make really good use of a polymorph or gaseous form spell to get someone out of there.

IC: Allistair is really impressed with his familiar's abilities. If he gets out of this alive, Allistair makes a mental note to give him more free time. As to whether to proceed or not, Sysyphys has done more than well already, but they haven't actually learned anything useful yet. Allistair instructs Sysyphys to go ahead, but of course to be careful. Avoid any humans out and walking around, but try and find out if anyone is being held there.